New Moon in Scorpio October 30- Facing your Inner Demons

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moon-halloweenIt is fitting this New Moon falls in the sign of Scorpio a day before Halloween. Halloween actually has its roots in the pagan celebration Samhain. Samhain was one of four major pagan holidays and it symbolized a time where the souls of the dead were able to mingle with the souls of the living. All things unseen were believed possible, from ghost to fairies to demons. Even when early Christians tried to substitute their All Saints Day, the roots of Samhain held strong, as exemplified by our modern Halloween.

Perhaps, this embracing of the unseen world echoes our own very human need to see what is unexamined in ourselves, what is in shadow, and what is yet undiscovered.

To be whole we must embrace all that we are.

To be light we must also embrace our own darkness.

Scorpio represents the balance of life and death
shadow and light
power and surrender
endings and beginning
and the seen and unseen.

Scorpio represents things that make us most vulnerable- what better way to reveal our shadow after all. Scorpio detests deceit, betrayal and all things that bypass the reality of wholeness. Scorpio is the sign of this type of deep reflection and transformation. It is not afraid of the darkness but instead travels, ever deeper, into it. Like a hero on a hero’s journey Scorpio leads you across your inner threshold facing inner demons and monsters.

This new moon asks you to do the same.

New Moons are energetic focal points of intention and symbolic of endings, and thus beginnings.

What does that mean?

Life events could arise that ask you look deeply at parts you keep in your shadow. Those things that go bump in the night of your own soul, your fears and inner demons. It is time to explore the caverns of your own haunted house.

What still haunts you?

What limiting beliefs, memories, unfinished business or traumas are creating scary demons in your soul? halloween-1

What ghosts from the the past still rattle their chains disturbing your peace?

What is your relationship with uncertainty, control, trust and things that go bump in the midnight of your own psyche? 

Where do you hold on when you need to let go and let go when you need to hold on?

This New Moon reminds us life is wayyyy to short to hold anything that keeps us stuck in the past. When faced with our own mortality things get clear very quickly. 

What would you do if you knew you had limited time to do it?
How would that change your relationship with fear?

Now is the time to live life from THAT perspective. When we face our demons, shining upon them the light of truth, they evaporate like a candle in a soft breeze.The ghosts of our past, when faced with compassionate acceptance, evaporate like the mist they are.

Go deep. Be real. Seek the darkness within.  For the veil between worlds is thin and we are, for a short time, finally able to travel across it freely.

Happy Halloween!!!!halloween


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