Sagittarius New Moon 12/12/23-Phoenix Rising

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We end 2023 with some Sagittarius hope—a needed force for so many.

And just a reminder, hope itself isn’t the assurance that everything will work out how we want it to or even in a time frame we want, just that the ending is unwritten. Hope is the promise of potential. It reminds us there will be new possibilities and solutions. Hope reminds us that some of our very best days haven’t yet happened. We are going to meet interesting people. We can make amends. We can see new places. We can choose a new path no matter how wedded we are to the old one.

Hope is powerful because it keeps us going, even in the face of adversity or challenge. There is sturdiness in hope, a resiliency, a reminder that the phoenix can rise from the ashes. In fact, that is what phoenixes are meant to do. In the words of Victor Frankl, “What is to give light must endure burning.” We cannot talk about the light of hope without acknowledging the fire of challenge that created it.

One is part of the other.

Neptune squares this new Moon, offering a spiritual layer to the current energy climate. So, pay attention to any graces that occur at this time. Those intuitive nudges and synchronicities especially. The open doors and the closed ones, too. Both have much to offer. You may notice more pauses as Mercury begins its retrograde cycle in Capricorn. Good. Stop. In that stillness, new information that arises is meant to help you. You may notice a need to go over one covered ground, a feeling of “I thought I already dealt with this?” Remember, patterns repeat until we actually change them. And you (we) CAN change them.

Because hope is remembering, we are both grit and grace, form and flow. We are both actual and potential.

So let us take some breaths together. Take a moment or three to look at the road we have traveled, assessing where we have been. Celebrate the joys. Have reverence for the grief. Offer space for the wonderful and the woeful. The shadow and the light. The triumphs and the missteps. Ponder and contemplate with honest appraisal. Because the balance of hope reveals the constant paradox of change, of what was and what could be. The messy and the miraculous exist in the same place.

That place is hope.

This New Moon reminds us to keep that flame of hope alive. Because hope is a verb, it is a muscle that requires flexing. It means we need to show up again and again, holding steady to meaning, leaning every more into the presence of uncertainty. Hope reminds us to keep some space in our hearts open to what is possible.

Because hope is how the impossible can become possible.

“Just like moons and like suns, With the certainty of tides,

Just like hopes springing high, Still I’ll rise.”

— Maya Angelou

~This New Moon occurs at 20° Sagittarius.

~If you could use some help figuring out what the current astrology means for you, or would like some coaching around the concepts mentioned, Contact Me. 

~Photo by Raimond Klavins on Unsplash

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