Full Moon in Capricorn- 6/27-28- Rewrite History

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At its best Capricorn is steadfast and strong a leader of tenacity, maturity, integrity, responsibility, and wisdom. At its worst Capricorn is controlling, tyrannical, bullying, and logical to the point of coldness, focusing on facts minus empathy and the ends regardless of the means. This Full Moon illuminates the polarity of these forces in our lives.

Full Moons are oppositions, meaning the Sun and Moon are opposite each other in the sky. Capricorn always dances with the sign of Cancer, its natural opposite. This is not random. It is astrology’s way of reminding us of the importance of balance, of not letting one force overshadow the other, and revealing to us which side we might have a tendency to gravitate. This dance of Capricorn and Cancer is a reminder to harmonize logic with empathy, our IQ with our EQ, and our inner world with our outer world. It means we need to think and we also need to FEEL. Both are equal in wisdom. Neither more important than the other.

Saturn also joins this Full Moon adding another layer of meaning. At home in Capricorn, its home sign, Saturn is the reality checker of our psychological forces. It is the sometimes harsh truth-sayer, authority, and inner parent that asks us to bottom line our life. Somewhere you are being asked to “get real”. Something is surfacing in your life that grabs your attention so tightly you cannot turn away. A truth is emerging that cannot be denied- no matter how hard you try. Accountability, validity, and responsibility- these are Saturnian words.

Many of you have contacted me to ask me what is happening astrologically regarding current political events. Why does history appear to be repeating itself in this way? At its core, astrology is a study of cycles. Personally or collectively, things repeat so we are offered a choice point between the gravity of habit or change. It is true this present astrology is similar to the late 1930’s (Think fascism, the Great Depression, Nazi Germany, WWII…Uranus has just entered Taurus again which it hasn’t done since 1938. Pluto and Saturn are also presently in Capricorn.) So, yes we will likely see similar themes emerge and we will face similar choice points. Foundations will be and are being rocked (link), laws and structures reexamined.

We will also FEEL similar feelings. Our DNA remembers the pain from generations past.

Both Saturn and Capricorn teach through limitation. Our world becomes so focused we cannot turn away from what is right in front of us. It also speaks in Truth. Truth, a word seemingly clear has become cloaked in ambiguity and oxymoron. Just because something is law, doesn’t always make it right. Additionally, just because it is a strong feeling doesn’t always make it accurate. Therein lays the rub.

Looking at this current astrology though, I can offer some points of navigation. The first call is one for empathy. Empathy is the ability to see and feel ourselves in another. Another is integrity. Integrity is the ability to pare down a situation to locate a heart-based sense of right and wrong. With both, we find a type of truth that supersedes political party, race, gender, and sexuality. We can have compassion and still have a debate. We can have a heart and still have laws. We can know we need to make personal changes in our lives and still love ourselves unconditionally. If we stay on the surface, the truth is subjectively personal and convenient. Saturn, though, helps us get to the essence of intent, which done well is a delicate balance between facts and feelings.

Both are true.

Both are needed.

Both need to be balanced.

Additionally, a third word- Action.

While there are times where we are called to allow, be, and simply trust the process forward. Saturn and Capricorn both reveal this is not one of those times. I have seen many memes regarding the spiritual aspects of this time reminding us we must start with ourselves first. We must focus inward not outward. We must vision board, co-create, and affirm through the illusion. While there is validity in these statements, there are also times we must take action externally. It is part of living our spiritual practice. Spirituality without practice is dormant. It is lip service. It is baseless. Now is the time for action. Work is required. We cannot bypass our soul work with platitudes. Grit, perseverance, discipline, boundaries, and discernment are critical (The difference between judgment and discernment).

Many of you have shared you feel powerless. It is a theme of late- both on the macro level and personal. Mars, the force of will and assertion, goes retrograde June 26 first in Aquarius, and then dips back into Capricorn (again Capricorn!). Things might feel a bit sluggish and limited. It is when we feel powerless that we must look a little deeper, push a little harder, and love a little more. Powerlessness arises again so you can take your power back from a time it was stolen. The story appears so you can be revealed not diminished. So you can rise. Take a stand. Find your voice. Erect a new foundation.

You may feel powerless, but Saturn reminds you, you are not.

There is no doubt you will be faced with situations that reflect all of this. It’s not about being perfect or making the perfect choice. Perfect doesn’t exist. From a Saturn and Capricorn perspective though, there is a more “correct” choice on the spectrum of love and fear. The correct decision may not be the easiest. In fact, it likely won’t be.

It will ask you to choose change over habit and courage over fear.

It will ask you to put principle over politics.

It will ask you to put yourself in someone else’s shoes.

It will ask you to own where your priorities are.

It’s going to ask you to bottom line your life.

Then it’s going to ask you to do hard things.

And that’s okay. In fact, from a soul perspective, it’s precisely what is needed. Cycles repeat so we can learn from the past and do them differently in the present. Look around your life and ask yourself where you are being challenged to grow (Hint: It will be where you feel limited, afraid, or fired up).

Then simply, do the next “most right” thing, and the next, and the next. Following the guidance from your heart and head, the past and the present, empathy and logic. What begins as a step becomes a habit and soon becomes a movement.

And movements have the power to rewrite history.

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