Virgo Full Moon 3/18/22-The destiny of responsibility

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The dance between Pisces and Virgo is one between heaven and earth, vision and creation, flow and form. If Pisces is where we touch the mystic, Virgo is how we translate it into the real world. Because true mystics do not simply contemplate ideas like sacrifice, surrender, alchemy, cooperation, and compassion- they LIVE them. Matching words with actions, choices with clear intent, Virgo reminds us that the details of our lives determine exactly who we are.

As such, there is tremendous power in our ability to co-create in our worlds. Every thought, a prayer, every action, word, or deed, a spell. This co-creative force, like all forces, can be used to express the best parts of ourselves or the less than best. Our shadow or our light. Our wounds or our evolution. Our fear or our love.

This is why it is critical when we speak about perception, beliefs, law or attraction language, and co-creation, we must first get very clear which parts of us are defining these terms and which parts of us are animating the system. Perhaps, we can all take a moment to reflect on our own inner workings, and whether we are living the principles we preach. This isn’t about perfection, of course. That would be a Virgo shadow quality, but it is about clear intent, radical accountability, true discernment, and humility. Three vital forces required to embody the immense responsibility of creation. We best make sure it is our highest and most clear selves in charge. Because disinformation, both inner and outer, is dangerous and quite literally deadly.  

Full Moons always activate the energy at play, shining a light on what is most important. The grand trine in Earth with Pluto and the North node reveals a level of importance and opening to chance. Some redemption. Some choice points of differentiation. Some required ability to see through the disinformation so rampant right now. Some inspired path forward. At least that is the offer. It is our choice to choose which path we take. 

The Sabien symbol for this Full Moon is “A bald-headed man.”

In the words of Rudhyar it is more specifically, A bald-headed man who has seized power.” 

An interesting synchronicity and almost literal reflection of the times, this degree is about the RIGHT use of power grounded in the divine masculine*. In its most healing state, masculinity is logical, grounded, patient, assertive, measured, and based on honest critical thinking. The heroic quality of this force is etched in the rightness of integrity, cooperation, inspiration, and sacrifice. Humble and resound, a true leader claims a sense of self-mastery, becoming a channel for a more significant cause. In short, a good leader doesn’t make it personal but looks at the greater good. Honesty, integrity, and truth set the foundation on which our divine masculine parts support the whole. Any assertion and boundary setting come from these most sacred and clear expressions.

Of course, toxic masculinity is also a choice when sourced through the selfishness of fear, pride, or wounded parts. The same power to inspire can destroy. Sometimes this looks like passive-aggressive narcissism and gaslighting. Sometimes it looks blatantly aggressive. The selfishness of this flavor of toxicity forgets to serve a larger cause and instead mistakenly identifies as the cause itself. Disinformation and manipulation become the norm, twisting information to fit a selfish narrative. All ends justify self-centered means. Domination becomes the cause. Control becomes the intent.

And wounded leaders create communities that follow the same wounded narrative emulating the very tactics that pulled them in. It is a treacherous and costly place.

With power comes responsibility. How we wield it determines the nature of what we create. This doesn’t just apply to external systems like passing laws or declaring war, but what we communicate to our families and communities. It is in how we speak. It is in how we relate. It is in how we define our values. Those actions determine the consequences of those choices.

But those themes are not new. Radical change is afoot. Yes, we have been trending toward a boiling point of disinformation and general tension for many years. The impulse may be to bypass, deny, minimize, or explain away what is occurring. The impulse may also be to manage or control uncertainty with things like worry, catastrophizing, or black and white thinking. Reducing the glare from the intensity of it all has its merits. If you need to check out from it all a bit, that is absolutely a profound act of self-care. But this is Virgo we are talking about. You are not meant to check out but check back in. 

Yes, this is a pivotal time in history. You are here for it, which means there is some significant importance to whatever is arising for you. It also means you are meant to look deeply at your own relationship with power, personal and collective. Look at the consequences of choices you’ve made. Where you might have gotten it right and, more importantly, where you haven’t. Because every day is a new chance at redemption—another opportunity to get it right. 

With power comes great responsibility. It is up to us to wise it wisely.

“What we call our destiny is truly our character and that character can be altered. The knowledge that we are responsible for our actions and attitudes does not need to be discouraging, because it also means that we are free to change this destiny. One is not in bondage to the past, which has shaped our feelings, to race, inheritance, background. All this can be altered if we have the courage to examine how it formed us. We can alter the chemistry provided we have the courage to dissect the elements.”~Anaïs Nin

Want to know what this time is revealing for you? Contact me, for more information.

This Full Moon occurs at 27° Virgo. 

Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

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