Aries Full Moon 10/1-Life does not look back

This post was hard to write. Not because I didn’t know what to say, this time is full of transformational cycles, but because I wasn’t sure how to say it. I admit to being soul tired. Disappointed and disillusioned of late. It is easy to want to throw up my hands, declaring the whole system shot, empowering the wounded victim in myself. And while I am all about allowing that part to have an afternoon or two, it is not where I am allowed to stay. That is not my role or the contract of service I have agreed to. I, like you, will continue to show up, shedding light on dark places and siding with the graces of rightness.

In that spirit, I must say, the next few months are going to be a bit rocky. Which unless you live in a completely different reality (and I envy you if you do), the last few months haven’t been real fun either.

Yes, we can all revel in all that we have learned. Wisdom found. Insights. Inspiration. Gratitude. New layers of value. But we have also experienced significant loss. Grief. Confusion. Uncertainty. Pain. Fear. And an overall lack of empathy that takes my breath away even as I write this. And that loss is not yet over. The air is thick with it. More is coming.

The next few weeks/months are likely going to be the most intense of the whole year. Think of it as the transition phase of labor. The final uphill before the descent. The moment before the breakthrough.

Hard. But worth it.

That is my hope. My fervent prayer. That this time pushes us forward, as it is meant to do and does not lead us back, only to repeat it all again. I will echo something I have uttered numerous times during this experience. The lessons may be necessary, but the level of intensity of late hasn’t been required. It didn’t need to be this way.  If challenges are repeating in both our inner and outer lives, it is a good indication we aren’t actually doing what is necessary. We are missing the messages. Thus the volume simply increases until we do. (Want to know what those messages are? Take a look at the Astrology of 2020).

And we humans are a stubborn bunch.

Astrology is meant to help us navigate the most troubled times. Help us understand just ‘what’ we are meant to ‘do’ right now. Without naming all the specific astrology aspects and cycles, (that would be an entire blog all in itself), let me offer a few touchpoints to highlight the relevant themes.

~You should be pausing life as much as possible right now. Not in fear, but in reverence for the immensity of this time itself.

~You should be sacrificing willingly. Not as a punishment, but as a practice of sacredness to all.

~You should be looking for ways to be of service. Not to minimize your own pain, but to harness the graces of empathy and humility.

~You should be feeling things. Not to be overwhelmed, but to recognize anger, fear, sadness, confusion and grief are totally appropriate to acts of injustice, transformation, and loss.

~You should also question your feelings. Not to silence or judge them, but to make sure they are channeled through your wisest and highest self and not wounded esteem. (Then you should use this wisdom to propel you into inspired action.)

~You should take care of you. Not in a selfish way where your needs supersede all others, but enough to stay okay so you can help (See service above).

~You should take it moment by moment. Not to avoid or even minimize what is, but to become a witness for the new that is emerging.

~You should recognize the importance of integrity, honesty, facts, and honor. Not in a convenient way that matches a comfortable narrative, but in a technical truth kind of way. What we say and do is exactly who we are.

~You should do all the shadow work you can. Not to assume what isn’t yours or fall into a shame spiral, but to allow the stories to arise so you can write new ones.

~You should focus on what is really important. Not in a way that negates the values of others, but in a way that adds to the worth of the whole.

I am reminded that the Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is “A teacher gives new symbolic forms to traditional images”.

Our life is full of symbols. Our government. Our families. Our gender. Our race. Our roles. Our possessions. Our bank accounts. Our sexuality. Our religions. Our culture. Our values.

Our teachers are everywhere too. People. Experiences. Life itself.

And symbols are symbols precisely because they have meaning. They are steeped in tradition and ritual. Custom can be comfortable, and it should be celebrated as such. But no growth happens there. To evolve requires a reevaluation of what is. It requires an updating of symbols. We must birth new traditions lest we stay in the same place, wondering why nothing has changed. We must also evaluate our cultural norms, updating them as we collectively evolve. What made sense a century ago, or even 10 years ago may not make sense now.

And thank goodness for that.

The point, of course, is to continue moving forward. Not back. The best teachers know this. They inspire us to grow. To try new things. They have integrity. Wisdom. They lead by example.

This is what this Full Moon, and really what this time highlights for all of us. A clash between tradition and the opportunity for new. Rebirth. Renewal. Revolution. That is Aries terrain.

This is messy business, though. Especially for those that are attached to the gravity of custom linked to esteem or security. We tend to hold on to the stories that prop up our identities most securely. For without them, who would we be? And within that question, we find the magic of change itself. It is only when we are willing to be no one, letting go of the symbols that define us, can we find who we were meant to be.

Change is going to happen. It is happening now. There is no going back. The symbols by which we define ourselves will be challenged and updated. This is occurring regardless of our narrative, how hard we resist, or try to control the shift. There are truths being excavated that are meant to make us uncomfortable, our symbols feeling the pressure. Which is the goal of a true teacher. To embody the light of growth, not fear.

That is the point, actually. To reexamine the symbols in our lives and redefine them based on what is right for all. Because the essence of real change should always bring us closer to holism, not away from it.

“When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not yet ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back.”

― Paulo Coelho

Want to know what the current astrology is asking of you? Contact me for a reading.

*Feel free to share the information in this post. I only ask that you give me credit and share my website when doing so.

2 thoughts on “Aries Full Moon 10/1-Life does not look back”

  1. This article is outstanding! I am hoping to be able to print it when I get home today, so I may read it again and often. Thank you.

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