Aquarius New Moon 1/24 — Revelations of Freedom

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New Moons are new beginnings. And I think I speak for all of us when I say, yes, please. We could all use some shift, some hope, some cleansing breaths.

Because for many, the last few weeks have been heavy with change. The kind that initiates you into a new reality, instantly, often without permission. Beginnings, after all seem to dance with endings. We have been dancing with the gods of fate Pluto and Saturn of late. There is a tsunami size swell in the current karmic ripening. Nothing light about that.

This Aquarian New Moon offers a small window into the energy that will be emerging at the end of the year though. Uranus, which naturally rules Aquarius, is also squaring this New Moon, adding another dose of Aquarian flavor. With this potent energy aloft, things tend to move quickly and unexpectedly.

Expect the unexpected.

We, humans, are wired for routine. And routines are not necessarily a bad thing. They help us feel safe, secure and literally save on needed brainpower and memory space. In our habituated status quo, though, we see only what we have previously seen.

Every once in a while, it behooves us to step out of our routine.


Anytime we get out of the status quo, we encourage our brains to make new connections. Routines make us idle, and change helps us pay attention, see details we may have missed, and find new solutions to old problems. Change is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and inspiration. It is the root of real freedom.

Welcome to this Aquarius New Moon. We have been slogging through Capricorn reality checks for a while now. Aquarius, in its innovative vision, is all about looking forward. It liberates. It loosens the heaviness. It offers a broader perspective of what happens we get out of what is yet defined.

We realize what is possible.

Aquarius holds the magic of a wider vision. Imagine the difference between being stuck in a jungle or sitting on a mountain looking at the jungle. In the wilderness, that is all you see, nothing but vines and tangled branches. From the mountaintop, though, one can see the jungle is just a small part of the journey. This is an Aquarian perspective.

Astrologers often say when Uranus dances with us, we can expect sudden surprises or unexpected events. This is good or bad news, depending on your relationship with uncertainty, of course. The intent of the learning, though, is to shake us out of our routine so we can find new solutions.

This is what this New Moon is asking of us.

From a global or personal perspective, what brought us here is excellent information, but it is not what can sustain us forward.

Paraphrasing Einstein, we cannot solve a problem at the same level of mind that created it.

(Uranus is in Taurus after all).

There is an added urgency, a surprising wake up call.
Or Fifty.

New perspectives are required. Some alteration, some innovation, some revolution.  (Find 4° Aquarius in your chart to find the specific flavors of change, or Contact me for a reading.)

With Aquarius we always have the choice to get out of our own routine…or it will be done for us. Our freedom can be chosen or it will be forced.

Be on the lookout for answers that arise as synchronicities, shocks, revelations, or surprising turn of events. These are not happening to you but for you, regardless of how uncomfortable they may seem at the time. Epiphanies, “random” thoughts that hit you while washing your hair, pay attention to them. Aquarian truths are flashes of insight. like electric jolts awakening us from our dormancy, our chains of complacency broken, our status quo freed.

We are living through a critical time — one where new solutions will be required to replace outdated systems of power and self-centeredness. Aquarians are often accused of being a bit different. Weird. A bit feisty. Even rebellious. And they are right. We desperately need to summon the geniuses, truth-sayers, rebels, and revolutionary spirit within us.

The Course in Miracles defines a miracle as a change in perception. That is precisely what is needed right now. This New Moon, one way or another, is meant to do just that. 

Nothing ever changes unless it changes. Our very world relies on a new vision of humanity radical in its equality and collaboration, not just for each other but for the planet itself.

Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

― Rob Siltanen

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