Full Moon in Aquarius August 18- The Fire of Authenticity

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We are all unique individuals with the aspiration and purpose to claim authenticity, yet we live in a world that stresses submission and certain standards of acceptance. This dance between individuation and acquiescence is one we all waltz. That polarity of balance can be intense, as it has the potential to prison us into compliant closets, hiding our true selves under a mask of conformity. We are offered a vow of independence, yet face the reality of cultural orthodoxy. What is important to realize, is this conformity is not only a choice of ease but of necessity. As humans, we desire connection and acceptance over anything else and without it, we feel lost, abandoned and cast aside in a lonely world. Therefore, we willingly edit our originality for that connection. History itself has taught us being contrary or unique isn’t looked upon favorably. Skin color, ideas, philosophy, sexuality, culture, and religion have separated us more than it has ever unified us. Our county itself is built on the promise of freedom, yet the truth is being different can be extremely dangerous. There is a fine line between genius and exile.
Yet, we are also endowed with a homing beacon of individuality. Like a flame burning within, we are innately blessed with an inborn spirit, a wellspring of inspiration, and a spark of validity that is just awaiting ignition. Study the geniuses, the rebels, and the freedom seekers, and you will find their inner blaze superseded consensual acceptance. Their inner fire could not be put out, and it raged, burning away the compulsory stories and spells from the past, allowing for innovation, growth, and change. Tapping into that fire is what this Full Moon is all about.

cap moon

What would taking one-step toward freedom and authenticity look like in your life?

Because it is time to come out of the closet and be seen for who you really are.

Maybe you were told you were too

loud, honest, sensitive, rebellious, talkative, beautiful, lazy, slow, perceptive, awkward, silly, aware, loving, unworthy
nice, emotional, wild, generous, placid, boring, unsuccessful, creative, big, small, funny, ugly, messy, naive


eccentric, stoic, stubborn, strange, rowdy, powerful, energetic, weak, afraid, unimportant, clever, rational or different.

This full moon is about embracing the too’ s, because you are too amazing not to.

The too funny ones become our favorite comedians,

the too loud ones become rock stars,

the too sensitive ones become great healers,

the too ugly ones become top models,

the too creative ones become amazing artists,

the too wild ones become innovative explorers,

and the too talkative ones write blogs just like this one.

Like the story of the ugly duckling, many of us are swans in a family of ducks. No wonder it is so hard to fit in. So, stop trying to be a duck and embrace all the ways you are a swan. All the ways you are different, are all the ways you are exceptional. Your differences become the embers of creativity, passion, inspiration and an authentic life of purpose.


Ps : If you are not making at least on person uncomfortable you are not doing it right.

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