Galactic Center Magic

Tuesday (11/19) Jupiter passes over the Galactic center-something that only occurs every 12 years. Though this event “officially” happens Tuesday, like all of astrology we feel the effects days (sometimes weeks) before and after.

What does that mean?

The tiny orb on which we live sits in one galaxy of infinity called the Milky Way. Twenty-five thousand light-years away at the galaxy center, astrologers believe there is a massive (4 million suns size massive) black hole of ever-expanding matter constantly birthing stars and other heavenly bodies. Shaped like an infinity symbol, everything in our galaxy is swirling around it and from it. Black holes are not drains sucking everything in like giant vacuums, but instead, hold immense gravitational pull with the capacity to absorb even light. The center of the galaxy and subsequent gravitational pull creates the balanced precise, and delicate orbits of our solar system.

This galactic center is located between 26° and 27 ° Sagittarius, the sign of seeking and ever-expanding knowledge. The ancient Mayans studied this galactic centriole, comparing it to a womb, birthing the cosmos.

Astrologically, the heart of the galaxy represents the heart of who we are, where we birth the most unique and profound of ideas, and where we quite literally create our reality through the filter of the beliefs we hold.

Astronomers are not quite sure what is beyond the galactic center, though they conclude it is a universal ingress to immense potential.

Astrologers also see it as a doorway to the prime mover, a cosmic portal to the very root of creation itself. Call it God. Call it Source. Call it whatever you want. Whatever animates this thing we call reality is said to reside there.

Mystically and practically, the location of the galactic center in our charts can be an opening to undiscovered truths, a channel for wisdom that can make a tremendous impact on our lives and the lives of others. It is where we are natural seekers.

If we hold the premise we are all both students and teachers in this Earth School called life, the galactic center in your chart reveals both where you are invited to learn, and students will appear to teach, caught in the gravitational force of this divine knowledge you have.

Tony Robbins, for example, has his galactic center in the third house. The third house represents all things involved in communication- perception, speaking, writing, and teaching big ideas.

The galactic center is not just where we ask big questions and have a voracious appetite to seek wisdom, but also where the answers actually come.

Jupiter, the planet of expansion, is meeting the point of expansion (look for 27° Sag. in your chart*).

Both personally and collectively, it is as if the door to this immense point is opened wide, and soul questions are answered.

So use it!

~Expect new opportunities that offer significant possibilities to expand your horizons.
~Look for forks in the road or choice points that promise enhanced clarity and inspiration.
~Welcome more vivid dreams and meditations, offering answers to big questions.
~Explore epiphanies and flashes of insight for the next steps in your personal journey.
~Anticipate unexplored truths and intuitive knowing to expand.
~Feel more infused with a sense of faith and feeling more open and optimistic.

Be open to see openings where there were once only walls.

If you have big questions, now is the time to ask them. Signs, synchronicities, and revelations are there to offer the answers.

Take this time to pay attention- journal, meditate, dream, pray, and get still.

It is not a time to go back but look forward.

The journey awaits….

2 thoughts on “Galactic Center Magic”

  1. Pingback: Gemini Full Moon 12/18-19-Making Amends – Aleka Thorvalson, CPC, PCC

  2. Pingback: Sagittarius New Moon Solar Eclipse 12/14- Choice points of Co-creation – Aleka Thorvalson, CPC, PCC

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