Sagittarius Full Moon —May 29–Don’t believe your own BS (belief system)

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Foundations have been rocked these last few weeks, and the cracks are still being assessed. (Read more about The Taurus New Moon here). Questions have arisen that have asked us to look deeply at where we place our power.

What are you standing on?
What identities, beliefs, stories, and spells are creating the base to your life?

If our foundation is forged in victim thinking, the world will feel victimizing. If our beliefs and thoughts are rooted in defense, we continually experience a battlefield. If our beliefs are rooted in unworthiness, we will always feel lacking.

This Full Moon in Sagittarius reminds us the power of co-creation comes not just in the being but also in the believing.

Science is catching up with ancient wisdom here. Teachers like Candice Pert, Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and Mario Martinez inspire us with their study of epigenetics (link). In short, epigenetics is how what we believe, think, and feel affects our biology. What they are finding, of course, is our health, relationships, and version of life is not just determined by genetics or fate, but also influenced tremendously by our psychology (what we think, believe, and feel).

“The moment you change your perception is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body” ~Bruce Lipton

Let me also make perfectly clear this is not about shame or blame. The ego loves to see through the eyes of punishment. From a soul perspective our symptoms, whatever flavor they take, are wake up calls, not retribution. You did not “ask” for this, “make” this happen, or “deserve” some devastating event. The Sagittarius arrow of truth focuses on what we DO with what we are given. That is our choice point.

There is fate, and there is destiny. Fate is the cards we are dealt, and destiny is how we play the cards.

Thus regarding destiny, where we put our energy does expand and create that frequency of energy. (Check out Lynne McTaggart’s work around the Zero Point Field for more.) We are creatures of habit. In 2005, the National Science Foundation published an article regarding research about human thoughts per day. The average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Most of those, roughly 95%, are repetitive, meaning they are the same thoughts we thought yesterday. Of that 95 %, about 80% are negative in nature. What this reveals is the same input equates with the same output.

Another side note, please don’t beat yourself up for the fact most of your thoughts are negative in nature. This “negativity bias” is evolutionarily beneficial as we are always on guard for the possibility of danger. The organism that detects danger efficiently stays more alive. The problem, however, is most of our repetitive thinking is created early in our lives when we had much less power over our environment. If things were traumatic and/or dangerous that just adds another layer of intensity to the mix. Then we carry that same programming into our adult lives believing our own belief system (or what I call our BS). So, the 95% is not entirely accurate, current, or maybe even relevant to resent time, yet still powerfully animates our reality.

In simplistic terms, the reality we experience, to a large extent, is a sum total of the continuous information we put into the system and much of that information is old, outdated and discounts the fact we have both power and wisdom.

Beginning to see the problem here?

We continually (and unconsciously) put the same information into the system with the same results. To change the output, we need to change the input.

Sagittarius always asks us to look deeply at what beliefs create the foundations of our lives and put them to inquiry. Because the fact is, we do have the ability to shift that continuous 95%  and change everything.

The particular beliefs you are being asked to assess depends on the house this Full Moon lands in.

  • The first house will ask you to look at beliefs about survival or safety.
  • The second house focuses on resources (ie:money) and beliefs around worthiness and lack.
  • The third house highlights how freely you can communicate your truth and any beliefs that block that force.
  • The fourth house offers beliefs around family connection and vulnerability.
  • The fifth house reveals beliefs about joy and fun in your life (surprisingly, this one is especially challenging).
  • The sixth house will ask you to examine beliefs about responsibility and how you give and receive.
  • The seventh house shows you beliefs about friendships and partnering.
  • The eighth house stirs up beliefs around trust, power, and uncertainty.
  • The ninth house asks you to examine what you believe about philosophy or religion.
  • The tenth house focuses on beliefs around work and doing what you love.
  • The eleventh house discloses beliefs about being authentic in a world of conformity.
  • The twelfth house examines beliefs concerning a higher power and intuition.

So, just think positive thoughts right? Just replace all those negative thoughts with positive ones?

Not so fast.

Most of you that have worked with me know I’m not a huge fan of positive affirmations in the way they are most popularly suggested . Mostly because they don’t work. While the premise is correct, we have to work at the level of cause to change the effect.

From an article called “The Right use of Affirmation”.

Enter “affirmation”; another popular metaphysical buzzword. Affirmations can be a type of reverse psychology for the psyche, as they attempt to convince us we believe something other than we really (deep down at the core) believe. For example, you could be thinking positive, wonderful things; the most uplifting, powerful and dynamic affirmations you can string together. Yet no matter how you direct your surface thoughts, if you do not access and change beliefs at the core, it is just smoke and mirrors.

Do affirmations really work as agents for change?

Yes, if two conditions are present:
• They are fully in alignment with our core beliefs
• We don’t believe them at all.

The first point is self-explanatory-when thoughts and beliefs are in alignment there is no misalignment.

Affirmations we do not believe can be huge catalysts for change? What? How? Because they allow us to bring deeply held beliefs and feelings to our conscious awareness. For example, if you desire to release weight, perhaps you choose the affirmation “I am light and free”. What really arises when you say/think that thought? If it is a working affirmation, your first thought will be, “No way! I am huge and enormous. I am the opposite of light and free. I am huge and trapped,” and you might have uncomfortable feelings matching that thought. This is your chance to go deeper. Is there some shame, trauma, pain or outdated belief that requires integration? Might there be a story that needs challenging? The power of an affirmation we do not believe does not lie in the rearranging of the words, but rather in uncovering and undoing the belief at its core.
Only then, when our beliefs and intentions are in alignment, do we have the ability to co-create and manifest the destiny of our very best selves.”

So, seek the cracks. Look deeply at what is planted there and ask if it is in alignment with your highest and most current truth. If not, excavate to the root level and plant what is more true, more serving, and more an expression of the light within you- not the limitation. 

To check out the full article go here or listen to the podcast.

Want to learn more about how this particular moon and what these current cycles are asking of you? Contact me for a reading.

Want to learn more about yourself through astrology? Sign up now for the Basics of Integrated Astrology Online Class starting June 5th.

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