Libra Full Moon 4/7-8 — Midwives of Change

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Astrology is not about predicting fate, but mapping the current waves of potential that are arising in both our personal and collective consciousness. It is about asking the right questions so we can best live them.

This Full Moon is no different. It is a Super Full Moon, meaning the Moon is extra close to the Earth pulling on both collective and personal tides. In fact, this is the closest Moon we will have this year, adding that extra bit of intensity. The Moon is in Libra, directly opposing all that Capricorn energy I feel like I have been talking about for months.

And what we are currently living.

(I am going to get the astro babble out of the way here for those of you interested in the direct placements. Feel free to skip the following paragraph, should these details make your eyes cross.)

The highly anticipated and mentioned Jupiter/Pluto conjunction was exact on April 4. Eris is also conjunct the Aries Sun opposing the Libra Moon and squaring Jupiter/Pluto in Capricorn. In fact, the Sun/Eris (@ 24° Aries) is forming a T- Square with the Moon (@ 24° Libra) and with Jupiter/Pluto (@ 25-25° Capricorn). As with all T- squares, look to the “empty” leg for the remedy, which in this case is Cancer (@ 25-24 °).

What does all that mean?

I don’t need to tell you we are living in an extra stormy time. One astrologers have been looking at for years with both curiosity and some trepidation. We are in a time of tremendous shift and change. Ourselves, our families, our communities, our states, our nation, and our world will be forever changed by this event.

The study of astrology is the study of tension and potential.
Of both disturbance and moments of calm.

It offers us a way to map the intensity and also the remedy. It gives us the challenge and the medicine.

In this case, the tension is Capricorn, and one of the remedies is Cancer.

The mother. The midwife. The home. Connection. Empathy. Feeling.

We are birthing a new paradigm. Midwifing significant change. One that is extra chaotic and revolutionary in its process.

And like all births, it is challenging, powerful, potent, and intense.

If you’ve ever experienced the birthing process, you are nodding your head in agreement. Because birth is exquisitely chaotic, in all the most magnificent ways. It reminds us that chaos is not necessarily something to fear. In fact, it is required for change.

The word itself references the void or state of creation.

“In the space between chaos and shape, there was another chance.”
― Jeanette Winterson

Additionally, births happen with or without our conscious permission. There is no other option when labor begins. Regardless of what we might want, that baby is emerging topside one way or another. Something bigger, something instinctive and primal takes over, and it requires full trust in that process. As my midwife is famous for saying, “You cannot think your way through birth”. The mind cannot help us here, we have to FEEL our way through.

Birthing requires we surrender. In fact, it demands it.
Our will, for what is.

We must simply breathe and allow the innate wisdom to take over. Resistance, tightening, clenching, control might be what we want to do, to find some clarity in the chaos, but these things are counterproductive to the process. We must relax and soften into the sensation and trace the edges of the surges. Let go of the story that wants to arise and instead show up to what is.

There is uniquely quiet and fierce courage that is cultivated here. The kind that is forged in moments where our whole self screams out, “I can’t do this anymore. I am not strong enough”.

It is then the midwives smile because they know you are almost there.

It is here we find ourselves at this Full Moon, breathing through the collective contractions. Wishing we were on the other side.

Spent. Bored. Lonely. Scared. Afraid. Angry. In a sea of uncertainty. Grieving.

I do want to speak to the sharp edges that arise during this time. It is easy to minimize or even avoid through the lens of “there’s a reason for everything” spiritualism.

This is not where the remedy is. At best, bypassing minimizes very real feelings, and worst, it shames them.

Compassion is the way to make it through shadow times, both personally and collectively.

You have a right to experience exactly what you are experiencing. Riding all the waves that appear before you.

We are ALL in this together. We need all hands on deck to collaborate and grow from this experience.

Because the remedy this entire time has been a new paradigm focused on Capricorn correction with more Cancerian traits.

Compassion, empathy, service, and sacrifice are the required tools.

More heart. Less head.
More altruism. Less Greed.
More compassion. Less selfishness.
More feminine genius. Less toxic masculinity.
 More cooperation. Less control.

More accountability. Less blame.
More empathy. Less intellectualizing.

And leaders that are not just worried about a bottom line but the honesty and integrity required for enlightened authority. This is a Libra Full Moon, after all. The sign associated with fairness, justice, balance, and honor.

Ruled by Venus, Libra offers questions and experiences that redefine what is really important.

What is really of value?
Is it money? Is it humanity? Is it me? Is it us?
What is most just, fair, and right?

Should the ends always justify the means?

Because those are the questions we are currently living. And the answers can only be found in the heart of justice itself.

That is the change required. A reset to an old paradigm. A beginning of a new time. We will not be the same at the end of all this. We aren’t meant to be. Our myopic vision is meant to expand. Our hearts shattered enough until we feel the biting courage of honor. The battle we are fighting is not just with a virus. It is will a mindset, a reality, and an outdated system of operation crumbling in its antiquity.

Pallas Athene, the goddess of wisdom herself, stands with Jupiter and Pluto, offering her knowledge as we venture forward.

Because true wisdom is not found in having the answers at all but allowing them to rise to meet you, it is grounded in the humbleness of accountability and the honor of imperfection. It is found in the elegance of listening to understand, the dedication of service, sharp edges of the sword of integrity, and the clear simpleness of truth that is left when stripped away of the extemporaneous.

Chaos is complicated. But the wisdom and needed change that comes from it is not. It is right. It is just. It is clear. It is simple. It is love.

“The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can see them.”
― Paulo Coelho

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