New Moon in Taurus —May 15–Shaking Foundations

Taurus is the most earthly of signs representing Gaia herself. Thus, Taurus not only reminds us of the profound stability and reverent peace that resides outside of us but within us as well.

The ebb and flow of the tide,

the rise and setting of the sun,

the birth and death of the seasons themselves.

As above so below, and as within so without.

Taurus, though quiet in its eminent stability, should not be mistaken for weakness. After all, the foundation determines the strength and support of the structure upon it rests. Weak bases create weak structures. No matter if we are talking about buildings, relationships, or governments.

This New Moon asks you to check your foundation.

What are you standing on?
What identities, beliefs, stories, and spells are creating the base to your life?

Because those are about to be shaken.

Just a few hours after the New Moon in Taurus, Uranus leaves Aries and enters Taurus for the first time since 1938. It is not uncommon to have earthquakes both literally and figuratively when the planet of revolution and radical change meets the earthy sign of stability. The beginning of the month resulted in the awakening of the Kīlauea volcano on the island of Hawaii. It is also interesting to note the asteroid goddess Pele has been dancing with the heavy hitters Pluto, Saturn, and Uranus for a while now leading up to this eruption.

Hawaii is no stranger to Pele’s force. Most people with their hearts in Hawaii have a quiet appreciation and humble respect for her strength.  Myth has Pele as a powerful, sometimes jealous, perhaps even vengeful force, yet we are always reminded of her majesty to settle the score fairly. She embodies the true force of anger within all of us as both a destructive and creative force. We, as humans upon the Earth in our innate hubris, often forget we are guests here. There is no stopping the splitting of the Earth. No extinguishing molten rock and fire.

 Pele is seen of the land, not separate from it, and thus her respect is given freely not earned. Legend has it that people who remove rocks or sand from Hawaii will face hardship and bad luck. Hundreds of packages of rocks and sand are returned to Hawaii every year often with letters recounting unfortunate events that transpired after returning to the mainland. (Check out some of these letters here) If we forget where we come from, if we forget that we are tenants on this earth, it just takes one earth-shaking second to remind us.  This is not to be seen as punishment- only the higher law of cause and effect. 

No doubt, there are and will be external environmental wake-up calls coming as Uranus ventures through Taurus until 2026.

Technical truths will hopefully replace convenient ones.

Find Taurus in your chart to get specific, but in general all structure- environmental, financial, and governmental will be rocked. Uranus asks for revolution (think back to 1942 to get a sense of what we’re talking about). Big stuff. Yes.

But it also ushers in opportunities to do it differently.
Because the outer is always a reflection of the inner.

Your inner environment, your sense of worth and security- the rules and beliefs you have built upon. Prepare for those to be shaken. So don’t be surprised when old stories or patterns resurface. This is not meant to induce fear but to inspire change. Sometimes the best way to organize something is to dismantle it completely and put it back together a better way. At some point we must replace the old and outdated with what is more true.

Pele in her exquisite destruction illuminates the stunning power of rebirth. As new land literally and seamlessly replaces and renews any structure in its path, we are reminded of our power to change and recreate in the everyday choices we make. Pele herself takes the old and purifies it in the fire of transformation. This has been the theme this year. The revolution and rebirth are not over yet.

Taurus offers peace and security but not the kind without confusion or chaos. It is always dancing and balancing dynamic Scorpio after all. Earthy Taurus reminds us real security is not found through control, managing or explaining but embracing the uncertainty itself. The most resilient and steadfast of all signs, Taurus leads us straight to the graces of trust, faith, and humility. It is about finding peace within despite the chaos.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”
Charles Darwin

So, let us welcome the shifting and quaking. Let us even seek it out. For our cracks are meant to reveal the light within us that wants to break free and reignite our world. The same light that shines through all of us.

Want to learn more about astrology and what your chart says about you? Check out my Basics of Integrated Astrology Class starting June 5, 2018.

2 thoughts on “New Moon in Taurus —May 15–Shaking Foundations”

  1. Pingback: Full Moon in Capricorn- 6/28- Rewrite History | Aleka Thorvalson

  2. Pingback: Sagittarius Full Moon —May 29–Don’t believe your own BS (belief system) | Aleka Thorvalson

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