Aquarius Full Moon 7/23-24- Storms of Consequence

New Moons and Full Moons always work together to reveal the totality of a synchronistic cycle. The last New Moon  explored the need to define the word power, a word we often romanticize, stylize, and often overuse. But honoring the immensity of the word is essential. It is the ability to wield our will in the world. Whether that is a force of support or destruction is the choice point we are walking. Power determines both the path and the way we choose to walk it. It determines the destination itself.

This Full Moon echoes that same theme with an added layer. The Moon (@ 1° Aquarius) sits right between Pluto in Capricorn and Saturn in Aquarius, bridging the gap between the old and the new. Tradition and innovation. Conformity and rebellion. Status quo and revolution.

A change of tides often creates turbulence. Likewise, a change in the atmosphere creates storms, which is exactly where we find ourselves. A storm to be reckoned with for sure. In fact, the Sabian symbol for this degree of Aquarius is “an unexpected thunderstorm.” So, where this falls in your chart, you can expect the thunder of unexpected change to roll through.

I live in the south, where thunderstorms can emerge out of seemingly nothing. Fascinating and terrifying, those storms offer a fitting metaphor. The lightning, the thunder, the wind, and the rain bring life and sometimes destruction. Both sides of the coin. Breakdown or breakthrough. Loss or love. All is possible. All is inevitable.

The storm, though, is not meant to scare us or even limit us- but reveal us. It is to teach us the meaning of the word hope. Not that all will work out as we want it to, but remind us the story is simply unwritten. The storm reminds us of the necessity of uncertainty itself and the balance between control and surrender. Try to control a thunderstorm if you want to get a taste of this delicate dance. Demand the thunder quiet down and the lightning to cease, and you will only find yourself wet and frustrated.

We find ourselves at the tipping point of potential between the known and not yet known. Astrology can help us there too. Are we meant to attach firmly to tradition, perhaps grounding in a more fundamentalist or classical view of our reality? Are we meant to innovate and shake up the foundations on which we are standing? To be sure, there is nothing inherently wrong with tradition. There is a valid value in ritual and an established practice. But, of course, innovation also has its merits as it welcomes evolution and growth.

Are we meant to travel back settling into familiarity or forward into the unknown?

According to the current astrology, it is the latter. We are meant to look back to move forward. Which is the magic of history itself. We glance back to witness how far we have come, what needs improvement, and then commit to making it better.

Somewhere in your life (Look at your chart for more details), you are being asked to navigate the storm of progress. Change is coming and is inevitable. Expect the unexpected.

And this uncovering will continue into the next month and moon cycle. We have the rare addition of the preceding next Full Moon also being in Aquarius (29°). So, get ready to be here for a minute.

This brings us back to power. Because our power, our will, may not control the storm, but it can direct how we navigate through it.

In truth, we NEED some Aquarius right now. Why? An air energy, Aquarians are known as the fact-checkers and technical truth-tellers of the zodiac. The kind of truth that is typically revealed in the storm itself. These are not emotional truths, though they may elicit feelings. They are not even moral or intuitive. They are technical. If this happens… that will be the result. We are going to be tasked to face the reality of what is. Another name for technical truth is consequence. We will likely be living the consequences of long-standing decisions and actions. In the words of Robert Louis Stevenson, “Sooner or later, everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences.“ Welcome to Aquarius.

As such, it is important to remember you are not being punished, though shadowy layers love to offer that story. The storm itself has no punitivity. You are simply being invited. Invited to see things not as they ‘should’ be, or even how a part of you might want them to be, but as they are. That is the choice point of radical accountability and responsibility offered now. It is also where fantasy thinking, conspiracy, bypassing, projection, and other forms of cognitive dissonance cannot exist.

Your personal truth storm will emerge where this Moon falls in your chart. In general, though, technical truths and consequences are becoming blatantly obvious, and if we try to ignore them, the volume just increases.

So, pay extra attention, get curious, and be willing to deal with the real. Fact-check your life. Reach out for support. Practice getting comfortable in the uncomfortable. Do some shadow work if it arises, and soul prayer it up to see it more clearly.

The turbulence between the known and the not yet known is not always easy. Storms are meant to get our attention, humble us a little, remind us of our interconnection, and find meaning bigger than our self-serving ideology. To be sure, technical truths always point us to forces of altruism, service, and sacrifice, not self-centeredness. So, while this time is a storm of innovation and revolution, it is radical in its collaboration, not polarity. It is meant to unite us in the reality of our consequences, the compassionate truths that arise from them, and the united agreement to do better.

“Nature is never devoid of storms and our life’s nature is quite
similar. Many storms gather, occur, and pass away in one lifetime.
Sometimes one huge hurricane may tend to destroy everything in
our lives, yet we should not fear the tempest. A storm comes to life
like a lesson sometimes, when we have no choice but to learn from
the atmospheric gale.”
― Munia Khan, Attainable

*It must be noted that the term “The Storm” is a Q-Anon conspiracy inspired hashtag and buzzword that has infiltrated the self-help word. In no way am I part of that disinformation movement and, in fact, speak up often against conspirituality. Please note the technical truth telling of this time is meant to pierce the veil of disinformation, inner and outer, not promote it.

~Photo by Michael & Diane Weidner on Unsplash

For more on what this time is revealing for you? Contact me for more information.

3 thoughts on “Aquarius Full Moon 7/23-24- Storms of Consequence”

  1. Pingback: Virgo New Moon 9/6-7-The Necessity of Discernment – Aleka Thorvalson, CPC, PCC

  2. Pingback: Aquarius Full Moon 8/22-Collaborating the Divide – Aleka Thorvalson, CPC, PCC

  3. Pingback: Aquarius Full Moon 8/22-Collaborating while divided – Aleka Thorvalson, CPC, PCC

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