Libra New Moon 9/28 — Choosing Truth (with a capital T)

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New Moons are beginnings, openings, and doorways to awakening the archetype (sign) in which they stand. This New Moon sets the stage in Libra.

Thus, Libra parts of us, as well as the house it resides, are activated and ignited. The artist part. The part that craves balance, beauty, and the “rightness” of all things- externally or internally. Libras are the quintessential interior decorators elegantly redefining spaces, both inner and outer. They connect people, places, and aesthetics in healthy ways.

Which leads us to the Libran sense of justice, diplomacy, and peacemaking performed with harmonious precision.

We all have this part within us. This New Moon awakens it, reminding us that decorum, political correctness, and politeness matters. Not because we need to front to the world (that would be Libra cast in its shadow), but because it is a sign of respect, integrity, and honor to all involved.

Another name for political correctness is compassion. With it, we honor the boundaries of another, revealing the roots of reverence.

How we do one thing is how we do everything. That is Libra’s message.

Even and especially when no one is looking.

Libra is named after the Greek goddess Themis, whose name translates to “divine law.” She is represented by the scales of justice. Bridging the devotion of Virgo and the passion of Scorpio, Libra is the balance between the two. An air sign, she is not caught up in the turbulent depth of emotion (Scorpio) or the earthly concerns of the world (Virgo). Instead, she considers all sides before utilizing all facts and forms of intelligence to make an impartial decision based in Truth (capital T).

In classical depictions Themis is blindfolded, wielding a sword (of truth) to cut through delusion and get to the heart of the matter. The unseen, unwavering, unbiased, and undaunted…Truth. The kind of Truth we know at the core of our being. The kind that is rarely convenient.

This New Moon we are asked to consider this kind of Truth in our own lives. Simple perhaps. Not necessarily easy. Because this type of Truth resides around sharp edges and windy precipices. It resides in our projections, blame, shame, and jealousies. It is found in accountability, apologies, surrender, acceptance, and the deep waters of humility. (All facets we will be asked to explore)

Of course, it also lives in our passions, dreams, inspirations, joys, and all the ways our heart wants to hope. So often, those can also be challenging truths to embrace.

Chiron opposite this New Moon awakens a place we may feel especially vulnerable and sensitive. Where truth bombs clear the way to a level of authenticity and freedom we have yet to experience.

Libra times ask us to get to the heart of the matter.

She doesn’t live in the grey.

What is really true?
The answer to that is being revealed in your life right now.
Are you ready to see it?

No doubt, this New Moon will awaken situations in your life that require honest assessment and compassionate truth-telling. Facts, like breadcrumbs formulating the path ahead, leading us home.

It may also awaken all the denials and edits we have enacted to create facades and barriers to seeing it. The blindfold of Themis is meant to allow us to be impartial, not blind us with a convenient bias.

The end game for Libra is more balance, harmony, and connection. This only happens in the revelation of what is.

Remember the sword of Themis represents a choice. This New Moon ushers in the opportunity to cut through the pretense and choose a better way.

Right and wrong.
Correct and incorrect.
True and false.

Libra reminds us the first step is to honor the Truth.
The next step is to live it.

“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality.

This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.”

~Martin Luther King, Jr.

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