Virgo Full Moon 2/27- Reason not rationalization

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Astrology is not a summation of fates but a revelation of possibilities. It is simply an archetypal (think Jungian) way of understanding not only the self but the bigger picture. Thus, each sign is symbolic of a specific potential within us, each planet a force of expression. Want to understand how you communicate, including the challenges, the gifts, and the subject matter? Look to Mercury. Want to know how to navigate your particular flavor of spiritual divinity? Look to Neptune. Want to know how you are meant to shine? Look to your Sun. Want to better understand the exquisite language of passion, purpose, and inspiration as well as the habitual patterns holding you back? It’s all there in the nodes and Pluto. Each birth chart is a unique fingerprint for every one of us. It is just one way of many ways to understand the self.

To that end, astrology can also map the nuanced flavor of the times. For example, there is a lot of Aquarian energy afoot. What does that mean? An air of restlessness, itchiness for freedom, a buzzing of ideas, truth, revelation, innovation, and significant change on the horizon. Of course, anytime we push the edges of tradition, there can be push back. We are living that too. Aquarian times tend to be polar and polarity creates significant tension.

This might be the macrocycle we are all living, but there are many micro-ones along the way. New and Full Moons fall into the latter category. We are meant to use these smaller but no less dynamic cycles to help us navigate the larger ones.

In this case, we have a Full Moon in Virgo shining on the heels of a New Moon in Aquarius. What is the medicine Virgo offers? The ability to see the potential-what could be better. Virgo is the hunger we all have to improve and grow. It is the part of us that is driven to help, serve, and make the world a little better. Always opposite the Piscean or mystical side of us, Virgo is the physical channel through which the divine grace is meant to flow. This is why Virgo also rules health and the physical body. We need a healthy vehicle through which that grace can express. All these themes might be highlighted in your life right now. Where this Full Moon is located in your chart will offer more insight into which part of life demands some improvement. On a grander level, though, Virgo also reminds us of a vital and necessary tool so needed right now.


 Virgo’s superpower is its ability to discern truth from fiction and right from wrong. In fact, Virgo’s radar of discernment is so precise it distinguishes between the good and the better, and even between the better and the best. The word discernment comes from the Latin word discernere, meaning “separate.” Words related to discernment include understanding, critical thinking, and insight. Discernment is applied in almost every facet of life- from science and technology to the arts, humanities, and spiritual traditions.

Discernment is powerfully helpful when channeled through the higher mind of technicality minus as much bias as possible. Yet, woefully dangerous when the “truth” becomes unmoving and close-minded. Sourced through selfish or egoistic tendencies, discernment ceases to be discerning at all, manifesting as manipulation of information to cult-like levels of denial.

To be sure, it is impossible to be entirely without bias- personal and otherwise. This is why reason, rationality, fairness, open-mindedness, intuition, and integrity are required to discern well. Virgos and the Virgo part of us sometimes get criticized for being tactlessly realistic. This is not a liability, of course. Virgo truth is not always the one we want. It is likely the one we need.

We NEED some Virgo right now (Look to see where this Full Moon is shining in your chart). Some analysis, assessment, empirical reasoning, and improvement. Some humble intellectual integrity and self-discipline to diminish egocentric tendencies and attachment to being “right”. Some reminders that just because we read it somewhere doesn’t mean it is automatically correct, and just because we haven’t experienced “it” personally doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. Discernment is the reminder no matter what we think, we can always better our skills as thinkers and how we sort information. We can always grow. Thus, discernment is grounded in altruism, improvement, accountability, and the lifelong quest of bettering our lives for all, not a select few.

 It means the “unexamined life is not worth living”.

We should be examining- all of it with Virgoian discernment.

Patience, planning, precision, humility, analysis, discipline, and sacrifice are Virgo superpowers and are essential to giving form to our dreams. Virgo reminds us successful change is IN the details, the mundane, the minutia, and the second by second choices we make daily. Change is not just wanting things to be different, but the actions required to MAKE it different. Every thought becomes an organizing prayer of creation and every step a choice of direction. 

Which is why discernment is so critical.

Because we are literally living history. We are just awakening to the light or dawning phase of this 26,000 year cycle. This time of awakening (real awakening, not current conspiracy) asks us to see what we might have previously missed. It asks us to reach out for help because we often can’t see our own blind spots. It asks us to look at the interconnection of our world, and see through the eyes of another, rather than just our own line of vision. It asks us to fact-check and consider the source (including the bias we all have) untangling fact from opinion or spin. It asks us to think critically and play the devil’s advocate, expanding our ability to both listen and understand the deeper why. It asks us to remember humility and objectivity are directly proportional and both are required. You can’t have one without the other. It asks us to reason rather than rationalize because truth is less defined by what we believe and more about who we become when we believe it.  

This is how we transform conflict into conversation, data into knowledge, and information into wisdom. This is how we DO better. In all of that, we find the grace of discernment and we become better vessels for its expression.

“To be REAL means waking up. Waking up to the inner-truth of who we are and what drives us. It requires an honest look in the mirror to acknowledge that we are not perfect. Waking up means we are willing to transform ourselves from fear-based mindsets and behaviors to become a better person than who we are today. Becoming a REAL leader requires authenticity, humility, caring, transparency, and discernment.

Robertson, Susan. Real Leadership: Waken To Wisdom.
Susan Robertson

Want to know what this Full Moon is asking of you? Contact me for a reading.

This Full Moon is occurring at 8° Virgo.

Photo by Ashish Dhingra on Unsplash

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