Pisces Full Moon 9/1-2 — Modern Mystics

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There is a saying that goes, “God only gives you as much as you can handle”. While it might help remind us of our inner strength and grit, I find the term most inaccurate. In truth, there are times in life we are given MORE than we can handle.

Because we are not meant to do it all alone.

Enter Pisces.
Astrology is not a sum total of fates, but possibilities. Every astrological symbol represents an archetype within each of us- some more prominent than others. The Piscean part of us is the one that sees beyond the five senses. It is the part that dips its toe in the river of the divine. The one that finds solace, grace, and meaning from somewhere other than the logical mind. Pisces is our inner mystic. And all mystics are initiated one way or another. It will take us to the edge of what we know, to explore a different type of knowing. One we must find outside ourselves.

This Full Moon, you can expect some initiation. Some experience or choice point that asks you to go beyond your logical recollection to a level of heart-centered intuition or guidance. The way through Pieces terrain are words like surrender, sacrifice, trust, and flow.

In general, though, you can expect:
1) Release moments- Pisces is about letting go of something that isn’t working for your highest good, to make room for something else that is. For something new to begin, something must end. This can happen with or without our permission, and you may very well want to argue with the logic of it all. Piscean sight reminds us we, in our habitual egoic perceptions, can only see a chapter of the story, not its entirety. Note that anything that seems to be drifting away, any challenging truths, experiences, identities, relationships that want release, no matter how you want to grip, trust it is time to let them go.

2) Increased intuition and sensitivity- Anytime we have a watery sign ruling the Moon, emotions are heightened. Pisces is not just about feelings of emotion but those nudges of intuition. It is a reminder those non-linear pathways of insight hold more wisdom right now (think dreams, intuition, and empathic ability) than the logical left. If you find yourself confused during a Piscean time (which is common), it is typically because you are accessing the wrong mind. You cannot answer a divine question with logic. The answers are not found there.

3) Shadow emerging/ fear- The norm of Piscean terrain is uncertainty because that is where the real magic of unlimited potential is always found. It is also highly uncomfortable in its ‘unknowingness”. Piscean times ask us to practice being in the “I don’t know” because that is precisely where new insight and information can emerge. Also, look for shadow archetypes like the addict, the victim, the wounded child, the perfectionist, the shadow healer, and shadow mystic. All the wounded parts of us that try to manage and control our esteem taking the place of the divine itself. Dark nights are Piscean terrain. Expect them. You must be no one before you are someone. So, go deeper into the shadowy places, compassionately making the unconscious conscious, thereby unlocking the alchemy of choice.

4) The need to pause- I know you don’t want to hear this. I know you just want to get back to life as we know it. That’s not going to happen for a while and definitely not in the next few weeks. The great pause is very much in effect. Remember, though. This is to allow new information and insights to emerge. It is to look deeply at the self- especially those parts you have been avoiding. It is also only in the pause we can truly hear what is beyond the constant chatter of the habitual mind. So, stop. And Listen. The silence has much to tell you.

5) Trust and patience-During this time, we are given what we need to know on a need to know basis. Trust becomes a practice as we move breath to breath, hour to hour. The answers will come. They just may not come as fast as we want them to or in the way we demand they do. Remember to allow curiosity to lead, so fear doesn’t take charge.

6) Soul prayer it up-Pisces reminds us we are not alone in our path forward. There is something bigger lighting the way. A grace, a god, a whole guidance squad that has our backs. We just need to ask the right questions and then pay attention to the signs as they appear. This is not the time to engage in ego prayers, where we direct the divine how we would like the problem solved. It is not the time for toxic positivity or affirmations that bypass the reality of what is. The old mind cannot help us here. That is precisely what has brought us to this point. The way forward is lit by a new realization.

7) Apply soul screen as needed- Soul change is exhausting, the old and the new colliding. It is scary. Challenging. It takes us to the edge of the unknown. When things fall apart, when we see the depravity of historical and present wounding, when we FEEL the heaviness of the fear, discord, polarity, and hate, the despair is palpable. Please allow yourself the freedom to do what you need to do to come back to center. To recharge. To feed your light again. Boundaries are helpful here. Both inner and outer. As well as rest, laughter, nature, music, support (For more on that, go here).

Because Pisces gift is its ability to transcend to higher perspectives and lean deeply into uncertainty, the rules of form no longer apply. After all, miracles, epiphanies, synchronicities, and insightful all live in the potential of the unexplored.

And anything can happen.

So, while this can be a challenging time, it can also be one of profound reassurance, awe-inspiring meaning, and wonder. Pisces reminds us there is a reason you are here. Right now. It reminds us there is a world just as real we cannot perhaps see with our eyes but find with our hearts. There is an animating force to matter, a quantum field of potential.

Listen and trust it knows the way.

“A mystic is anyone who has a gnawing suspicion that the apparent discord, brokenness, contradiction, and discontinuities that assault us every day might conceal a hidden unity.”
Krista Tippett

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