Virgo Full Moon 3/7/23-The Uncertainty Principle

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March is a big month, astrologically. Why? We have some big planetary shifts. On March 8, Saturn moves into Pisces, where it will be until February 2026. Then Pluto leaves Capricorn, where it has been since 2008 and enters Aquarius on 3/23/23, where it will be for the next 21 years. March also ushers in the Spring equinox, otherwise known as the Astrological New Year, where the Sun restarts its journey around the mandala at 0° Aries (March 20, 2023). *

What does that all mean?

Expects changes. Big ones. It’s here. And change itself is not necessarily the hard part. The new terrain is terra firma. It is that place between the old and the new, the clash of uncertainty, the verb of change itself that can feel a bit turbulent, chaotic even.

In fact, the Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is “A volcano in Eruption.” Perhaps a fitting metaphor. A volcano is both a force of destruction and creation. So is life itself. To grow, we often must dismantle old systems- something must end so something else can be reborn.

So, the good news is this is an amazing time to release what no longer serves you, limiting beliefs, habits, patterns, relationships, etc. The challenging news? Parts of you will likely be uncomfortable.

And we humans have a complicated relationship with being uncomfortable. We tend not to like the uncertainty of change because it pings our inner survival systems. It makes sense, of course. To some fundamental parts of us discomfort is often equated with being unsafe. Those primitive parts of us have difficulty deciphering between the discomfort of change and the discomfort of danger. This is why awareness, curiosity, and discernment rather than reactivity are required for any comfort zone stretching (aka growth).  

Because when reactivity leads, when we feel uncomfortable with some new change, instead of getting curious about why we are uncomfortable, we often instinctively attempt to stop whatever is making us uncomfortable in the first place. And we have various ways we do that. Some more productive than others. Maybe we control and manage. Maybe we get angry and reactive spewing out frustration. Maybe we try and intellectualize, figure our way to firm ground. Maybe we spell cast or affirm. Maybe we latch onto convenient groups or comfortable narratives. Maybe we attempt to deny or distract ourselves. Maybe we hold fast to what was in some attempt to stop any forward motion. What all of these strategies have in common is a need for certainty as fast as possible.

But what would happen if we didn’t do that? What might happen if we leaned into uncertainty? What if we allowed our discomfort to lead us to curiosity rather than judgment, wonder rather than criticism?

These are good questions to ponder. Because really embracing the inevitability of change means we will get up close and personal with uncertainty itself.

That requires some necessary skills because embracing uncertainty does not denote a time of non-action at all. Nope. Living in the gap is a daily (sometimes breath by breath?) practice of – pausing, patience, discernment, presence, accountability, curiosity, trust, and humility. Virgo traits that allow our lives to become a practice of self-reflection rather than outward projection. It means we must be open to changing our minds and questioning what we think we know. It means we are required to be more comfortable with being uncomfortable.

The challenge of the time is the gravity of habit dancing with the possibility of potential. It is the collision between the parts of us that want to manage, control, solve, deny, or fix and those destined to let go and grow already. It is about embracing innovation and forward motion rather than a need to hold onto what was. Because what was is what got us here, and here is what is changing. 

So, as the volcanoes of change erupt in your life, do not try to stop the flow of lava. You can’t. You can find some higher ground, look from an expanded perspective, grieve what is being lost, and find beauty in what is being birthed. Feel free to take what time you need and reach out for support. Volcanoes of change are momentous moments indeed. 

“In the space between chaos and shape, there was another chance.” 

 ― Jeanette Winterson

*Important points to look at in your own Chart right now. Note houses and aspects to those points.

  • This Full Moon Occurs at 16° Virgo.
  • Saturn enters 0 °Pisces March 8th.
  • Pluto enters 0°Aquarius March 23th.

If you could use some help figuring out what that all means, Contact Me for a mini chart reading.

Photo by Izabela Kraus on Unsplash

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