Capricorn New Moon 1/11/24-The symphony of service

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We end the year as we lived it- with a Capricorn New Moon and Capricorn themes. And if astrology is your thing, you know Capricorn themes have been rampant the few years. You may remember me writing in past blogs that Capricorn represents structures and foundations- whether external in the form of government, leadership, laws, banking, and overall infrastructure or internal in the form of mission, duty, and responsibility. You may also remember me writing about how all these things are being called into question, any dysfunction rising to the surface, shadowy layers on full display. The point, of course, is to reveal what isn’t working to find better ways. Because if Capricorn represents foundations, it is vitally important to assess how those foundations are being built. In simple terms, it matters which direction our perseverance is pointed and which mountain we are climbing. Our choices determine our destination.

Just because we can doesn’t mean we should. Just because it feels right to some part of us doesn’t mean it is. This is why Capricorn is so closely associated with forces like integrity, honor, honesty, logical reasoning, discernment, and principle. Our actions, words, and choices define precisely who we are and where we end up. This is also why Capricorn times represent the force of leadership, inner and outer. Good leaders require those Capricorn skills. No matter the system, big or small, if you want to ascertain the health of the leader, look at the whole system. Because it is our leaders and the choices they make that creates the chemistry of the system itself.

Thus, it makes sense the Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is “A Relay Race.” This symbol often represents the concept of teamwork, the passing on of responsibilities, and the idea that success depends on the efforts of a group working together towards a common goal. Again, groups have tremendous power. The question becomes how that power is being wielded.

Closely following this New Moon (12/20), Pluto moves into Aquarius, shifting the Pluto in Capricorn cycle we have been living since 2008. For more on the tremendous shift that is sure to bring, go to Sparks of Transformation.

No doubt some interesting times are coming. Aquarius tells us that. Science, innovation, new discoveries, and technologies are expected. Additionally, we can expect some predictable backlash. Technical truths are often not comfortable or popular because they force us to rethink what we think we know.  Collective freedom over selfish definitions will be a necessity.  Times will require it. After all, we have complex problems to solve. Our world is changing before our eyes, and that pace is only accelerating.

So, as we dance with the revelations and required reckonings, let us revisit these Capricorn themes and commit to leading with integrity and grace. Because we can’t enter the new until we have learned from the old.

~Let us commit to being radically accountable with ourselves, looking at what we most want to deny or spin. No need to go far. Your life will show you where the work is.

~Let us also commit to being gentle and compassionate as we do so. Whatever we have done or are doing makes sense to some part of us until it doesn’t. No need to berate an already sensitive part. Be discerning, not judgmental.

~Let us accept and pay attention to the pauses, both forced and chosen, with the understanding lessons repeat until we learn them.

~Let us explore the nature of ego goals versus soul goals. The former is fueled by attempting to get to enough. The latter simply wants to express it. It is vitally important we know we are summiting the right mountain. Intention is everything.

~Let us remember the tools of manifesting and positive thinking are not meant to shapeshift our reality or bypass what we deem unpleasant but to better understand what is. There is no transformation without reverence for what got us there, regardless of any inherent dysfunction.  

~Let us practice integrity, honor, and honesty in our thoughts, words, and deeds, as these are direct examples of who we are and who we want to be. The means of the journey create the ends.

~Let us rest, ask for help, and revive our weariness as needed. Climbing mountains is hard work, and often, we need support.

~Let us remember the root word of discipline is disciple, and sacrifice means “to make sacred.” Both are required to combat any selfish freedom protector parts demanding control. In the words of Peter Marshall, “May we think of freedom, not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right.” If you haven’t truly traced the edges of both discipline and sacrifice during the last couple of years, I urge you to do so. It is a vital lesson of the time.

Which is what transformation is all about. It is not meant to destroy us but awaken us. It is not meant to limit us but free us. If we are brave enough to face it.

Because the authentic leadership and mastery level of Capricorn is not a focus on what we can get, it is about what we can give. This is the required rebuilding. Then every step becomes a choice. Every lesson is an opportunity and a dedication to give back, inspire, or serve in some way every day.

Let those be your intentions for the New Year and create moments that reflect it.

“If we don’t humanize our spirituality, how will we humanize our world?
We don’t need more disembodied men meditating in caves while the village suffers. We need embodied humans healing together, communing, and exploring the relational field as the grist for our spiritual development. We need accomplishment to become a relational construct; that is, we co-create together, with mutual benefit as our shared goal. We need models that lead us back into our hearts, into a deep and reverential regard for the self.”
-Jeff Brown

~This New Moon occurs at 20° Capricorn.

~If you could use some help figuring out what the current astrology means for you, or would like some coaching around the concepts mentioned, Contact Me. 

~Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash

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