Jupiter Retrograde in Libra –Finding Balance

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All retrogrades are times where we must turn inward before we turn outward. We are asked to evaluate, assess, and slow down before we act.

Jupiter, the planet of higher truth and ideals, is the part of us that needs revision and it is in the sign of Libra, the balanced scales.

Libra is the dichotomy between opposites, a balance between two points, and the ability to find that middle ground. Most often, this balance practice shows up in our relationships as we dance between polarities, with each other, ourselves and even our world.

Masculine and feminine

Self and Other

Independence and Cooperation

Assertion and Surrender

Shadow and Light

War and Peace

Libra always reminds us even in opposition there is common ground and it seeks this commonality first, understanding we are stronger when collaborating.

Where do you need more balance in your life?

What in your life requires more cooperation and understanding?

Where do you require more openness? 

Where do you need to find the middle ground?

This year we have many planetary heavy hitters at play, reminding us there is much work to be done. The last of the T -square between Jupiter in Libra, Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn is all about integrating the core issues revealed in the last few years. It is like we are experiencing a collection breakdown (breakthrough!) and it is time to pick up the pieces and assemble them in a new, more empowering, way. Pluto and Uranus will continue to dance with Jupiter in 2017 (dates below) challenging the status quo. This collaboration promises to bring sudden changes to challenge our core beliefs, philosophy, and ideology.

Jupiter, though in diplomatic Libra, does imply there are times when we actually have to pick a side.

Major themes for this retrograde:

Relationships: Expect your relationships to shift and move in a profound way the next few months. Life will offer you plenty of opportunities to look deeply at your relationships and assess if they are healthy or not. Projection becomes a tool for integration and healing instead of justification of dysfunctional patterns. Any unhealthy relationship patterns like co or counter dependency, relationship addiction, or game playing becomes glaringly evident, allowing opportunities to heal on a profound level. For more on that, check out the Relationship Series  on the Holistic Health Hour.

What unhealthy relationship patterns need to shift in your life?

Where do you project your shadow on others, and what are they telling you about you?

Legal Matters: Jupiter classically rules legal matters. This focus on legality will likely continue throughout the year as we asses and challenge not just the letter of the law but the spirit of it as well. We have seen that already in the current backlash of the ACLU and Supreme Court with the presidency.  Of course, we also must look inward at our inner legal and ethical system.

Where are we out of alignment with our own inner “laws” and integrity?

Where do we need to pick a side or make a decision once and for all?

Truth: Jupiter represents truth, and not personal dogmatic ideology, but the universal variety sourced in universal facts (not alternative ones). Cognitive dissonance is the ability to be so attached to a core belief that even when presented with evidence contrary to that belief; the new evidence cannot be accepted.  To do so would require complete reevaluation of the whole personality, plunging one into the uncomfortable and tenuous land of uncertainty. As such, one can rationalize, ignore, make up new facts, and even deny the existence of it being another way. Cognitive dissonance is the real terrorist of our reality, because it prevents us from growing, learning and exploring new solutions to old problems.

It is no accident that cognitive dissonance has reached ridiculous levels and facts and events are, quite literally, being made up.  It is no accident that we are seeing the re-emerging of shadow truths bathed in denial.  This trend will continue with the sole purpose of allowing us the choice point to do it differently. Universal truth is found in a balanced heart and head, mind and soul. It is knowing the fundamental and eternal laws of nature, humanity, kindness, humility, justice, empathy, faith, equality, and science on a quantum level. This is the beginning of very real social change we will be experiencing throughout the year.

In what areas of life are you cognitively dissonant?

Where are you aligned with dogmatic, limiting and fear-based truth?

How can you align further with universal truths?

Faith and Hope: The shadow of Jupiter is despair and disillusionment, two emotions that seem to be running high right now. Yet, we are meant to reexamine how we see the world. It is not uncommon for the most difficult challenges to offer us the most wisdom. Though, we may have collectively seen evidence of hate, fear, judgment, and greed, we have also seen inspiring stories of hope, redemption, justice, and a backlash of unity. Being challenged always offers us the ability to show up again and again steadfastly aligned with truth. Jupiter reminds us that light always beats the darkness. It reminds us to choose love, justice, and righteousness over fear. It reminds us to trust the process of transformation, even and especially, when we cannot see the road ahead.  

 “There are two missions we are obligated to carry out during our life journey. The first, is to seek Truth throughout our lifetime. The second, is simply to be good. Engrave it in your mind that life is just one big board game where you have to make it from start to finish by being good. That is all you have to do. The hardest part, is dealing with all the obstacles that prevent smooth sailing. The trick is, to always strive to be the right person in all situations – regardless of personal cost to you. Your aim is to make sure the right book on your shoulder weighs more that the bad book on the left. The scales are real. Regardless of your chosen faith, there is a measurement system to be found in all of the world’s religions. After all, does it make sense for all souls, good or bad, to end up in the same place? Of course not. To really secure the very best setting in the afterlife, the vibrations of your good deeds must surpass your death.”

― Suzy Kassem

***To learn more about the astrology of 2017 contact Aleka for an invitation to an upcoming exclusive webinar.

Jupiter Retrograde 2017 begins on 6 February 2017 at 23° Libra, and stations direct on 9 June 2017 at 13° Libra.

Jupiter Pluto square dates: November 24, 2016, March 30, 2017, August 4, 2017

Jupiter opposes Uranus Dates December 26th, 2016, March 3, 2017, September 28, 2017

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