Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 5/15-16/22-Unveiling the light

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Eclipses don’t forecast specific points of change but the entire process. Thus, eclipses are essential because, unlike New and Full moon cycles that offer more immediate insight, they offer a year’s worth of cosmic weather. Why? Because eclipses stand with the Nodes of the Moon, highlighting significant yearlong trends.  

This is a Total Full Moon Lunar eclipse. Meaning, for brief time the Earth is precisely between the Sun and Moon, blocking the light from the Sun and shrouding the Moon in darkness. This amazing sight will be visible from the Americas, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, the eastern Pacific, the South Pacific, and even Antarctica. Go here to check out where and when you can see it.

Differing from the last partial Solar Eclipse at the New Moon, this is a South Node eclipse in the sign of Scorpio. Thus, the reset is focused on where we have it wrong. This isn’t to punish us, of course, but help us by pointing precisely where the correction is required. We can’t change what we can’t acknowledge, after all.

No doubt this has been a time of significant unveiling, revealing what is working and even more importantly what isn’t. It feels like every possible crack, every weakness, every vulnerability is being exposed. From finances and resources, politics, racial equality, women’s rights, education, healthcare, climate change, democracy itself, and the threat of war, we are living 5-star emergencies on every level. The foundations on which we stand are being rocked.

Scorpio may be helpful in its clarity but brutal in its lack of subtly. So you’re welcome and get ready. Shadow material is coming to light.

Comfortable and well versed in the underworld, Scorpio times detect and reveal any thread of dishonesty. What this means is that any stuff we have tried to ignore, anything we may have unconsciously or consciously buried under bedrocks of denial, cognitive dissonance, or projection, will be seen in all its exquisite honesty. I expect some of this might be of the shocking variety as Uranus opposes this Full Moon, offering “help” in the form of truth bombs detonating any subterfuge. Saturn also squares the Full Moon axis, adding a mighty wallop of reality checks. Mercury is retrograde in the sign of Gemini/Taurus, and Jupiter is newly in Aries. Powerful medicine is afoot.

Why? Because transformative change cannot happen in any personal spin. We first must be brave enough to get really, really real. And we are at a place where innovation is happening with or without our permission. We can’t go back. We can’t unsee what we have seen. We are not meant to. In fact, we are meant to see it even more clearly.

The Sabian symbol for this eclipse is represented by the image of “American Indians (indigenous people) making camp after moving into a new territory”. We are moving into new territory, or maybe the new territory is moving to us. Either way, this time requires us to do something radically different because what got us here isn’t working. We are being tasked with looking back to look forward. To assess where we got it wrong and then commit to doing it better.


Look where you most resist looking. Feel what you most resist feeling. This often shows up as people we disagree with, situations we are sure we are right about, toxic tribalism, polarized ideology, exposed hypocrisy, repeated patterns, consequences, and brick walls of reality. In the words of James Burgess, “when we have learned how to seek, then we have discovered how to find.So, celebrate all you have learned and summon whatever threads are left unwoven. Lean into all the places you feel resistance with curiosity. Because this Moon echoes the current Plutonian phase, we are living.

The good news for Scorpio times is that incredible (like mind-blowing) transformation is possible. The challenging news? It’s going to require some hard questions, choices, accountability, and power pivots. It will likely require a journey through the shadows of our underworlds, both collective and personal. It also must be noted that we often do not choose Scorpio learning. It chooses us. We are initiated. Pulled into the depths. Offered a shadow layer to reclaim lost parts of the self. The magician, the shaman, the transformer, Scorpio is about power and the RIGHT use of it.

Because we do have power. Our words, our thoughts, our values, and our decisions determine our actions. We live in an age of influence and information. We best channel that influence through clear channels of ethics, facts, and integrity. If we let wounded layers run our present decisions, our world becomes reactive, defensive, offensive, antagonistic, and polarized. The goal is not to eradicate any parts but to get to know them in such a way we are able to respond, not react.

In truth our deepest or wounded parts are not something to fear or shame away, though they can stir some turbulent feelings, thoughts, memories, and beliefs. Scorpio rules secrets and mysteries- what is yet unsolved within us. We can’t live authentically if we deny the whole of who we are. Healing is the ability to recover fractioned pieces into integration. There is immense power and wisdom in that.

The promise is immense potential. The challenge is hard work will be required. And if you are anything like me right now, you are burned out, soul tired, and weary. Our nervous systems were never meant to carry the weight of the entire world. We are community-wired. That is changing. We are evolving by necessity. As we do so, let us remember Scorpio also holds the promise of the phoenix rising from the ashes stronger, wiser, and more even resilient. There is no sign with more emotional strength, perseverance, and grit. We have that too.

Let us return to the lesson of the eclipse. For a moment, the Earth blocks the light of the Scorpio Moon, leaving us in perceived darkness, but the light isn’t really gone. The Sun shines bright in Taurus, keeping hope alive. Taurus truths are revealed in silence because only when complexity is stilled can we perceive what is real. And what is real is the stuff of the heart. Cooperation, kindness, service, and generosity. There is so much promise, so much lightness, and so much potential personally and collectively at our fingertips. It is a time of revelation, innovation, and breakthroughs. However, we can only harness this potential if we get real about the totality of what needs transforming.

We can thank Scorpio times for revealing exactly what that is.

“The shadow is needed now more than ever. We heal the world when we heal ourselves, and hope shines brightest when it illuminates the dark.”
Sasha Graham

*This eclipse occurs at 25° Scorpio.

*Want to know what this time is revealing for you? Contact me, for more information.

Photo by Chris Moore on Unsplash


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