Leo Full Moon 1/28-“Brave enough to BE it”

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I am reminded of the quote by Deepak Chopra, “All great changes are preceded by chaos”.

This means that the most challenging part of change is the space between the known and not yet known. Within that gap we find the birth of potential, the negation of certainty, and the unraveled tumult of chaos. No doubt we are all feeling some of that.

In astrology, as in life, some conversations are easier than others. Sometimes we are more receptive and open. Some people just get us and are on the same page. Astrologically speaking, we call those aspects between forces trines or sextiles. It often denotes a time of ease or flow.

Sometimes we have difficult conversations. Maybe we are exhausted and out of patience. Maybe what we are talking about riles us up, and we have a hard time not reacting strongly. Maybe the topics require some soul searching, honesty, and accountability we would rather resist. Maybe they call for some assertion or boundary setting, provoking our esteem and worth. These are more challenging but no less important. In fact, one might argue, these conversations are the ones we REALLY need to grow or evolve. Astrologically speaking, we call those squares or oppositions. They are the conversations we may not want to have but cannot ignore.

The latter is where we find ourselves now.

The specific aspect pattern of this Full Moon is called a T-square. Visually it is like a right triangle with two squares and an opposition. In this case, the dynamic T-square involves the Moon in Leo opposing Saturn, Jupiter, and the Sun in Aquarius, all squaring Uranus, and Mars in Taurus. Mercury is also in its shadow phase of the retrograde cycle in Aquarius. There is tension pulling our world in many directions. The energy of change is palpable, the possibilities evident. There are fires to attend to—choice points on top of choice points.

So, what is the remedy?

Astrology, again, like life, is all about balance and integration. In the case of a T-square, the medicine is found in the ’empty leg’ or the point that, if present, would make it a perfect square or box shape. You see, boxes have a solid structure. The walls, roof, and floor hold each other together. Boxes have balance.

Just what is the ’empty leg’ in this case? What needs a reset in our current experience? Where is the focus needed? What is the specific medicine for the required upending right now?

It would be the point opposite Uranus and Mars in Taurus. It would be Scorpio.

Scorpio’s medicine is found in the blatant unveiling. In many ways, 2020 eradicated all subterfuge by revealing the truth of exactly where we are and what requires attending.

Many have labeled these turbulent times the “great awakening” meaning a time of required and profound change. Certainly, that is the case. There is no going back. Things will never be as they were. Our shadow layers have risen clearly for all to witness. Awakening is not romantic, utopian, or convenient. It is also not a conspiracy of convenience based on bypassing reality. It is gritty. Raw. Real. Technical. It means total accountability, total honoring of what is unseen within us, and total commitment to humility and service. It is about getting real about where we are and where we need to grow. It is about leaning further into challenges, not away. Light comes not when we deny our shadow or attempt to spin it to exacerbate the illusion of control, but when we illuminate it.

After all, in the words of Carl Jung (who embodies the wisdom of Scorpio), “One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious”.

The Sabian symbol for this Full Moon echoes this theme with the image, “Early Morning Dew Sparkles As Sunlight Floods The Field”.

This reminds us sunrise always follows the darkest of nights and the Sun’s endearing presence despite the clouds. Every day a new promise of light. A fresh breath. A distinct opportunity to get it right. It awakens the heart before the mind. The profound potential of hope-if we choose to see it.

Which is the vital point.

The Sun holds the gravity of the solar system. It is the essence of who we are. Without a grounded connection to the heart, though, it gets grandiose, believing its own specialness trying to overcompensate for any ingrained dimness.

This Full Moon in Leo reminds us of our light. How we are meant to shine. Which is the medicine of the time. Because our light is not really meant for us. It was never intended to be selfish but shared. Our brilliance inspiring the brilliance of others. Our light lighting the way.

In the words of one of the great awakeners of this time Amanda Gorman,

“When day comes we step out of the shade,

aflame and unafraid

The new dawn blooms as we free it

For there is always light,

if only we’re brave enough to see it

If only we’re brave enough to be it.”

*Every word of her poem perfectly maps the current themes of conflict, naked truth, and resolution. If you haven’t heard it in its entirety, watch it here.

*This Moon occurs at 9° Leo.

If you want to know what this current astrology is asking of you, contact me for a reading.

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