Gemini New Moon June 3rd—Everyday Magic

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It is Gemini season.

Gemini, like the element of air it symbolizes, is about all the ways we communicate and interact with our world. The way we unite words with breath. Inner and outer, Gemini is how we think, learn, perceive, and express. It is equally, and perhaps more importantly, how we listen. How open we are to new information. How respective and aware we are to the small nudges that permeate our life.

Mercury, the planet that represents Gemini (and is also conjunct this New Moon), was the only god that could travel between all the worlds. He was the messenger bringing information from the divine realm above, the shadowy depths below, and the earthly realms of form. Thus, during Gemini times, we are asked to pay attention to the answers arriving from all directions.

Are you paying attention?

Gemini loves change as its magic embraces new possibilities and opportunities.

Which can be good or bad news depending on your relationship with shifting sands.

Because answers may indeed be more available, but these answers may not be what we “want” to hear. The opposition with a retrograde Jupiter asks us to get real with some truth we may have been avoiding. Some inner knowing, some vital answer wants to emerge from our depths. Our life will show us in the form of resistance, open and closed doors, opportunities, endings, and beginnings. It will offer interests, passions, and inspirations to explore. Gemini places the breadcrumbs squarely in front of us, but in our habitual mindsets, they are easy to miss.

We are so caught up in the external, accolades, and definitions of “success”, often we miss the off-ramps to our own uniqueness. Instead, we get distracted with every shiny object and every possible road, forgetting to ask ourselves if it ours or not. When we attach to the outcome and not the journey itself, we miss the shortcuts and instead take the LONG way home.

That is shadow Gemini. Forgetting to unite the head with the heart.

The gift of Gemini is to listen without judgement, to offer facts without an editorial, to pay attention to the side roads as they appear, and to stay curiously unattached.

Curiosity and fear cannot co-exist after all.

Even when hard things happen, curiosity allows us the space to breathe into it instead of panic. It gifts us with space to choose to respond instead of habitually react.

Gemini reminds us the path unfolds stone by stone. It reminds us of the intricate and necessary balance between knowing and not yet knowing, certainty and uncertainty, the destination, and the path itself.

Because Gemini times are not about seeing the big picture but about trusting the journey. That is the adventure. We may feel inspired to return to school, learn a hobby, or feel a nudge to stop by the bookstore on our way home. Along the way, we meet a soulmate, are presented an opportunity, offered a choice point regardless if we meet our “goal” or not. Synchronicities abound when we simply focus on the next right thing.

And then the next.

And the next.

Because so often when we attach to an outcome, we wait to live. We wait to finish school, wait to finish our to-do list, wait until we find our ‘purpose’, wait to realize our ‘potential’, and we lose touch with ourselves along the way.

Years can go by. And we wonder when we will find who we are.

Gemini reminds us to LIVE right now. This IS it. This moment, regardless of what is arising, IS your purpose.

Signs are everywhere.

Gemini reminds us to show up fully to what is showing up and to shift the path accordingly.

So, as we enter into this New Moon, let us pay attention to all the ways the world is speaking to us. All the closed doors and open doors. All the resistance and flow. Nuggets of insights, synchronicities, challenges, inspirations, pauses, and asks for both pause and push.

Let us remember the world is not happening to us but for us.

Let us listen to understand, not to be right.
Let us even embrace the idea we could be wrong about something.
Let us practice an observer awareness (look to the house @ 12 degrees Gemini for the what).
Let us allow curiosity to take the place of conclusion enabling new insights to emerge.
Let us live the life out of every moment.

Because that is where the magic happens.

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