Aries New Moon 4/11-Noble Warriors

This New Moon brings seven celestial messengers in the sign of Aries- the Sun, Moon, Chiron, Ceres, Venus, Mercury, and Eris.

It doesn’t take a seasoned astrologer to ascertain the current energy weather forecast. 

Aries with a side of Aries.

But what does that mean?

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac summoning themes of significant beginnings and initiations into newness. Take a look at where this Moon falls in your chart to get a sense of just what “new” is arising for you. In general, though, there is potent change afoot. Choice points and power pivots rise to meet us.

That is both challenging and exciting news, depending on your personal relationship with change. Beginnings tend to dance with endings after all, and innovation often clashes with tradition—both points of contention, another Aries signature. We are creatures of habit and comfort. 

Until we aren’t.

Thankfully, we have Aries to push us forward no matter how comfortable we may want to stay. It is there to awaken us from our dormancy. To inspire. To have the courage to risk and forge into uncertainty itself.

There is a saying that goes, “The only constant is change”. There is another that says, “Let go or be dragged”. Both are appropriate here. Sometimes the ripples in our reflection pools are chosen. Other times they are chosen for us. 

One thing is certain. Change is coming, whether we want it or not. All those Aries planets are squaring Pluto in Capricorn, ushering in some rather intense inevitability, reminding us we may not be able to stop what is coming. Still, we can absolutely choose how we respond to it. This fact highlights why Aries is associated with warrior or survivor archetypes within us. It takes tenacity, strength, and grit to make it through times of transition and transformation.

This is why Aries also represents our inner forces of authority, leadership, and assertion. These forces done well inspire, assert, and initiate the charge toward significant change. Channeled through fear, though, these same forces create overreach of authority, tyranny, and even violence. A clear Aries intention uses encouragement to motivate, while a more muddied one uses control and fear. In truth, if all you see are battles to win, the world becomes a war zone. The wounded victim* is an Aries shadow. So, keep a lookout for it. Perception is key here. 

Wounded victim* or victor? That is the choice.

Thus, Aries times can bring opportunities for conflict. How can we expect to practice healthy assertion or have any change without out it? The intent, of course, is to use conscious conflict and radical accountability to grow, not fall into triggered passive or aggressive reactions (shadow victim again), which simply reenact the same patterns. Triggers are meant to reveal our stories, not validate them. Thus, any anger that arises, which is the emotion most associated with Aries, is intended to offer the wisdom it possesses. Of course, there is nothing wrong or unspiritual about anger. How we express it and which part of us oversees our anger, though, IS critical in determining if it is a clear expression or filtered through our reactive fear. Anger can initiate an inner hero or villain, depending on which part is in charge. (For more, check out Heroes and Villains.) I expect there will be some soul work here for all of us.

Aries also summons our will, the part of us that initiates, moves, and gets things done. It is a force to be reckoned with, fast and sharp, edgy and compelling. Of course, intention is again everything. 

No doubt, we will be asked to look deeper at what is driving our wants, desires, and actions. Ego goals look very different from authentic ones. Ego goals try and take us to enough, while authentic, soul-based goals express our enoughness. I expect there will be opportunities that offer a deeper dive into your intentions. For example, if situations, thoughts, and feelings seem to reoccur regardless of the work you have done, there is a need to get clear on the goal driver. If you are called to do this work, feel free to contact me.

This type of reflection may not be easy, but it is entirely worth it. Remember, Aries times awakens a warrior’s spirit in all of us along with those hallowed warrior principles of sacrifice, integrity, honor, honesty, and discipline.

I love that word sacrifice. It means to give up something for something else. Sacrifice itself is a choice point of truth. The root of the word literally defines means to “make sacred”. Our choices create what is most sacred in our lives. This is a powerful Aries truth. What are you choosing to stand for? A true hero’s fire is meant to encourage, motivate, and galvanize, not scorch the souls it is meant to defend. Because true leadership and sovereignty are rooted in sacrifice, not selfishness. Where what is good for all must be considered over any selfish principles. Where actions are aligned with words. Where principles become more important than popularity. True leadership is devoid of hypocrisy, spin, gaslighting, narcissism, pompousness, and violence, whether it be through action or speech.

Somewhere in your life, you are being asked to look deeply at what you stand for and how you use that force of both leadership and drive. (Look to your chart to get a sense of that). There are powerful power pivots of potential here for you to claim.

So, expect to be challenged. Expect to be uncomfortable- welcome it even. Expect to have to make hard choices between what you might want and what is showing up, between what is easy and what is right, between old parts of the self and more authentic ones, between what must be fought for and what is to be surrendered. Expect to have opportunities to sacrifice and, in the process, reignite your humble sacredness. 

Summon the noble warrior and fight the noble fight.

“Whatever you are physically…male or female, strong or weak, ill or healthy–all those things matter less than what your heart contains. If you have the soul of a warrior, you are a warrior. All those other things, they are the glass that contains the lamp, but you are the light inside.”

~Cassandra Clare

*This New Moon occurs at 22° Aries.

*There are certainly times and experiences in life where we are victims. This is not to shame, deny or mitigate that truth. In no way did you deserve or “attract” what happened to you. However, the “wounded” victim archetype begins to assume this persona as an identity and a way to manage their esteem system often using blame or powerlessness to bypass accountability.

Want to better understand what this time is asking of you? Contact me for a reading.


1 thought on “Aries New Moon 4/11-Noble Warriors”

  1. Pingback: Scorpio Full Moon 4/26-Doors of wisdom – Aleka Thorvalson, CPC, PCC

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