Libra New Moon 10/6-Knowing requires action

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Libra is always associated with balance, and Libra times ask us to pay attention to forces of harmony, calibration, and equality in our inner and outer lives. Therefore, where this New Moon rises in your chart likely requires some needed realignment.

Often we associate Libra with compromise, which is true. Libra done well shows up as flawless diplomacy where each side makes some needed concessions to find the middle ground. Mars and Retrograde Mercury conjunct this New Moon, though, shifting some of that. Those planets suggest a side needs to be taken. A choice must be made. A line drawn in the sand.

Libra is named after the Greek goddess Themis, whose name translates to “divine law.” In classical depictions, Themis is blindfolded, wielding a sword (of Truth) to cut through any subterfuge and get to the heart of the matter. She represents the flavor of Truth that is forged in unseen, unwavering, unbiased, and undaunted rightness. In fact, Libra is the only sign in the zodiac represented by an inanimate object (the scales of justice). When highlighted (like now), themes of justice and consequently injustice, rise to the surface as situations to be acknowledged and remedied.

What is fair and right is often not convenient, though. A part of us may not WANT to see that kind of Divine Truth, and consequently, we blindfold ourselves (a shadow Libra quality) to it. Denial is no match for reality, however. Scales find balance with or without our permission. With Mars and Mercury in full effect, things are feisty, and shadow layers are rising to the surface.

There is nothing wrong with anger, of course. It is a natural response to injustice and an expression of passionate authenticity. It is meant to fuel us forward to fight for that Libra rightness. Misguided though, anger can be a force of destruction. When this happens, the level of anger becomes directly proportional to the level of cognitive dissonance required to keep a specific reality “real”. This is why our psyches cling ever tighter to a mindset regardless of the fallacies within it.

I suspect this time will reveal some areas where some wholesome anger must be felt and voiced. Libra is the sign most associated with decorum, kindness, composure, and civility. Anger need not be ugly. It can be assertive and direct, powerfully setting needed boundaries based on rightness. I suspect some challenging conversations with others and ourselves in our near future. So make sure you refresh yourself on the required skills for healthy communication (and what isn’t) because you will need them. I suspect there will be some shadow anger offering us some important projections to own as well. We will have plenty of opportunities to practice healthy dialog. Lots of triggers to explore.

Which brings us back to choice. As much as we all want to move forward, there might be some pausing (forced or chosen) to assess. Mercury and seven (!) other planets are retrograde. Take note retrogrades do not change the meaning of the force represented by a planet, just the focus. Thus, your gaze should be more inward than outward. That sword of Truth revealing all that requires attention within. (To get specific on where to shift your focus, find 24° Libra in your chart). Look for that Truth in our projections, blame, shame, and jealousies. Look for it in accountability, apologies, surrender, acceptance, and the deep waters of humility.

The good news is there is excellent potential for significant change (think the line in the sand kind!).  Pluto goes direct the same day as the New Moon and other planets follow suit accordingly. So, we are going to begin making some forward progress soon. Chiron (also retrograde, of course) opposes this New Moon turning up the volume of our vulnerability and sensitivity. Expect truth bombs in the form of choices that clear the way to a level of authenticity and freedom we have yet to experience. Chiron is literally the bridge between the old (Saturn) and the new (Uranus). So while there is potential, we may have to look back to go forward in a more evolved and more whole way.

But first, we are going to have to get really real. We will be asked to take a stark unbiased look at our lives and CHOOSE a new direction. We cannot merely think, positively affirm, or vision board our way to change. We have to BE different. That first step is found in making new choices.

Libra reminds us the first step is to honor the Truth and what requires bettering.
The next step is to live it.

“Knowledge is power:

You hear it all the time but knowledge is not power.

It’s only potential power.

It only becomes power when we apply it and use it.

Somebody who reads a book and doesn’t apply it,

they’re at no advantage over someone who’s illiterate.

None of it works unless YOU work.

We have to do our part.

If knowing is half the battle, action is the second half of the battle.”

― Jim Kwik

Want to learn how to read your own astrology chart ? The Fundamentals of Integrated Astrology Program starts soon (10/9/21). Space is limited so go here for more details and to register.

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