Pluto in Aquarius-Sparks of Transformation

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Expect to hear a lot about the sign Aquarius in the upcoming year. Why?

For the first time since the 18th century, Pluto will leave Capricorn, where it has been since 2008, and enter Aquarius, where it will be for the next two and a half decades. Pluto is a generational force, staying between 15 and 30 years in each sign. Now, Pluto did dip its toes into Aquarius briefly on March 23, 2023, then quickly retrograded back to Capricorn. January 20, 2024, Pluto again enters Aquarius until September 1, when it retrogrades back into Capricorn. Then, on November 19, 2024, Pluto enters Aquarius for good.  

When planets like Pluto change signs, astrologers pay attention because it marks a massive shift in the energy at play. In short- it’s a big deal.

What does that all mean?

First off, Pluto, a.k .a. the god of the underworld, is all about fundamental transformation. Which means delving beyond the surface stuff into the gritty reality of what is. Think shadow work, hero’s journeys, phoenixes rising from the ashes, soul retrievals, and the unconscious being made conscious. That’s plutonian terrain. The good news is huge potential is possible. The challenge is we will be asked to look at some hard, possibly yet unfaced, stuff.

Going back to go forward we get a sense of this. Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008. The same year we had a massive financial crash. The goal, of course, was to point out what wasn’t working. The challenge was learning from it. You see, Capricorn represents infrastructure and the foundations of society. It rules politics, government, and economics- the bones that make up the societal skeleton. Thus, forces like morals, traditions, leadership, and integrity all come into play. The last few decades have indeed revealed some shadow layers there. Collectively and personally, we can asses if we have allowed these hard truths to upgrade our foundations. Many have. In fact, reality (aka life) has forced that hand. Many have more understanding, compassion, integrity, and appreciation for what is really of value and what isn’t.

And maybe some haven’t received the message. With Pluto, there is a tendency to double down on desired outcomes when the truth is staring us in the face. Think cognitive dissonance, denial, bypassing, propaganda, and spin. Those are all ways we try to negotiate out of plutonian realities. The problem is. It doesn’t work. Pluto is the god of death, after all. Try out running that.

Which brings us to Aquarius. Aquarius is symbolically represented by waves of water being poured or carried by a vessel. The “water bearer” literally brings new life to parched throats. Despite its name, Aquarius is an air sign and not a water sign. Some astrologers upgrade this element to symbolize electricity itself. This is why Aquarius represents science, technology, innovation, authenticity, and rebelliousness. New ideas and innovations are the catalysts to rumble with the stasis of the status quo. Electricity illuminates genius and fosters radically new ways of thinking.

The last time Pluto was in Aquarius (from 1778-1798), we saw some shades of this. In America, the Revolutionary War was fought. The Bill of Rights was ratified. The French Revolution began, and the Reign of Terror started. Hawaii was ‘discovered’ by Captain Cook. The Industrial Revolution occurred. The first vaccination for smallpox was administered. The cotton gin was invented. Mary Wollstonecraft’s The Vindication of the Rights of Women was published. 

You get the idea.

So, as we begin the journey into this new energy, let’s highlight Aquarian themes, the light and the shadowy. Because both will be evident.

Science and anti-science. Expect scientific discoveries and new technologies. Of course, there is bound to be tension anytime innovation meets tradition. Remember when those early astrologers said the Sun, not the Earth, was the center of the solar system? It wasn’t good. History and psychology validate that humans instinctively balk at new information when it challenges our most comfortable beliefs. Throw some religion in there, and you have a mighty foe. We can anticipate some pretty incredible scientific advancements, but we can also predict a rise of anti-science backlash. In fact, it is already starting.   

Of course, with new discoveries also comes responsibility. We all know examples where significant advancement has led to tenuous, even destructive, results. Thus, any new technologies must be channeled through our wisest and better selves. It will be a balancing act indeed.

Navigating this energy well means becoming a scientist in our own thinkingThis means observing and being curious rather than falling into the familiar comfort of what we think we know. Remember, opinions and assumptions are not the same as facts, even when we really want them to be. It also means we need to pick our experts wisely. Because this time will require those wiser than ourselves to lead the charge. 

Consequences and Denial.Aquarius deals in technical truths. The reality that is in front of us. Which may be different from what we want it to be. It isn’t emotional or punitive, though it can stir emotion. Technical truth is what it is. Another name for this is consequences. So, expect to face the results of past decisions. Environmental, spiritual, political, financial, racial, etc., we can’t escape the outcomes of prior choices. Of course, the shadow of technicality is denial in all its many forms.

Navigating this energy well means being open to the reality of our lives and rethinking what we think we know. It is about receptivity, knowing our own biases, being curious about what is arising, and being flexible enough to find new solutions to old problems and patterns.

