Leo Full Moon 2/5/23-The responsibility of belief

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Our beliefs are the ideas we accept and trust as true or real. Beliefs are powerful forces because they shape our perspectives, viewpoints, choices, and our very definition of truth. And we don’t just have one belief. We have many, about everything. Externally, beliefs show how we define our world spiritually, politically, socially, and philosophically. Internally, they show up in how we define ourselves- our worth, passions, protective systems, and sense of self. We get these varied knowings the moment we come topside on this planet. Messages surround us telling us what to believe. From our parents to our social circles, schools, media,  and spiritual traditions, our experiences shape our belief systems (the whole framework of what we believe).  

And these frameworks are vital for survival. We need a sense of self and a way of navigating our complex world. Additionally, understanding cultural norms requires some consensus. We are tribal creatures, after all. Our beliefs connect us with a shared sense of inspiration, purpose, and meaning. They can ground us in hard times.

Yet, it must be noted we can adopt beliefs with no real objective evidence of their validity.

Therein lies the danger. Because our beliefs are not always what is true but what we believe as true. Throughout history, we see this power in action. Want to be entertained? Google the strangest beliefs in history. Some beliefs are innocuous (Brussels Sprouts carried evil spirits). Others are more controversial. There was a significant backlash to the early astronomers that proved the Sun was the center of the universe and the Earth was not flat (some contest that truth even today). Some beliefs were more dangerous. Remember when there was a consensus that cigarette smoke was medically beneficial? Then there were those beliefs that set the stage for justifying atrocities. Unfortunately, there is no shortage of those examples from the past or the present.

In truth, our beliefs should evolve along with our knowledge. What beliefs do we hold now that will seem archaic in the future?

 Leo represents the inner fire of our beliefs and authentic sense of self. This is why Leo is most associated with creative expression and leadership. The passion of authentic belief is required to do both well. We can only announce ourselves to the world if we know who we are. We cannot shine without a light source. Of course, what ignites can also burn. What inspires can also control. Sourced in our highest self, Leo is inspired leadership and inspiration. Sourced in wounded places, we see rigid authority, narcissistic tendencies, and ideologies that don’t attract but force. Thus, we must reflect on our belief framework to ensure it is rooted in our highest selves and truths. It is also vital we be willing to challenge what we think we know, allowing the truth to evolve with fine-tuned knowledge. 

And beliefs are not always so easy to locate. Though they shape our world, they are easy to miss. Like elevator music in our minds, we tend to adopt the inner melody of our unconscious belief system. Thus, to assess your inner beliefs, track the repetitious script that runs through your mind. What is it telling you about your world, value, and expression? Is it critical or supportive? Honest or dodgy? Where is your focus? Additionally, look at your life and notice any patterns on repeat or situations that seem to occur again and again.

Looking more externally, assess the groups you frequent and the tribes in which you find community. Look at the causes you stand for. Do they uplift, inspire, include, and seek to understand or condemn, exclude, hate, or “other” another? Do they demonstrate compassion, cooperation, and kindness for all? Do they welcome open dialog, debate, innovation, and growth that comes with new ideas and insights? Do leaders walk their talk with humble integrity?

Remember, our beliefs are often adopted almost through osmosis, regardless of their current validity. Often, we are spelled by those simply passing on their own wounded adaptations. And once we have them it is hard to let them go. Like an old coat, our beliefs give us a sense of warmth and comfort called familiarity. Additionally, we get a shot of dopamine when our side is validated. So, there is an incentive, conscious or otherwise, that keeps us wedded to what we think we know.

The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is, “A volunteer church choir sings religious hymns,” reminding us of the powerful force of collective ideology. While we can make beautiful music alone, cooperation creates a symphony. When we join forces in a combined goal, impossibility becomes possible. Unfortunately, the opposite is also true. The power of potential can hate as quickly as it can love, strike down as quickly as it can help, and scare as quickly as it can inspire. We best ensure the truth we believe reflects the best of us , especially when we combine voices. 

How to shift any outdated and erroneous beliefs is more detailed and dynamic to include here. I will say we cannot change what we believe by simply affirming a different thought. We also cannot shame or judge them away in ourselves or another. Internally or externally, we can only release a foundational belief if we first understand where it came from and its role in our system. There is a reason it is there. Often it is interwoven with some powerful survival story, wound, or sense-making. So, make sure to reach out for some professional guidance or help to assist in your healing.

Truth-seeking will be a constant theme this year and into the next decade. So this Full Moon is a perfect reminder to look closely at the beliefs to which we become devoted. It is and will be vital to challenge what you stand for, the groups you follow, the causes you advocate, and how you devote your time and energy. Because what we believe makes us who we are. We best make sure it is who we were meant to be.

“Every time we encounter new information, we have a choice. We can attach our opinions to our identities and stand our ground in the stubbornness of preaching and prosecuting. Or we can operate like scientists, defining ourselves as people committed to the pursuit of truth-even if it means proving our own views wrong.”~Adam Grant

~This Full Moon occurs at 16° Leo

~Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

~Want to know what this time is revealing for you? Contact me, for more information.

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