Capricorn New Moon 1/12-13-New Foundations

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Last year was spent slogging through Capricorn terrain. I say slogging because it wasn’t a quick sojourn. It wasn’t merely a dipping our toes, but a deep and intense perusal where we were forced to trace the very edges, whether we wanted to or not.

Perhaps, you remember me writing that Capricorn represents structures and foundations. Whether that be external in the form of government, leadership, laws, banking, and infrastructure, or internal in the form of mission, duty, and responsibility. Maybe, you also remember me writing about how all of these things are being called into question, any dysfunction rising to the surface—shadowy layers on full display. The point, of course, is to reveal what isn’t working to find better ways. Because if Capricorn represents foundations, it is vitally important we assess on what those foundations are being built.

Things like integrity, honor, honesty, and principle matter. Our actions, words, and choices define us. No doubt that has become even more evident.

This New Moon, that theme is revisited. Especially as Pluto sits conjunct it, the uncovering at its peak. Any weak foundations that lack integrity are shaken loose so we can rebuild back better. With Pluto, though, sometimes this looks more like collapse, which is not typically an enjoyable experience. We are literally living that recalibration. Igniting further, Pluto, the Sun, and Moon are square dancing with Eris, the goddess of discord herself. You can be sure light will be brought to dark places one way or another. Recent events have indeed revealed that.

Look at where this New Moon(23° Capricorn) is happening by house and aspect in your chart to get a sense of your personal restructuring. Because while this may dredge up some uncomfortable awareness, it also has immense power potential. Shadow work always does. The trick is to get humble, aware, and radically accountable, honoring it as sacred, rather than force, deny, reject, spin, or attempt to fight the revelation.

The first step with Capricorn is always to assess truth with grounded precision, which might be where things get complicated. Certainly, the concept of truth is somewhat of a struggle right now. We are at a crisis point of malignant disinformation and cognitive dissonance at the very highest levels. Facts are dismissed or ignored. Perception can be faulty and personal. Capricorn, at its very highest destiny, though, is powerful in its ability as a Truth detector.

There is no sign with more moral integrity than Capricorn. Capricorn is the part of us that gives us the ability to do what we don’t feel like doing. In its light, it is right leadership, masterful authority, and actions congruent with principle. It is how and when we walk the talk. It is a force that can scale Everest itself. In its shadow, though, truth becomes dangerously dogmatic and convenient, autocratic, tyrannical, using that force of mission to control, not inspire. For Capricorn, there is a clear delineation between right and wrong. The higher and lower self. That is absolutely a powerful point we are living.

There are times we are meant to have dialog and understand each side, and then there are times we are meant to use our power of discernment to pick one. There is no doubt we will need to do some work to integrate what has transpired. A lot of work. Collectively and personally. The work, though, does not start with acceptance. That will come later. Maybe. The critical first step is radical accountability.

That is Capricorn truth at its finest. The integrity to side with what is right on a fundamental soul level. Capricorn is the inner realist, mature adult, and the wise voice of conscience. It is the kind of Truth we may not want to see, but it is what is. Truth like that is often simple (but not necessarily easy). Clear. Grounded. Radically accountable. Where reality becomes our teacher and what we do, what we say, and the actions we choose define exactly who we are.

Many have said regarding the tumult in our political system, “This is not who we are.”. In fact, this is exactly who we are. What we are living is the result of countless dysfunctional choices, actions, and words that have created the result we see now. We cannot change what we don’t acknowledge. This happens on a personal level as well. Perhaps, there is something in your life you are being asked to get real about. Some misalignment with intention and actual action. Now is the time to get really real.

Capricorn is represented by the Sea-Goat, the tale of a fish and the torso of a goat. This symbolizes the stoic determination and stamina of the sign. It reminds us we have the strength to scale the tallest mountains and swim to the deepest depths. Its gift of discernment offers needed boundaries and soul authority. It also represents the delicate and vital balance between the head and heart, our EQ and IQ.

Capricorn gifts us with both for a reason. Because if we are going to sort out what is most true, both are required. We need to think, but we also need to feel. Our most profound truths, especially those centered in rightness, are found in the virtue of the heart. It is genuine wisdom at its finest.

We need more of that right now. It is the bedrock of the new foundations required—the ones we are being tasked to build. 2021 has immense potential for change. That is coming. In fact, it is here. This New Moon simply and intensely reveals exactly where those foundations are needed.

And so we build, brick by brick. We climb, step by step. We grow, right choice by right choice.

“An authentic and genuine life grows like a sturdy tree. And like a tree, it grows slowly. Every time you make a different and better decision, it grows a little. Every time you choose to do the right thing, even when nobody would find out otherwise, it grows a little. Every time you act with compassion, relinquish your right to strike back, take a courageous stand, admit fault or accept responsibility, it grows a little.”
― Steve Goodier

*This New Moon occurs @ 23° Capricorn

Want to know what this New Moon is offering you? Contact me for a reading.

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