Virgo Full Moon 3/9 — Finding Grace

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We have been navigating the deep waters of Pisces. I am not sure about you, but I could use some solid ground. Some terra firma.

This Full Moon in Virgo offers a bit of that. I say a bit because the Sun is still firmly floating in Pisces conjunct the mystical Neptune. Mercury (which rules Virgo) will be stationing direct the day of this Full Moon leading us to the integration phase of the whole retrograde cycle. This is one of a few Super Moons, which only means the Moon is closer to the Earth than usual. As such, the inner and outer tides are pulled a little more and things feel just a bit more intense. Where this Full Moon is happening in your own chart will reveal the tidal nuances (19 ° Virgo).

We knew this year was going to be a pivotal year for transformation and transition of course. It has not disappointed. 

It is only three months in.

Virgo, a powerful Earth sign, can certainly ground us. Always opposite the mystical Pisces, it reminds us transcendence is fun, maybe a bit intoxicating, undoubtedly profound, but we are not meant to LIVE there. Spiritual practice is only valid if we can weave it into our daily lives. It is easy to be enlightened in an Ashram. Try doing it in real life.

 Not so much.

Life is where our inspiration, faith, and guidance become a daily, sometimes, minute by minute practice. It is a constant dance between parts of us, the gravity of our habits and insecurities, and our most aspired expression. This practice IS Virgo. The part us that lives the esoteric within the mundane and the expansion within the minutia. This requires the graces of humility, sacred discipline, and routine. The ability to keep showing up to whatever is showing up. Virgo likes the small parts, the daily practices, and the idiosyncrasies of repetition required for real change.

Virgo reminds us we are spiritual beings having a very human experience in an actual body. This is where the physicality and health connections arise when we speak about Virgo. Our body is the sacred vessel through which grace moves, after all and our health an extension of how we use our energy in the world. It is meant to be cherished, honored and revered as such. So, Virgo times can tune us into our health in a more laser-focused way. Try facing a challenging diagnosis to get some priorities straight. 

This Full Moon indeed reminds us of that.

Additionally, whatever you have learned sailing the Piscean sea of the last few weeks, this is time to put it into practice. Whatever skins you have shed, you are now called to venture back out, minus the masks, to BE that new you. Whatever you have been asked to release, you are summoned to integrate into your daily life.

This is where the challenge can emerge, though. There is something unsettling about shining in new ways. 

Like all shadow qualities, the gifts can easily become the poisons if overdone. In this case, worry and anxiety. The same Virgoan qualities of precise picking apart and logical rendering can lead to overthinking and catastrophizing. Virgo appreciates the control that arises with knowing how something will work out before the risk is attempted. Thus, when faced with a challenge, Virgo looks at every possible outcome, so there are no surprises. Unfortunately, when left to run amuck, our negative bias can take us right down into rabbit holes of our own making, and before we know it, our body has responded as if that hypothetical event has actually happened.  

Pisces and Virgo times are always about this balance of control and surrender. Where we prepare and where we must let go. Where we manage and what we must allow.

Virgo is the form of Earth that can be shaped, molded, and formed while water only holds the shape of the container it is in. We need both to make it through the mystical path of humanity.

So as you walk through the next few weeks, hold steady to what is under your control and what isn’t.

Byron Katie says there are three kinds of business: yours, mine, and gods. Upset and tension arise when we try and manage or control what isn’t ours at all. Yes, our work is to move forward with whatever soul work has appeared in the last few weeks. Some sacred discipline and solid grounding are likely required. But we must stay present to what is our responsibility and what is not. We must do all that we can with what we can control and allow a practice of trust and surrender for all that we cannot. When we do, we open the door the tremendous grace that is only found there.  

God, grant me the serenity

to accept the things I cannot change,

the courage to change the things I can,

and the wisdom to know the difference.


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