Taurus Full Moon (Super Moon) November 14- Claiming Truth

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A Full Moon always offers us the opportunity to illuminate unseen parts of ourselves. This full Moon is no exception. Astronomically a Full Moon is a standoff between the Sun and Moon in direct opposition. In this case, we have a deeply penetrating Scorpio sun shining brightly on a Taurus moon. Adding to the intensity is the fact this full moon is also a Supermoon, which means it is closer to the Earth than usual (aka Perigee).  It is also the largest Full Moon Supermoon since 1948 and we won’t see the Moon this visibly big and bright again until 2034. 

From an astrological perspective, it is a giant explanation point in the sky. It is as if the universe is saying, “Hey, this is really important! Pay attention!”

In many ways, astrology is the science of cycles and how those cycles, both macro and micro, affect our reality. New and Full Moon cycles work together to dig up and illuminate parts of ourselves in an attempt to find wholeness, insight, and understanding. The last New Moon in Scorpio (see post here) challenged us to dive deeply into our shadow fears regarding vulnerability and transform them into truth. 

There is no doubt that our deepest fears are being thrust right to the surface. This is the way of shadow work. Why? Because we must claim transformation. Growth isn’t handed to us. It is earned. The choice point, the struggle, the conflict of old and new, is the tax of change. Our shadow is showing up everywhere-the recent election, the pipeline in North Dakota, the senseless killing of bees, the melting of polar ice, the Michael Slager trial- pick your poison. Something is very likely flooding you with emotion. Something long buried is rising to the surface. Something in the backwoods of darkness is finding its way to the light. Shit is getting real.

What truth is your life asking you to claim? What truth is nailing you between the eyes with such clarity you can no longer look away?

In moments where our life flashes before our eyes, we get real clear, real quick about what’s really important.

This Full Moon celebrates that fact as it asks us to get clear on what we truly value, what is genuinely important and what we honestly stand for.

And then it reminds us to actually LIVE it.

Yet…most of us have been conditioned out of embracing our authentic desire and value.

We are taught to do what others expect. We are bullied out of authenticity.


We settle out of safety.

We hide our truth behind political correctness.

We by-pass our values with politeness or spiritual platitudes.

We define our worth through outside validation rather than a grounded sense of self.

We allow fear to overwhelm our authenticity.

We seek our reflection everywhere, only seeing our brightness if it is reflected back to us.

We forget we are meant to shine from the inside out.

Reflected light only lasts so long.

This Full Moon reminds us to STOP THIS!

Stop editing,











and subduing yourself. 

Our collective consciousness is asking us to get honest, pick a side, have an opinion that resonates with our radiant inner authenticity, and then steadfastly align with those truths.

This isn’t about anarchy, freedom and reckless rebellion; Taurus is a sign of peace after all. However, it is a call, to assess, to question and to claim your truth regardless if anyone agrees with you or not.  

Taurus is the sign most connected to the Earth. So take a pause, BE, connect with nature embracing solitude, silence, and peace, because the Earth reminds us what is truly important. Without it, we are nothing and how we treat it is a reflection of how we treat ourselves. Let us clean out the clutter of our inner closets filled with the menagerie of other people’s opinions and directives of how we should live your lives. Let us release those tangible things we desperately hold onto trying to define our worth, because if we align with values sourced in fear or defense and try to manage uncertainty through the facade of stuff equating with worthiness, we will forever feel lacking.

This full moon asks, “What’s really important?”

Is it status, money, validation, accolades, beauty myths, or Facebooks likes?

Because none of that lasts.

What lasts is not what is changeable. Intangible things are like sand through our fingers, falling eloquently grain-by-grain to emptiness beneath us. The more we hold the less we have. What lasts is what we truly value, what fills our heart with truth, love, passion, longing and peace. It is the pause, the laughter and even the pain that brings us to our knees. Those memories we take with us, and in their realness lay their immortality.

This Full Moon celebrate your realness and highlight your truth in all of its reckless abandon. You are a divine creation of life itself simultaneously a beautiful storm mingling on the outskirts of a stunning sunset. You are colorfully mundane, magnificently wounded, disorganized brilliance, and disheveled grace. You are all of it, all at once. In all of that, you find the uniqueness that is You. So let that knowing, the star stuff of mystical singularity and uncommon specialness, allow your truth to seep through the pores of your being and fill the world with a light so radiantly beaming there is no force that can extinguish it.

One day, one hour, one minute, one second one breath at a time. Taurus reminds us to have patience. It reminds us to have compassion.We might be in for the long haul. Like the Earth it so represents, we are asked to ground in our truth, relentless and resolved in our faith and vision.

*As always the house and specific aspects this moon is making in your particular chart matters as to the unique relevance for you. So contact me with questions and for a mini Moon reading.

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