Pisces Full Moon 9/13-14 — Three Kinds of Business

Full Moons highlight the dance of polarity between two sister signs. Aries always dances with Libra, Taurus with Scorpio, Gemini with Sag, Leo with Aquarius, and Virgo with Pisces. Oppositions have similar goals, just different ways of getting there.

This Full Moon the Sun in Virgo illuminates the Moon in Pisces.
Both have innate needs to serve, create, and heal, yet they utilize contrasting skills to achieve them.

Virgo wants to DO. Pisces wants to BE.
Virgo wants to manage. Pisces wants to surrender.
Virgo wants to study the parts. Pisces wants to see the whole.

Each is a required step in the journey. The trick is to know when and what specific energy is needed.

When to push and when to let go.
When to analyze, correlate, organize and perfect
And when to allow, trust, release, and sense.

The last New Moon activated a Virgoian sense of direction, purpose, and goal setting. This Full Moon simply asks you to trust the process forward. You have planted the seeds. Now let them grow.

Piscean times are nonlinear by definition. Trust and faith are not found in certainty, after all. They are found in the not knowing and simply believing.

Tips for working with this Full Moon
1) Let go of what holds you back. What must be released (habits, mindsets, relationships, things etc.) to move forward? Piscean times love rituals of release and letting go. (Check out Release and Rebirth) We need to create space for the new to flow in.
2) Pay attention to signs, synchronicities, and all the nonlinear ways the universe speaks to us. Mystical help is everywhere. We just need to pay attention.
3) Look for the flow and the force. If you come up against resistance, take note of that, and assess. When you find the open doors walk through them.
4) Remember the bigger picture as well as the details. Small steps can get monotonous even though they are vital to reaching your destination. We need a focus on both allowing a balance of inspiration and doing.
5) Embrace not knowing. Uncertainty IS the birthplace of change.

Byron Katie says there are three kinds of business. Yours, mine, and Gods. This time is about recognizing the difference between them. This doesn’t mean we deny other types of business, as we need to be accountable for our role in others’ lives. It does mean though we can only change ourselves and what is OUR business.

“I can find only three kinds of business in the universe: mine, yours and God’s. Much of our stress comes from mentally living out of our business. When I think, “You need to get a job, I want you to be happy, you should be on time, you need to take better care of yourself,” I am in your business. When I’m worried about earthquakes, floods, war, or when I will die, I am in God’s business. If I am mentally in your business or in God’s business, the effect is separation.”

~Byron Katie

This Full Moon reminds us we can do all that we can and then release what is not under our power to control today. Remember we can plant the seeds, tend to the soil, make sure to water and nourish, but we cannot make them grow.

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