Scorpio Full Moon 4/26-Doors of wisdom

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This Full Moon brings some shift in energy from the fiery intensity and initiation of Aries to the earthly “realness” of Taurus. Thus, all the beginnings, intentions, and potential formatted at the New Moon can take a sense of form in this Full Moon. There is a need to double (triple?) check our intentions, though. Scorpio times have a way of getting honest, often brutally so. Anything that isn’t “working” will require assessment on a deeper level. Secrets coming to light is a huge theme for the entire year and especially relevant during this time. Transparency is key. The veil is thin between what we think we know and what is. We might as well fling the doors to our inner closets open, lest they be opened for us.

We are also a couple of months into the shadow phase of the Saturn retrograde in the Aquarius cycle. Saturn doesn’t officially go retrograde until May 23rd but the shadow or set-up phase, which began in February, tends to disorganize what requires re-calibration. Truth bombs and reality checks abound during these Saturnian times, reminding us that freedom is not about doing what we want. It is the opportunity to do what is right.

This is also a Super Full Moon which offers some added oomph pulling on our inner and outer tides (emotions). Additionally, there is a potent T-square with the Full Moon in Scorpio opposed by the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Uranus, and Black Moon Lilith in Taurus, squaring Saturn in Aquarius. The missing “leg” of the T-square, the medicine to all the intensity, is Leo. Leo is our inner fire. The spark of our being, authenticity, and true sovereignty (seeing any themes here?). Leo is that part of us that says, “YES. I am born to shine in this way”. Because borrowed light doesn’t shine. We must radiate from the inside out, uniting our heart and our hands, extraordinary in our uniqueness while ordinary in our cooperation. How does that translate into the practicality of the world? How do we mold inspiration and true leadership into tangible shapes?

Enter Scorpio and Taurus.

There is this immense wisdom at our fingertips. Literally.

If we are brave enough to see it.

Wisdom is a loaded word, easily romanticized in some circles as a lofty goal of elite awakening. In truth, it is much more grounded, real, and often raw. It is the force within us that offers us the ability to discern clearly, judge without bias, and be humbly accountable. Wisdom is associated with words like self (ego) transcendence, compassion, ethics, integrity, and virtue. Wisdom is more an experience of “not knowing”, an open mind to learn, rather than having all the answers. It is also earned, not given.

Sometimes wisdom hits us between the eyes-intense, obvious, and relevant. Life events happen to broaden our grit and resiliency by taking us into the darkness, where we return transformed. Sometimes wisdom sneaks in the back door with repeated, more subtle lessons. Sometimes we go looking for it. Sometimes it comes looking for us. Sometimes wisdom is revealed in intensity. Sometimes it is found in the quiet. The exact flavor of your current wisdom process depends on the house and sign, of course (contact me for more on that), but in general, this Full Moon does ask us to look a bit deeper into the stillness.

Because often, the silence has much to teach. The dance between Taurus and Scorpio is the balance of both revelation and recovery. Wisdom is forged in both.

In fact, the Sabien symbol for this Moon is “The Moon shining across a lake”. Sometimes the most potent messages arise in stillness when we are in the BEing of it all, when we become a part of the rhythm of a moonrise or a sunset. The quieting of the chaotic cacophony of the world widens our perspective, where we can begin to “see” beneath and beyond the naked eye. We can then start to feel into the rightness, and perhaps, the wrongness of it all, which is the most important kind of wisdom.

So at this Full Moon, I encourage us all to stop for a moment…or twenty. To rest our gaze. To quiet our biases, habits, and fear so we can really listen. To FEEL into some more finite understanding of what is right in front of us. To look back to look forward. To get to the root of our intentions. To pare down to what is most of value. To connect to that soul empathy so it can become the lighthouse of our intention.

Because true wisdom and the power that comes with it, also summons responsibility. As difficult and challenging as that is.

The ability to respond is the actual magic of co-creation, not the pseudo-fantasy-type thinking we often hear in certain self-help circles. It is the gritty work of choosing a new path when the one we are walking is no longer taking us in an authentic direction. It involves making new choices, even when it is especially hard to go against the grain of habit. It is about grounding in accountability by compassionately honoring mistakes and failures for the teaching moments they are. It is about getting really real acknowledging what is, which isn’t always what we want it to be. To respond means, we choose to end reaction and thus any re-enaction. The ability to respond is where change really lives. That is wisdom too.

So look for the feathers of wisdom all around you. It is showing up everywhere. It is in uncomfortable conversations. The difficult moments. The joys. The intense feelings. The frustrations. The endings. The beginnings. The love. The loss. The triggers. The connections. The outrage. The forgiveness. The sunsets. The moon rise. The smallest pebble. The bluest ocean. The storms. The stillness. The injustice. The redemption. The revealing. The reckoning. The synchronicities. The pauses. The pushes. The darkness. The light.

But wisdom only opens the door. It is our responsibility to walk through it.

“I’ll tell you right now, the doors to the world of the wild self are few but precious. If you have a deep scar, that is a door; if you have an old, old story, that is a door. If you love the sky and the water so much that you almost cannot bear it, that is a door. If you yearn for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life, that is a door.”
― Clarissa Pinkola Estés

Photo by Tyler Lillico on Unsplash

Want to know what this time is revealing in you? Contact me, for a reading.

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