Sagittarius New Moon Solar Eclipse 12/14- Choice points of Co-creation

As I reflect on the past year and look forward to the next, I am both astounded and humbled by 2020. It has been a year of uncovering, exposing, and unveiling. It has also been a year of devoted sacrifice, sacredness, reverence, and clarity of values only found in the graces of shadow walks. And we are not done, of course. We will need to grieve, process, and integrate into the coming months and years. Looking back to look forward is the gift of history. I wonder how time will hone our perspective on the choices and actions chosen in the last year. I suspect much will be revealed.
This New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius is a powerful one- eclipses always are. Certainly, this one marks a power pivot between the last year and the new one, not merely literally but energetically. There is a breath of fresh air coming with the Solstice and upcoming Saturn/ Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius on the 21st. When the force of discipline and integrity (Saturn) joins with ideals and higher truth (Jupiter), real innovation and genius is possible (Aquarius). (For more on this dynamic conjunction, check out The winds of Change 2021.)
First, though, we must navigate the most profound layers of discovery.
That is where we find ourselves at this New Moon. At the most intense level of revelation. Why?
First off, this is a South Node eclipse, highlighting the things that are simply no longer working. These include stories, spells, belief systems, definitions, cultures, biases, relationships, comfort zones- anything that requires updating. (For more on the North Node in Gemini, check out Through the Looking Glass). Reality has a way of cutting through all the subterfuge. Of course, the intention is to reveal so we can do the work to reckon with it. There are definitely some fate based karmic equations being worked out regarding a united truth.
Additionally, this New Moon is just a few degrees away from the Galactic Center (for more on that, go here), illuminating potent themes of potential and co-creation. This makes sense. As we arrive at the junction between intention and potential, we must clarify just what is animating the system.
This is why the first (and often the most challenging) step to working with co-creative potential is radical accountability. It is also the step most metaphysical teachings bypass with things like toxic positivity, the law of attraction, affirmations, and other ego prayers (Check out the difference between Ego and Soul Prayers). In truth, no amount of “positive” spin can override a deeply ingrained archetypal pattern- especially if that pattern saved your life at an earlier time. Instead, compassion, understanding, authenticity, somatic awareness, feeling, and shadow work (making the unconscious conscious) are needed to lovingly shift the contract with that part of yourself.
Radical accountability means it is time to face hard truths and then do hard things. It means challenging our ingrained biases, identities, and habits.
There will be parts of ourselves that will resist it, though. There will be parts that demand we are right and everyone else is wrong. Parts that want to blame, project, and fall into the shadow victim or addict. Parts that want to manifest or affirm a “solution” desiring an easy button. Good. Let them speak. None of these parts are inherently wrong. In fact, they might have aided you tremendously at some point. Old, outdated, and wounded, they are just not helpful to instigating change. There is needed wisdom in the hurt.  Abandonment. Betrayal. Pain. Shame. Rage. Grief. We cannot transform what we do not see or feel.  
Because when we speak about things like co-creation the field of potential only responds to authenticity. What IS. To realize lasting change, we can’t front, manipulate, or bypass what is happening outside or inside us. Our current reality is precisely the purpose we are seeking.
And here we find ourselves—the reality of our lives on full display, our shadow layers no longer hidden, the unconscious made conscious. We find ourselves in the cave on the hero’s journey, the deepest depths of who we are. It is meant to be humbling, perhaps a bit overwhelming. It is meant to inspire thoughts like, “This is it. I cannot do this anymore. Something has to change”. It is meant to challenge our faith, inspiration, and require us to pull out all our tools. It is meant to urge us to ask for help and support, preferably from someone that knows the terrain. It is meant to inspire us, get us moving, and offer power pivots of potential. It is meant to evoke passion, anger, grief and all the other alchemical processes needed to turn our lead to gold.
Because we are far from powerless, and the laws of resonance and co-creation certainly apply. When we get to know the whole of who we are, we become the choice makers in our destiny, deciding which part runs the show. Our lives become vastly different when the shadow victim, child, or addict stops making our decisions, and instead, the victor, adult, and mystic are in charge. We can upgrade any contract or archetype in unbelievably miraculous ways. However, we first have to get to know them through compassionate accountability and shadow excavation.
Eclipses are needed resets to the system after all. A blink of an eye that allows us to perceive anew.
But the reckoning can only come after the revelation.  Both personally and collectively, the door to this powerful point of co-creation is opened wide, and immense potentiality is at our fingertips. 
It is up to us to use it wisely.

“PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT! Due to the cumulative effect of collective sharing and loving intentionality, the Shame Train has derailed at the junction of Self-Belief and Divine Uniqueness. The engine couldn’t run on self-hatred any longer. All formerly shamed passengers please disembark the train. You are free. A new train—fueled by healthy self-regard and sacred purpose—will be along momentarily to pick you up. No tickets required on this self-love train—just a growing faith in your sacred magnificence. All aboard!”
― Jeff Brown, Ascending with Both Feet on the Ground: Words to Awaken your Heart

*This New Moon Solar Eclipse occurs at 23° Sagittarius.
Want to better understand and utilize the gifts 2021? Contact me for a reading.
*Photo Credit, Igor Kasalovic on Unsplash

1 thought on “Sagittarius New Moon Solar Eclipse 12/14- Choice points of Co-creation”

  1. Pingback: New Moon Solar Eclipse Sagittarius 12/4-Looking back to look forward – Aleka Thorvalson, CPC, PCC

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