Pisces New Moon 2/19-20/23-Real Spirituality

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Humans are unique from other animals in the way we make sense of the world. We ask those big questions. What is the meaning of life? Why are we here? What/Who created everything? That part of us that asks for meaning beyond our reason in astrology is represented by Pisces. Thus, this force is alive and well in all flavors of spirituality. Whether it is traditional religion and theology or a more eclectic view, humans make room for both the seen and the unseen. And we should. There is no doubt there is something extraordinary in our existence. As with all things, though, it is not the force or part of us that is ever the problem. It is how we use it.

Historically, this force has been notoriously fraught with problems. Anytime we are cemented in a particular ideology, we are on shaky, even dangerous ground. Many wars, imperialism, slavery, prejudice, bigotry, and violence have religious overtones. As already stated, our spiritually seeking parts are not the problem. The problem is when these parts become cynical, not skeptical. When we stop challenging and evolving our faith, it becomes fundamental. It becomes a form of entrapment rather than freedom. This is why so many spiritual ideologies become dogmatic or hypocritical. Want to know more about the shadow and light of beliefs? (Check out the The Responsibility of Belief).

So how do we get Pisces right? That is what this New Moon is all about.

Pisces is one of those signs where its reality is much more challenging than its initial portrayal. Look at any Pisces description, and you’ll find ideas like mystical forces, intuition, trust, letting go, forgiveness, compassion, cocreation, creativity, and synchronicities that allow us to be in sync with the universe. Sounds amazing. And it is.

But this is the thing. Those words are easy to say and much more challenging to be. To practice trust, we must wallow in a sea of uncertainty. To practice intuition, we must be offered problems beyond our reasonable capabilities. To practice compassion, we must commit to acts of service. To practice surrender, we must be face-to-face with things not going our way. To practice forgiveness, we must experience a slight or wrong. To let go, we must release some vital attachments.

Again and again. Because we cannot open to a force of grace without the humility of egoic part dissolution, getting really comfortable in the unknown. The gift of this practice is being present and clear enough to tap into this mystical flow. The challenge is to keep it from defining you. Becoming a willing extension of this god force is very different from thinking you are god.

And therein, we find the problem -because the shadow of this force looks like everything from spiritual bypassing, hyper-individualism, quick fixes, or magical thinking to outright greed, coercive control, and violence.

The Sabian symbol for this degree is “A squirrel hiding from hunters,” reminding us it is not about escaping our reality but living more fully aware and intentional within it. We cannot wish away what we deem as uncomfortable. We cannot deny what is. In the words of Jeff Brown, real spirituality is not about enlightenment but enrealment.

Real spirituality is meant to grow us, not numb us. It is about being more honest, more discerning, and asking more questions- not less. It is about more inward reflection rather than outward deflection. It is about more acts of service versus acts of selfishness. It is about genuine understanding rather than tribal polarity. The danger of seeing the world as an illusion is nothing matters but our own self-interests. We stop helping. Real spirituality remembers everything is sacred or nothing is.

Saturn (in Aquarius) stands with this New Moon keeping it real. In fact, on March 7th, Saturn moves into Pisces, where it will stay for approx. 2.5 years. This significant sign change will reverberate through our inner and outer worlds. This New Moon is just a precursor to a much larger cycle beginning soon. So get ready for some potent spiritual lessons regarding the alignment (or lack thereof) between our words and actions. We may utter the affirmations, prayers, chants, and incantations, but do we actually LIVE them? What might your life, community, or world look and feel like if we did? Those are the questions we are and will be living.

“If we don’t humanize our spirituality, how will we humanize our world?
We don’t need more disembodied men meditating in caves while the village suffers. We need embodied humans healing together, communing, and exploring the relational field as the grist for our spiritual development. We need accomplishment to become a relational construct; that is, we co-create together, with mutual benefit as our shared goal. We need models that lead us back into our hearts, into a deep and reverential regard for the self.”
-Jeff Brown

~This Full Moon occurs at 1° Pisces

~Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash

~Want to know what this time is revealing for you? Contact me, for more information.

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