Freedom and Selfishness. Imagine attending a symphony of the world’s greatest musicians, and each decided to play a piece that best expressed their personal instrument and talent. One hundred of the very best musicians, each playing different melodies. Regardless of the expertise, you would hear only noise. But what happens when they decide on an untied score? Harmony. Music. Irrespective of the talent, it is only in collaboration that the melody is revealed. Real freedom is that analogy. Our unique authenticity, freedom, and sovereignty were never meant to be selfishly wielded but gifts to share with and for the greater good. It takes every color to make the most brilliant rainbow. It takes all of us committing to the true definition of freedom to ensure freedom for all.

The shadow, of course, is selfishness rather than a desire to collaborate. It is toxic tribalism and polarity. It is unyielding authoritarianism and the danger of dogma. It’s the notion that freedom is self-serving without regard for the collective good or personal freedom of others. It is hypocrisy in all its overt and covert forms.

Navigating this well takes the knowledge and willingness to embrace the uniqueness of your own instrument in balance with the cooperation and collaboration of all. It is about empathy, understanding, and respecting our differences rather than vilifying them. It is about walking the talk and being radically accountable, fair, and just (even when it challenges your own beliefs).

Rebellions and Revolutions. Revolutions can be liberating and endearing, maybe even necessary. They can also be horrifically unjust, violent, and deadly (shadow Pluto). The light of the time asks us to summon the love rebels. The ones that make good trouble by standing for accurate definitions of truth, honor, integrity, freedom, and equality -not selfish ones. After all, electricity becomes dangerous when it is ungrounded. Shadow rebels and revolutions emerge in authoritarian ideologies where the means rationalize a chosen end. Righteousness becomes riotous and violent when it controls or denies the liberty of another. Tribes and groups become deadly when they become toxically dogmatic and totalitarian in their beliefs. Ideology becomes dangerous when it stops questioning itself or is woven with egotism.

Navigating this time well means aligning it is important to align our rebellious spirit with integrity, real freedom, and democracy. It is about standing for what is right and just while being responsive rather than reactive. It is about identifying the danger of dogma and standing firm against destructive fire-starters and conflict entrepreneurs.

Complexity and Polarity. In Aquarius times, expect the unexpected. Overall, we humans tend not to readily embrace uncertainty. It conflicts with our sense of safety, security, and identity. The truth is (and remember, Aquarius is all about uncomfortable truths) that the world is complex, complicated, and uncertain no matter how hard we try to control, manage, or spin it. The shadow of complexity is the opposite of that- polarity, black-and-white thinking, “othering” another, and the need to pick a side, all the while solidifying the echo chambers of our own beliefs.

Navigating this well means remembering complex times call for complex solutions. In the words of organizational psychologist Adam Grant, “Intelligence is traditionally viewed as the ability to think and learn. Yet, in a turbulent world, there’s another set of cognitive skills that might matter more: the ability to rethink and unlearn.” This time calls for complicated and complex conversations, approached with the intention of understanding rather than winning. Solutions can be found, but only if we allow ourselves to see the issue from multiple angles.

Faith and Doubt. Aquarius reminds us that the current possible was once considered impossible. It reminds us to hold fast to the knowledge that there is more to the story we are living. More chances of redemption. More opportunities to show up better. More innovations are on the horizon. More choice points of opportunity. We may not know the how, but we can hold steady in the wonder of possibility.

It fits the Sabian Symbol for 1-2 degrees of Aquarius, is respectively, “An adobe house” and “An unexpected thunderstorm,” reminding us of both the inevitability and humility of change and the need to find stability and shelter. Though we can strive to create a sense of security and certainty, there are bigger forces beyond our control. Next time you feel extra convinced of your authority, try stopping a thunderstorm. Denial, spin, fantasy thinking, and bypassing cannot control the reality of the weather. This is not to frighten us but to remind us to deal with the real. Because while genius and innovation stem from the challenges of setbacks, we find solutions only when we can accept the reality of the problem itself. 

So get ready to get real. Thunder is rumbling in the distance, clouds are stacking up, and lightning sparks are waiting for ignition. Though some profound and pivotal unexpected change is predicted, the nature of it depends solely on our choices and how we decide to channel that force. The goal, of course, is a revolution toward the innovation of collective connection rather than distance, a revolution that brings us closer together rather than more polarized.

 If the last few years have taught us anything, and I hope they have, it is that we need to weather the storms together. Gone are the days of selfish idealism. They are impossibly unsustainable. The good news is when we join forces for the common good, amazing things can occur. The challenge is, of course, as a people, nation, or world, it’s a radically new way of thinking. Aquarius reminds us that our individuality is meant to add value to the whole, and our freedom is an extension of the rightness of all.

“Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better.”

~Albert Camus

Want to better understand what this transformative time is asking of you? Contact me for a reading.

Photo credit ID 40994373 © Agsandrew

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