Aquarius Full Moon 7/29 — Sacred Activism

Imagine attending a symphony of the world’s greatest musicians, and each decided to play a piece that best expressed their personal instrument and talent. One hundred of the very best musicians each playing different melodies. Regardless of the expertise, you would hear only noise.

But what happens when they decide on an untied score?

Harmony. Music.

Regardless of the talent, it is only when united the real magic is revealed.

This marriage of individuation and collaboration, authenticity and belonging, describes the grace of Aquarius. Our unique authenticity, freedom, and sovereignty were never meant to be selfishly appreciated, but gifts to share with a greater good. It takes every color to make the most brilliant rainbow. As with most truths, though, simple and right often don’t equate with easy.

This delicate balance is vital to ponder as we welcome this Full Moon in Aquarius. Aquarius is potent medicine right now, signifying some light at the end of the tunnel, some way through, some breadcrumbs to follow. Many astrologers have said we are at the forefront of a new age in Aquarius, and I agree. All those Capricorn planets will be moving to Aquarius soon, awakening us anew.

Full Moons must always be understood within the broader context of the collective astrology, and that is certainly true here. We still have Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter, and Chiron retrograde. Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) stations retrograde on the 15th. We are also in the set up/shadow phase of the Mars retrograde coming in September, so we are already living those lessons. Additionally, Full Moons are always direct oppositions between the Sun and the Moon. In this case, the Sun is in Leo, and the Moon is in Aquarius. Both are forming a T-square with Uranus in Taurus.

What does that mean?

The pause is still active. The shadowy layers are still emerging. Conflict is arising. Reality checks are being cashed. After all, we cannot transform what we cannot acknowledge. One thing is for sure. Astrology does not tell us what WILL happen. It explains the terrain, the challenges, and the best way through. There are zero guarantees we will get it right. Astrology just says that we can if we choose to.

As of yet, we have clearly not yet learned the lessons currently presented. And so they will continue. With Uranus involved, expect the unexpected. This is not a punitive thing of course. It is to awaken us from our dormancy and status quo.

In truth, though, we NEED some Aquarius right now. Why? Aquarius are the genius, innovators, mavericks, and visionaries within and among us. An air energy, Aquarians are known as the fact-checkers and scientists of the zodiac. They level up our thinking busting apart old paradigms. Known as being somewhat detached, Aquarius represents the part of us that can realize technical truths minus the emotional self. It is the ability to see the WHOLE picture, the challenges as well as the solutions. And we all have this force with us.

Historically, though, we tend to condemn facts and science that doesn’t agree with our narrative. The world was believed flat until a whole bunch of rowdy Aquarians said otherwise. They were promptly thrown in jail. Ultimately, of course, they were right. As this force often is.

We do this on a personal level as well. We can detach in healthy ways that allow us to widen our perspective to see a broader picture, or we can choose to disconnect in denial, demanding reality be something different than it is.

The good news is we are at the forefront of breakthroughs, innovations, and discoveries, scientific and otherwise. Aquarius highlights technology, systems, and new data, ever expanding our horizons to what is possible. From an astrological perspective, Aquarian thinking is the way through this time. Change always has a way of challenging the status quo. The status quo is what brought us here, and here and it is precisely what isn’t working.

Aquarius is the part of us that MUST individuate to be healthy. The part that constantly strives to claim authenticity in a sea of conformity. This tension is the incubator of true Aquarian freedom. From a personal perspective, we can all relate to the call to find our genuineness in a world of expectations, shoulds, and comparisons. We can also relate to the exquisite freedom found when we stop defining ourselves by outside expectations.

This Full Moon certainly highlights that. Somewhere in your life, you are being asked to authentically level up. *

It also illuminates the current weather of our collective experience. Aquarian times ask us to find this same sovereignty of truth against the confines of fixed cultural ideology. Cultures, by definition, tend to be traditional, established with specific static values and norms. Tribes tend to stay together, in both habit and fear. Which can be a dangerous tendency. Because the shadow of Aquarius is conformity without question and rebelling without collective vision. Both are selfish tendencies. The larger shadow is mob mentality, cult thinking, cognitive dissonance, conspiracies and other ideologies that use fear to condemn and not inspire. Under threat of evolution, the establishment often fights back with fear and control. Actions like financial insecurity, prejudice, marginalization, rejection, patronizing condescension, lies, and even outright violence to curb the tide of shift. Horrific travesties have occurred within the tsunamis of collective hate and condemnation. And they still are. Yet, change is also constant, potential always tugging at stray threads of culture, challenging it to grow.

And heretics tend to be unpopular with the traditionalists.
But they also changed history.

Without the revolutionaries, scientists, visionaries, geniuses, and paradigm shifters, we would not be where we are today, and they deserve that credit. Yet, it was only when cultural tides adopted the new thinking that change really happened. The match was struck, but the fire itself required the kindling of cooperation to burn. This type of significant awakening is exactly what this time reflects. The individual and the collective. Still, it is also often uncomfortable for those that like the status quo, especially if that status quo is serving them.

We are literally living that tension.

So expect truth bombs to denote in your life. Expect to have to fact check your own beliefs that require some technical truth upleveling (these will be the ones you don’t like or want to see). Expect to be challenged to perceive your reality differently- people, politics, social dynamics, technology, occupations, schooling, health care, all seen through new eyes. Expect to look at your current tribe and assess if it is still for you. Expect to be called to make some good trouble somewhere. Expect to embrace the force of sacrifice (again and again), and within that practice, reclaim your sacredness.

Aquarius energy reminds us our best music is heard when we join as one in an inspired vision, our unique expression a color in the rainbow in the whole of existence.

It reminds us we are at a time in history when selfish idealism can no longer sustain us,

where what is good for all is as important as what is good for me,

where sacrifice is a sacred practice of becoming,

where truth is truth regardless of its inconvenience,

where science and facts matter,

where innovation is possible and probable,

where we will be challenged to expand what we think we know,

where we must see through the eyes of collective humanity,

where service is our driving force,

where what is right overshadows any selfish tendencies,

where we have a vital role in whatever revolution is arising for us.

If we are meant to upgrade this current human existence to move beyond the five sensory experience of mere survival, go further than quantified definitions of success, and see more than the polarity that divides us, we have to upgrade our perspective and awaken to something more. There is more to life than simply getting, achieving, defending, hoarding, surviving, and defining. There is something intrinsic and right that asks us to serve. This force is meant to unite us in our humanity and interconnectedness. If this virus has taught us anything, it is to reveal the truth that we are all connected. We need to start living that way.

Yes, Aquarius is about defining the individual and true freedom of expression but through the eyes of altruism, true service, and sacrifice, not greed. This is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and inspiration. It is the root of real freedom. It is the root of the most sacred activism. Nothing ever changes unless it changes. Our very world relies on a new vision of humanity radical in its equality and collaboration, not just for each other but for the planet itself.

In the words of the late John Lewis, good trouble maker, activist, and change igniter.

“Though I may not be here with you, I urge you to answer the highest calling of your heart and stand up for what you truly believe. In my life I have done all I can to demonstrate that the way of peace, the way of love and nonviolence is the more excellent way. Now it is your turn to let freedom ring.

When historians pick up their pens to write the story of the 21st century, let them say that it was your generation who laid down the heavy burdens of hate at last and that peace finally triumphed over violence, aggression and war. So I say to you, walk with the wind, brothers and sisters, and let the spirit of peace and the power of everlasting love be your guide”

(Want to get a read on where this genius is emerging in your personal chart? Find 11° Aquarius in your chart, or contact me for a reading.)

Photo by KARTIK GADA on Unsplash

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