Taurus Lunar Eclipse 10/28-Bridging the Complicated

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The Scorpio Taurus Axis denotes the dance between the simple and the complex. This very human struggle has been exceedingly evident of late. Often, when faced with complex problems, we have an innate desire to find some practical, fast, and easy solutions. This is not wrong, of course. Finding solutions is essential. The how gets tricky, though, because we tend to like it when things quickly make sense. We tend to gravitate toward binary answers such as right or wrong, black or white, and left or right. Uncertainty is uncomfortable, after all. Take a look at our current world to note how much we polarize really complex problems. Unfortunately, this approach overlooks the value of complexity and the growth opportunities it offers. Habitual polarity might offer the guise of simplicity or the ease of idleness, but it negates the challenge of accurate understanding or solution finding.

This Full Moon in Taurus Eclipse sheds light on this truth. For a moment, the Moon’s light (Taurus) is extinguished so we can revel in the complexity itself (Scorpio).

And we are living in complex times.

What does it mean to find solutions in complexity? In both our inner and outer worlds, that is what we are currently exploring.

Navigating complexity well means we are willing to see hard truths. Scorpio often illuminates the inconvenient in our lives, showing us where we are accountable and could improve. Those truths can be disguised as mystical synchronicities and open doors. Of course, those truths can also look like consequences, closed doors, or hard endings. To the Scorpio parts of us, uncomfortable truths are often the most profound and life-changing.

Navigating complexity well means we need to listen more than we speak. Scorpio is a sign of receptivity. Inner and outer, we can’t truly understand unless we actually hear. Scorpio listening is courageously being willing to listen to the whole story, even and especially the dark parts, even and especially the parts that trigger parts of us. So, slow down and really listen. There is a lot of wisdom in the quiet.

Navigating complexity well means we stay committed to learning, growing, and evolving. Lifelong learning helps us adapt to change and better understand the world. To do that well, we need to see through our own bias and spin and welcome the inevitability of change.

Navigating complexity well means balancing rational and emotional intelligence. We filter everything through our emotions. In fact, we are rational beings having an emotional experience. Scorpio mastery knows this. Thus, we must filter information through our strengths rather than our wounds, trauma, or history. It’s essential to pause and distinguish between triggered emotions and our sturdy, self-led feelings. This balancing of feelings with logic and critical thinking skills is necessary to analyze and solve complex problems, and it involves evaluating information, making informed decisions, and considering different perspectives.

Navigating complexity well means we seek support and assistance. Scorpio rules the inner realms of discovery. Often, we can’t see our own shadows. Asking for help from someone we trust helps us to better understand ourselves and our world. Pick those helpers wisely.

Taurus/Scorpio conversations are hard not because they are inherently dangerous but because they challenge our sense of security and welcome life’s uncertainty. In truth, people are complex, full of hurts and wounds and wonder. It makes sense our world is, too. And until we embrace this complexity to find solutions, we will continue to recycle the same problems of side-taking and toxic tribalism.

The Sabian symbol for this degree is “A bridge being built across a gorge.” This is a fitting image as we are reminded complex situations need bridges, not walls. If we are going to traverse the chasms of the complicated from the separation of the individual to the cooperation of the collective, understanding, not polarity, is required.

Bridges may seem simple in theory, but they are challenging to design. Each bridge is unique and presents its own set of difficulties. However, these challenges should not discourage us but rather inspire us to push beyond what seems imaginable. Bridges have the power to connect two spaces that were once far apart, reminding us that we can overcome great distances if we are willing. No matter how far apart we are, we can always bridge the gap.

“We build too many walls and not enough bridges”.

~Isaac Newton

~This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs at 5° Taurus.

~If you could use some help figuring out what the current astrology means for you, or would like some coaching around the concepts mentioned, Contact Me. 

~Photo by Nathan Gentry on Unsplash

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