Sagittarius Full Moon–June 17–The Power of Perspective

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New Moons reveal and Full Moons we are asked to reckon with those findings.

The last Gemini New Moon illuminated “all the ways the world is speaking to us. All the closed doors and open doors. All the resistance and flow. Nuggets of insights, synchronicities, challenges, inspirations, pauses, and asks for both pause and push.”

What have you learned?

In Sagittarius, we consolidate everything we’ve learned into some higher and personal truth. Some weaving together of updated intention and necessary action.

And the truth is a touchy subject. One that has literally caused wars and acts of unspeakable violence.

And it still does.

Certainly, we see the clashing of truths in our external world as we debate issues like abortion, global warming, and immigration. When morality and science meet, there is often turbulence. Especially if facts don’t support a truth on which you have built your foundation. Especially if facts usher in inconvenience.

Truth is elusive at times Because we do not see the world as it is, we see the world as WE are. Our lens of perception is etched with every experience or feeling we have ever had. It is laced with news-feeds from our parents, our peers, our religions, and our culture. Even the phrase ‘having a differing point of view’ suggests we see the world from different perspectives.

Yet, we often confuse objective truth with this unique personal perception.

There is nothing inherently wrong with this, of course. There is a need to ground in a sense of belief, a comfort in a foundation of knowing, a needed moral compass. Things get unhealthy, though when we become closed vessels of a specific dogma where no light can emerge, and no growth can happen. When we become cognitively dissonant to another view, we become stagnant, motionless, and listless with inactivity. When we attach so strongly to a perception we are nothing without it, fear becomes our activating force and we demand everyone to see it the way we do.

Incredible atrocities have occurred in the name of this kind of “truth”.

The Greek word for “truth” is aletheia, which literally means to “un-hide” or “hiding nothing.” This conveys the idea real truth is the ability to widen our perspective, see from a new angle, shift our gaze so we expand our vision.
The high destiny of Sagittarius is this type of truth. It is expansive. Challenging. It pushes the edges of our comfort zone.

Which is the point of truth after all.

Some other heavy hitters come to the table echoing this theme. Jupiter (conjunct the Moon) and Neptune squaring it (making it a T-square with the Sun) reveal there is some unconscious depth to this truth finding.

What opens us to this expansive type of truth?
What force widens our outlook?


The ability to see through more than one lens. The ability to see a different perspective. Empathy allows us to listen to understand not be right. It opens our mind and lets the light in. Because 70% of communication is nonverbal. It resides in what is felt. When we allow feelings to offer wisdom, we we share space with the energy of what is being said, we see a picture much more accurate to the truth being expressed. It stops being about the self and more about revealing the whole.

Because real empathy doesn’t mean we are projecting our version of their experience on another. True empathy means we meet another where they are, pull up a chair, and ask openly “what’s this like for you?”. In other words, we let go of how we think it should be and listen instead to how it is for them.

I cannot tell you how many times I have asked the question, “help me understand how this makes sense to you?” and been truly humbled by the answer.

Because something magical happens when we bring empathy into our daily practice besides just more understanding.

We want to help.

And please note this isn’t just about embracing empathy with others. It is, and more importantly, also about embracing it with the self. We get so attached to our beliefs, definitions of success, visions of how our life, relationships, bank account, and bodies should look. What happens though if we were able to pull that arrow of truth back and point it to a new perspective.

What do you look like in the eyes of someone that truly loves you?
That is Truth.

“Opinion is really the lowest form of human knowledge. It requires no accountability, no understanding. The highest form of knowledge… is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another’s world. It requires profound purpose larger than the self kind of understanding.”
― Bill Bullard

We have an empathy deficit in our culture. One that the current astrology reminds us we are presently in the process of correcting. The next month is going to get a little bumpy with feelings.

Which is a very good thing because feelings do get our attention.

The shadow or set-up phase for the next Mercury retrograde in Cancer/Leo begins a few days after this Full Moon at 23° Cancer. Mercury will officially go retrograde in Leo on July 7th before it retrogrades back into Cancer. We will also have a Solar eclipse in Cancer July 2nd and Lunar eclipse in Capricorn on July 16th. Whew.

There is absolutely nothing to fear with any of this of course. The intent is to offer new perspectives, new ideas, new insights, and new downloads of truth to enter our minds and expand our vision. It will usher in change though, and what and how that looks depends on  our personal journey. The gift of astrology is its ability to offer precise understanding so we can utilize the opportunities being offered as well as better recognize the challenges that do arise. 

To that end, I have a couple options for you to best navigate the upcoming weather. 

To get a general sense of what this upcoming retrograde means check out the “The Heart of the Matter.

I am also doing a detailed virtual class on the retrograde itself and what it means for you. We will move through the houses going more in-depth to this cycle in its entirety. Feel free to go here to get more information about the Mercury in Retrograde Leo/Cancer Virtual Class and to sign up.

And as always you can schedule a private reading to look closely at what these current cycles mean for you. Check out the many intuitive astrology reading available and feel free contact me to find an available time.

No doubt the next month will be offering amazing opportunities to flex our empathetic muscles. Let’s remember to use them wisely and grasp all the gifts this cycle has to offer.

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