Astrology Update for April 2016: Mars and Pluto Retrograde

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Astrology resides at the intersection of fate and destiny. It offers an overview of potential, possibilities, and choice that leads to growth and transformation. The cosmic weather is a reflection and a mirror for our own inner work, for as we look above we also look within. While astrology should never be about increasing fear, it is about being real.  On a path of self-discovery, it does no good to by-pass the shadow with rose-colored glasses. It is ineffectual to sidestep truth with wishful affirmations and attempt to psychologize our fear away with spiritual platitudes. Optimistic denial does little for real growth.

This month we are being offered the gift of change through the alchemy of truth. Whether that is “easy” or “hard” is a matter of perspective. This is a time to look deeply  inward, and carve out some space for the part of us that manages, overcompensates,  ignores, projects, or denies with the intent  to be more whole. We must call back those long lost parts we have edited in our hustle for connection, perfection, or control.

”The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.”cave

–Joseph Campbell

What is actually happening?

On April 17th, Mars stations*, turning retrograde*, at 8°54′ Sagittarius, and on the very next day Pluto also stations, at 17°29′ Capricorn. Those are two like-minded and intense energies coming to the forefront and magnifying the themes and forces they represent within us. The motion of the planet further distinguishes the energy of the cycle. In general, the slower the planet seems to move the more significant and robust its symbolism. Likewise, retrograde energy is all about inward reflection and assessment.

What does that mean?

Mars, named after the god of war, represents our inner forces of will, desire, assertion, protection, passion, and anger.  When channeled through the filter of conscious awareness our inner Mars allows us to assert ourselves, establish healthy boundaries, set inspired intentions, and claim energy, bravery, and clarity to realize our potential. (For more on the Gift of Anger, check out the Holistic Health Hour podcast on the last Mars retrograde.)  Our inner Mars can be our courageous force of creation, inspiration, definition, and defense.  Yet, when channeled through fear, we evoke the shadow of that inner fire with tyranny, oppression, aggression, spite, contempt, riotousness, and malice. These are all ways we try to control to attempt a sense of safety.

Pluto, named after the god of the underworld, represents our own “underworld”; those shadowy often-unconscious parts of ourselves we regularly ignore, disown, or renounce.  There is a truth that in Greek mythology the gods were required to spend some time in Hades because wisdom is born in the fires of truth. When we face the shadow of who we are, we are gifted with profound knowledge, strength, and resiliency to be who we truly are. When we make the unconscious conscious, we extend our knowledge to include new limits of authenticity and we are reborn, like a phoenix from the ashes, but when we suppress, deny, or deflect the shadow we shame it, blame it, and project it on our lives


Look at the vehemence, mudslinging, and immature contempt of the current elections. What does this really say about our national shadow? What does it say about us? Go there.

As always, we have choices. We can harness the power of inner fire and utilize it constructively or we ignite a fire of destruction. We can own our shadow or we can project it.  There is a saying in recovery circles, “if you don’t work on your stuff, your stuff works on you.” This is especially fitting in this current cycle, as our life will offer plenty of opportunities to practice. We might experience more conflict, blame, limiting beliefs, and trauma patterns resurfacing, and thus, more opportunities to heal, set boundaries, and practice assertion. We may experience life events that clash and argue against our current expectations, creating a misalignment with our ego “wants” and our reality.  Pluto and Mars often usher change in through the door of resistance. We will be very surely triggered. In Buddhist philosophy there is a truth that defines suffering as “wanting things to be different than they are.” The fact is that change happens. We may not have power over that, but we have exquisite power as to how we handle the change. In other words, change is inevitable, but suffering is optional. When we create space for change through awareness, mindfulness, and receptivity we make it sacred, and in that beautiful moment, in that perfect storm where courage meets comfort zone, we harness our inner fire and turn our lead to gold. When we argue, resist, control, deny, and resent what is, we perpetuate the suffering we are trying so hard to avoid. When faced with our shadow, with change, and with life events that plunge us into the dark night, use that as a sign there is some alchemy needed. It is time to let go rather than control, because the more we grasp out of fear (MY WILL) the more suffering we create. It is time to go inward to find your way out.


Shadow work isn’t easy. Sometimes working with our shadow is like a fish looking for water:  It is all around us, yet cannot be seen. To that end, this would be a good time to utilize the skills of a counselor, coach, mentor, or friend to walk beside you on your inward journey.  Darkness always seems less scary when we have someone we trust walking by our side. Additionally, shadow work requires compassion and grace rather than more judgment, shame, or criticism. Healing the shadow is about integration and wholeness. (To learn more, listen to Projection and Integration on the Holistic Health Hour via Blog Talk Radio.)


Some questions to help you use this energy constructively and dive a bit deeper into the shadow:

Are you living your passion, inspiration, and in alignment with your highest calling and beliefs? If not, what stops you? What would it take to let go of those blocks?

What is your relationship to anger? What were your early messages about it? Can you claim assertion, or do you fall into aggressive and passive aggressive patterns of control?

How is your life happening for you, not to you? How is your life a reflection of your shadow, those deeply buried limiting beliefs and edited parts?

Can you fully own your blame and projection as a tool for transformation and change (conscious conflict link)? What hidden truth might you be deflecting? What would it take to love it into wholeness?

Where have you and where do you still edit yourself, censor your truth, or give in out of fear of rejection or conflict?

Where do you need to set boundaries as a reflection of self-definition and self-worth?

*A retrograde is the apparent backward motion of a planet. Of course, no planet actually travels backward. It is an optical illusion similar to the effect of two cars traveling alongside each other on the highway. As one speeds up and overtakes the other, it might appear the slower car is traveling backward.

*When a planet makes a station it seems to be still as it resides in the pause between forward motion and retrograde.

**Exactly where and how this energy is showing up for you is important. Every chart is different. Do you want more information on where this energy is specifically showing up for you? Feel free to contact me.


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