Libra Full Moon 4/5/23-Do better

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Astrology, like life, is all about balance. Thus, planets in opposition to one another are not meant to be at odds but instead offer a sense of intentional equilibrium-like two sides of a coin.

Full Moons demonstrate this natural opposition in action. In this case, the Sun stands in the light of Aries shining upon a visibly Full Moon in Libra. Libra is represented by scales. Think justice, balance, and equilibrium. That’s Libra. While Aries suggests where and how we need to assert our individuation, Libra reminds us we also need to learn to play nice with others. Healthy systems require that diplomacy is balanced with bluntness, cooperation balanced with selfishness, understanding balanced with assertion, and listening balanced with speaking. When one side gets too heavily empathized, this imbalance results in disequilibrium or shadow qualities of the sign. 

This Full Moon is a call to rebalance the scales, both inner and outer. And sometimes, recalibrations and corrections are chosen. We may choose to change a habit, rethink something, check our bias, intentionally listen to understand, or willingly witness a different perspective. Other times though, the corrections find us. This typically occurs in the form of consequences for our previous choices or life events that cannot be ignored. Reality can be harsh like that sometimes. I suspect with this Full Moon in Libra opposing a stellium of Aries planets, including the Sun, Chiron, Jupiter, Eris, and Vesta, some technical truth bombs are detonating in our lives. Some consequences are coming to light. Some scales of justice reach a verdict.

That’s the good and bad news. Technical truths are amazing in their clarity but often brutal in their delivery. So go easy. Remind yourself these are moments to be more honest with yourself and others, be more accountable, and be more aware of your errors. These are moments to make amends, forgive yourself, and choose a new way. 

Why is this hard? Because it takes some radical humility and compassion. We have to do things parts of us really don’t want to do. We have to admit we were wrong. We have to change our mind. It also can stir up the waters of those more challenging feelings like guilt and shame, which are forever vilified in our culture. Yet those emotions, though uncomfortable, are not only necessary but helpful. They are our natural guideposts for personal integrity, humbleness, and principle. They keep us real.

The Sabian symbol for this Full Moon is “A retired sea captain watches ships entering and leaving the harbor” (Rudhyar), reminding us of the need to reflect on where we’ve been, the choices we have made, and what we have done-our struggles, our triumphs, our regrets, our successes. Where we got it right and where we got off track. Wisdom is found in that courageous perspective of what got us here and how we could do better. And when we know better, we commit to doing better. History is there not to justify our choices but to help us make batter ones.

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” 

~Maya Angelou 

This Full Moon occurs at 16° Libra.

If you could use some help figuring out what that all means, Contact Me for a mini chart reading.

Photo by Jeremy Perkins on Unsplash

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