Virgo New Moon 9/17-The importance of small stuff (hint: It’s not ‘small’ at all)

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Thank goodness for Virgo. The archetype tasked with improving, bettering, and upgrading systems. The parts within us that focus on details, minutia, and daily tasks required by everyday life. There is no sign more grounded in the reality of what is or more focused on the facts of existence than Virgo. They are naturally gifted healers whose focus is on precision, patience, humbleness, drive, and responsibility.

Beautiful and needed qualities, no doubt. Especially now.

Yet, while the inner taskmaster is meant to be encouraging, it can also be critical. We live in a culture that, unfortunately, validates shadowy Virgo traits more than the light. A culture that exalts demanding work ethics and self-centeredness over inspired altruism and selflessness. This leads seamlessly to perfectionism, stoicism, external validation, and endless laboring. The inner critic becomes loud and demanding, drowning out the inner advocate. Our lives are driven by the should’s and have to’s our bodies tense with the anxiety of comparisons.

Yet, it is not meant to be that way.

Always opposite the mystical and dreamy sign of Pisces, Virgo is the link bringing the imagined into form. It is the “how” we become extensions of grace that consolidates our energy in concrete and meaningful ways. High Virgo is about how we are called to truly serve. How we are meant to uniquely express this energy in the world.

A sacred balance of surrender and discipline.

This New Moon, like all New Moons, offer a doorway to a new beginning. Also a Super New Moon it brings the Moon as close to Earth as it will get all year, emphasizing its potency.

We could all use some powerful Virgo energy right about now.

We have had a few months of living in the shadowy transformational realms of revelation and reckoning. Hard truths emerging. The spotlight on what needs improving. There is no better sign for that than Virgo. Virgo sees disorganization and wants to organize it. All the mud that has been stirred, all the upsets, all the unraveling and unveiling, Virgo is ready to put right.

Virgo is an Earth sign and so eloquently teaches us through this modality. It reminds us while there is inherent magic in the life force, it takes tending to make them grow. We do reap precisely what we sow.

Patience, planning, precision, humility, discipline, and sacrifice are Virgoian superpowers. Virgo reminds us successful change is IN the details, the mundane, the minutia, and the second by second choices we make daily. Change is not just in wanting things to be different, but the actions required to MAKE it different. It is the work we must do when we least want to do it.

So, the good news is with this New Moon we have the potential for some significant changing of patterns. This is also the bad news, as it will require some sweat equity. Some sacred discipline. Some work.

So what reality needs attending to in your life?

What pattern needs reorganization?

What mindset needs cleaning?

What habits are you being asked to shift once and for all?

Because Virgo doesn’t reside in the subtle. She is as blunt and straightforward as they come. We can’t change what we don’t acknowledge, after all.

Then… what do you need to DO to make that change a reality?

What are the day-to-day habits that are required to make that change?

What keeps you from doing them?

Now is the time to release habits and thoughts that keep us stuck in patterns that no longer serve us. To plant the seeds for needed change and do the soul work required to get there.

Some soul work tips:

~Clean it out- Virgo is a physical sign and relates to our physical bodies as well as our surroundings. This is a great time to do a cleanse of foods, things, relationships, thoughts, etc. that no longer need to clutter your life.

~Organize the rest- Life is overwhelming with so much to and so much to feel. Take the needed time to create boundaries around what is most sacred to you and what is required to honor your energy.

~Commit to ritual– I hate schedules. As soon as we HAVE to do something, we summon the inner rebel. But when we GET to do something, our defenses soften. We, like the seasons themselves, have a rhythm, an inhale and exhale, a time of action, and a time of rest. So, often we control our flow rather than work with it. When we add structure to a rhythm, we create rituals that help direct new and empowered pathways and patterns.

~Practice sacred discipline– I know this word often gets a bad rap as it does offer the air of “force” or control. In reality, though, done well, it leads to more freedom, not limitation. Remember, the root word of discipline is “disciple”. This offers a different perspective, one that is more about being a student, learning, understanding a concept, and following a particular path. In this way, discipline becomes an open system of discovery rather than a closed path of submission, and a channel in which to grow and expand rather than a system to restrain or dominate. Discipline then becomes our ally as a tool to embrace rather than one to rebel against instinctively. It is about becoming a disciple to the freedom we so desperately desire.

Success takes both inspiration and discipline. Breathing life into an idea is an inhale and an exhale. We believe, and then we DO. When we honor the process, we allow discipline to become a sacred tool for real success, and we allow the revelation of our very best self.

Time to get to work.

The really important kind of freedom involves attention, and awareness, and discipline, and effort, and being able truly to care about other people and to sacrifice for them, over and over, in myriad petty little unsexy ways, every day.”

 ― David Foster Wallace

With all the current astrological weather it is a great time to learn astrology! Sign up now for the Basics of Integrated Astrology online program starting 9/21.

Photo credit:  Matthew T Rader on Unsplash

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