Virgo New Moon 9/14-15/23-Now What?

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The dance between Pisces and Virgo is one between heaven and earth, vision and creation, flow and form. If Pisces is where we touch the mystic, Virgo is how we translate it into the real world. Because true mystics do not simply contemplate ideas like sacrifice, surrender, alchemy, cooperation, service, and compassion- they LIVE them. Matching words with actions and choices with clear intent, Virgo reminds us the details of our lives determine exactly who we are.

It is time to take some forward action.

I say this with immense compassion to honor what that action is for each of you. Please, though, go gently. Neptune in Pisces opposes this New Moon, reminding us our hearts are still raw and healing. The changes are very much still alive. We are all walking a similar yet vastly different path. Many of you have been navigating the turbulent waters of grief, loss, or sudden change. Those times are powerful in their revelation yet often overwhelmingly complicated and shattering. Parts of you or even your whole reality may have shifted. Where what was is no longer what is. Whatever skins you have shed, you are now in the becoming. Whatever you have been asked to release, you are summoned to venture into the new.

Breath by breath. Right action by right action. Intention matching direction.

Because even after the harshest of storms, the most intense changes, and transforming moments, we must meet the “now what?” moment.

Welcome to the New Moon in Virgo.

Now what?

That is where we are -in the practice of rebuilding both figuratively and quite literally. Virgo times ask us not just to formulate ideas but actual practices. Because Virgo likes the small parts and the idiosyncrasies of repetition required for real change.

What practices are you now meant to embody? What have the last few months (years) revealed to you? Those are the ones to focus on.

You may have been called to develop practices that honor appreciation and gratitude, reminding you not to take life or relationships for granted. Perhaps your personal practices are about being more committed to service or helping more. Maybe you are squarely in the in-between and uncertainly of what is, navigating things like trust, surrender, and faith. Perhaps life has shown you where you need to be more diligent of your own health, community, or environment. Or have you been offered a correction or a place to make amends- where you have gotten it wrong and need to make it right?

In fact, the Sabian Symbol for this Moon is “A royal coat of arms enriched with precious stones,” denoting the importance of what has come before us. Lineage. Ancestors. History. Memories. We carry our past with us, not only to define us but to evolve us. To see where we got it right and where we didn’t. To celebrate and to learn. Using Virgoian precision, we note both are valuable in their own ways. Our memories then become precious gems to be held and felt, infusing our hearts with the graces of what was. These precious stones are meant to be taken into the new with intention, sometimes inspiring us, sometimes breaking us open, and sometimes just reminding us we are still here.

Now what?

That is where we are—slowly making our way to the new. Step by step. It must be noted this time likely isn’t about realizing some big future plans or knowing exactly where the journey will end. Though Mercury is stationing direct at this New Moon, we are still in the retrograde phases of many planets. The pauses and forced stops are really real. I suggest you honor them. Because right now, we are meant to take things slowly, pay attention to what is arising, and use that information to set our daily intentional practice. We are meant to courageously apply discipline and commitment to remember what current lessons have revealed and decide how to integrate them into the new. We are meant to hold steady to our precious memories allowing their graces to help us walk the unexplored path ahead.

“When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not yet ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back.”
Paulo Coelho, The Devil and Miss Prym

~This New Moon occurs at 21° Virgo.

~If you could use some help figuring out what the current astrology means for you, or would like some coaching around the concepts mentioned, Contact Me. 

~Photo by Johannes Mändle on Unsplash

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