Mercury Retrograde In Capricorn & Sagittarius 12/19– It’s Time to Get Real

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“I think we need to talk.”

mercury-1This retrograde is likely to bring some difficult, yet essential, conversations to the table. These conversations might be messy, intense, and disheveled, yet etched with truth and healing. Sometimes things get so divided, so confusing, and so out of balance we just need to start somewhere. That somewhere is now.  2016 has kicked our ass and we could use some down time to process before we start again with the upcoming New Year.

Mercury rules the thinking mind and the kind of learning, communication, perception, and data collection that is typically a left-brain event. Yet, a few times a year, our logical mind is asked to take a back seat so we can access a new type of learning that is based in the heart, not the head. We need to slow down, stop the endless mind chatter, and really listen. We are reminded to pause and assess the bigger picture so we can then again step forward with the details that will take us there.  It is a time of retreat and re-evaluation to determine what needs to be shifted, re-defined, assimilated, clarified, and/or processed. There is no reason to fear a Mercury retrograde. Mercury is the divine messenger of the gods, after all, and thus brings important messages. 


The challenge comes because this inward focus is opposite of our “normal” productive reality of schedules, details, and the pontification of habitual ideals. Trying to push forward in a time of retrograde will bring the shadow side of retrograde into focus. This trickster energy often shows up as technological glitches, sudden plan changes, unexpected news, and developments that interrupt our daily routine. (More on that here) The intent of this disruption is to stop the forward motion so we have no choice but to turn inward.

Where is this re-assessment taking place?


What does that mean?

It is time to get real. The reality checker and taskmaster of the zodiac, Capricorn isn’t subtle or indirect. Where it shows up in your chart reveals the personal reality check you are cashing (for more on that contact me), but we are all needing to have a vital and important conversation about the reality that is our lives.mercury

Reality Checks

Government, Laws, and Structure:  What do you need to shift, confront, or change to be in alignment with your integrity?

Macro Capricorn energy represents our external laws, governing bodies, legislature, rules, ethics, and standards. The same day Mercury goes retrograde the Electoral College finalizes its votes for the Presidency. Certainly, there could be a reversal or surprise of the results thus far. There could also be further outcry for change regarding our current election process. Capricorn rules the same values, ethics, and standards on a personal level as well. We must evaluate what we personally stand for and our relationship with integrity. We cannot stand idly by hiding behind political correctness and “bless your heart” truth-bypassing platitudes whether it is in our world, country, family, or ourselves.

Goals: Are you where you want to be in life? What is or is not working in your reality? Where do you, once and for all, need to commit to change?

This is the time to assess the road you are walking and decide if it is your road or a reflection of suggestions made by others around you. It is time to question whether your goals are ego or soul goals. (Want to know the difference? Go here). Capricorn symbolically rules time itself and reminds us we only have so much of it. We are wise to spend it striving for goals in alignment with our most authentic self.

Boundaries: Where do you need to set boundaries with yourself, others, or life itself? Where do you hide your truth behind a fear of rejection?

This retrograde will very likely highlight places you need to say no to something else to say yes to yourself. Dysfunctional shadow patterns arise so we can change them. Remember that setting boundaries is a necessary part of healthy relationships and is a divine act of self-love.

Truth and Authenticity: Where do you need to get real with yourself once and for all? Where have you been editing yourself to hustle for acceptance? Where do you need to fact check your life?

It is interesting to note the rise in “fake news” of late. No other time are facts, real facts, more important. Using honest discernment, rather than judgment, is a Capricorn tool to assess and take a stand for what is true for you. Capricorn reminds us we are most responsible for our own feelings and we do not need to own how our truth affects others. It is not cold or uncaring, that is the shadow of Capricorn, but steadfast in the recognition between what is mine and what is yours.

Sacrifice and Discipline: Where have you been choosing comfort over change? What is your relationship with patience versus instant gratification? What are you willing to sacrifice to gain?

Sacrifice means to give something important up for something equally or more valuable. Capricorn is about work, sacrifice, and discipline and not in a demeaning or disempowering way. It is the adult to our inner child and the coach to our critic. Discipline is a sacred act that reminds us the journey is more important than the outcome. (More on that here).

Control: Where do you need to take more accountability, mastery, and responsibility in your life? Where do you need to stop micromanaging your life to achieve a facade of safety?

This retrograde tests you to get real about your relationship with control. It will ask you to let go of what you truly cannot manage, worry, foreshadow, or predict. It will bring any fantasy stories or places of illusion right to the surface. It is time to confront that what is showing up for your reality is a reflection of you.


In general, this Mercury in retrograde will highlight themes for you by disorganizing what you need to reorganize and spotlight something thus far out of your conscious awareness.

If we don’t work at it consciously, if we don’t seek our own bottom line, a bitch slap of reality knocks us face down into it.

If we don’t work on our stuff, our stuff works on us.

If we don’t deal with the reality of our lives: our health, finances, relationships, work, or spirituality it will show up in unexpected and uncomfortable ways. If we don’t deal with the reality of climate change, racism, sexism, prejudice, fear, or greed we will experience the shadow of our unconscious reality. If we fall into shadow ambition or freedom rather than connecting to our soul we lose connection with the whole. If we don’t face the truth, the truth will rise to meet us and an unconscious reality check is not nearly as comfortable as a conscious one. This is evident of our current political and social climate. Inconvenient truths arise when the unconscious shadow of Mercury in Capricorn runs the show.

What can you do?

Bottom line your life.

Where might you be taking the easy way out by passing reality?

What “work” do you need to commit to?

What systems, habits, or functions in your life require revision?

It must be noted that Capricorn decisions and actions are not the kind that make you necessarily “feel better” instantly. They are not “easy” where no one’s feelings get hurt. These are “rock and a hard place” type of situations.  Just stay aligned with what is your truth. Stay connected, loyal, and grounded to the certainty of your heart. heart

Mercury retrograde is an amazing opportunity to allow new data to emerge. That is the intent. Without an inward assessment of where we are going, we march forward reckless and blind to new possibilities.  Without our heart to balance our head our journey is without inspiration and purpose. Things are brought into focus. We cannot change what we do not acknowledge. We are a nation divided and the only way we are going to move forward is if we start getting real. Getting real collectively and personally. This is not easy, but it is absolutely worth it.

 It is worth it because when we know better we do better. Let us all use truth not discourage us or fall into despair, but to inspire the important work we have yet to do. Let us also remember truth may be personally relative but it is also collectively whole. This retrograde dips back into Sagittarius after all, reminding us universal truth is rooted in the bigger picture. Let us allow compassion to soften our edges and open our hearts, ears and minds and begin the conversation. Let us recognize that even though we are in a time of division, we have also seen stories of amazing courage, faith, hope integrity and unity. We may not pick our challenges but we can certainly pick how we respond to them.

This journey of discovery does not mean we will have all the answers, all at once. After all, there is no faith in knowing exactly how things will work out. Faith is a verb, a potential, and a choice point to choose love, truth, trust, connection and integrity every single time. When we do that, when we unite faith, grounded truth, real work and soul integrity, we become alchemists with the ability to transform challenge into astounding change.


 **Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn December 19, 2016 – January 8, 2017

The Set Up or Pre- shadow Phase: Began December 1, 2016 @29 degrees Sagittarius

Mercury Stations Retrograde: December 19, 2016 @15 degrees Capricorn

The Midpoint of this Cycle: December 28, 2016 @ 7 degrees Capricorn

Mercury Stations Direct: January 8, 2017 @ 29 degrees Sagittarius

The Post- Shadow or Integration Phase: ends January 27, 2017

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