Gemini Super Full Moon December 13-14 –Curiosity and Fear Cannot Coexist

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This year has culminated in a divided world. This division, though immensely uncomfortable does not necessarily mean things are falling apart but being uncovered (more on that here). In that way, transformation is afoot and we are deep in the gap of change. Being lost in the gap between the known and not yet known is like being lost at sea, where we can easily lose hope and get lost in our own fear . This full moon in Gemini reminds us of another ally on our path of through the gap.


Thrown in the gap our world looks very different. The veil has been lifted seemingly overnight. Suddenly, our world looks vastly unfamiliar. At times like this, we must begin to question.

How did I get here?
What is actually happening?
What am I learning, growing or being shown?
How might this actually be happening for me rather than to me?

Gemini is the gift of curiosity driving the quest for knowledge. Communication is part of this. How we give and receive information, how we learn and how we gather data is done through the interaction and exchange of ideas. The gap experience offers new questions and thus new answers.

Division, fear, separation, and confusion are disconnects to solid ground beneath our feet. This disconnect is often only solved by authentic communication. The kind of conversation where we listen through curiosity to understand rather than listen to be right. It is about speaking from a place of truth that includes the whole and without judgmental bias. Gemini is about exchanging viewpoints and ideas, and in the process expanding our base of understanding. Often we can learn even more from differing viewpoints no matter how independent our thinking. Facts give rise to truth, and truth gives rise to power. Yet, truth without facts is baseless, shaky, shady, manipulative and irresponsible. In our world of instant idea exchange, pseudo news is prevalent and very much alive. These half-truths then become powerful myths of separation and defense.

Where do you need to fact check your own life?
What details need examining?
What uncomfortable truth might you need to explore?

Curiosity is the only way through that. The only way to grow is if we stay open to new ideas.

A Full Moon is about revelation and this current energy is a foreshadowing of a bigger cycle to come. This Full Moon is also a super moon, which means it is unusually close to the Earth, highlighting the importance of the intensity. Mercury, which naturally rules Gemini, will go retrograde in the sign of Capricorn December 19. (More on that here) We are actually in the setup phase for this event right now (it started December 1). This theme of dialog, communication, fact checking and especially curiosity will be the theme we bring into the new year.

So, what feels uncertain, divided, scary or confusing in your life?
What divided truths need examining?
Where has fear taken root and taken over?
Where are you creating stories about the future that has not even happened yet?

Remember, curiosity and fear cannot co-exist.

The only way we are going to begin to unify, within our country, our families or in our own psych, is to begin to courageously question, have real conversations, and work together to embrace new possibilities and perspectives.
Let us start there.

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