Full Moon in Sagittarius May 21

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Full moons illuminate the unseen and often unconscious parts of ourselves we tend to hide in shadow by bringing these parts to the light of conscious awareness. This Sagittarian Full Moon reveals our relationship with our beliefs, and specifically how those beliefs create our perception of reality.

We are bombarded with millions of bytes of data per second, and just how that information is filtered determines what we “see” (perceive).  How does that work? Well, the verbal and nonverbal messages and experiences we have when we are young create beliefs about our world and ourselves. These beliefs then establish our unique filters, which are the unconscious and automatic way we sort information and thus organize our version of reality. We then carry this filtering system into the future, shaping our whole lives.

For example, let’s say a dog traumatically attacked you when you were young. Your mind, very intelligently, took care of you by creating the belief, “dogs are dangerous, ” and your filtering system became hyperaware of that specific threat. Years later, we go for a walk in a busy park where there is all kinds of activity happening. Your perception will focus on the dogs first as your filtering system alerts you to any potential threat. I, on the other hand, having no dog trauma, may not even “see” the dogs. Different beliefs create different filters, which create our unique perceptions of reality.  In other words, what we believe, we perceive.

The dog example is an obvious example, but here are some more subtle ones.

  • If we experienced abandonment, our filter will be forever sensitive to any possible threat to that happening again, and we might see that threat everywhere, creating anxiety or worry. Perhaps, we even build a shell of protection in defense of this perceived threat closing us off from real connection and habitually choosing emotionally unavailable partners who continue to abandon us.
  • If caretaking was equated with connection, we will often perceive a world full of people of whom we must take care, often at the expense of our own self and sanity. Boundaries, assertion, and receiving care seem unrealistic and impossible based on our beliefs and perception of reality.
  • If we experienced criticism or a demand for perfection and if we felt flawed or unworthy, then we will likely see the world and ourselves through the same dirty lens. We will perceive “evidence” justifying all the ways we are not good enough, unappreciated, and imperfect by unconsciously filtering out what is positive.

The truth is we spend the rest of our lives defending, upholding, or re-enacting spells cast upon us years ago.  That is both the bad news and the very good news (depending on your perception). It is good news because it reminds you that you are part of the problem and you are also part of the solution. You have the power within you to identify, challenge, and change those beliefs; to create new filters and thus perceive a whole new reality.

Remember, a Full Moon is the direct opposition of the Sun and the Moon in the Sky. In this case, a Gemini Sun is shining on the Sagittarian Moon. Thus, we are reminded astrologically to access Gemini awareness to claim Sagittarian truth. Gemini’s guiding light is curiosity, the ability to observe without judgment.

  • What happens when we truly get curious about our feelings, lives, habits, and those same situations that seem to keep happening?
  • What happens when we take a step back and observe our deep beliefs and habitual thinking, getting up close and personal with our inner critic? (For more on that listen to the Inner Critic podcast.)
  • What happens when we can truly claim accountability, linking our beliefs with what we perceive around us?

What happens is we open the door to exquisite and powerful change. When we change our beliefs, we have the power to change our thoughts, our feelings, and our actions.

“When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.” ~Dr. Wayne Dyer

Retrograding Mars (read about that here) joins this powerful moon, reiterating we have the gift of choice. We have the power, courage, and energy to change our whole world by changing our minds.

  • What is more true than the ancient beliefs you have etched somewhere inside?
  • Who are you without the spells and stories from long ago?

When clouds cover the sun, we do not believe that the sun is gone forever, just that it is temporarily out of our vision. The muck clouding our filters is just as temporary. Our radiance is shining bright beneath it. We may have just forgotten that. This Full Moon asks you to remember.


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