Sagittarius Full Moon 6/14/22-Hints of Hope

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The polarity between Gemini and Sagittarius is reflected in our own minds. The left and right hemispheres of the brain allow for symbiotic yet opposing balance. It is often said that the left hemisphere and left brain dominate people, rely on logic and reason. While the right side and type tend to be more creative and spontaneous. Science tells us that division is actually more nuanced, though, where the “… left brain was better at language and rhythm, the right brain was better at emotions and melody.” (WebMD)

Either way, the goal is to utilize the intelligences of both to function optimally.

Astrologically speaking, both Sagittarius and Gemini are about perceiving and transmitting information. While Gemini does represent the logical, rational, and curiosity-driven parts of us, Sagittarius strives to consolidate those facts into meaning. In this description, it is obvious why it is so vital to do both well. Inaccurate facts give rise to inaccurate truths. Erroneous truths reflect erroneous facts.

The last New Moon in Gemini highlighted the need to clear our filters and get real regarding any information arising. This Full Moon in Sagittarius requires we deduce some meaning from all of it.

What has arisen for us? What are these situations asking or revealing in us? What actions are we meant to take now? What truths have been challenged and updated? Where are our blind spots and bias?

As said in the last New Moon blog- problems repeat until we solve them. Yet, how exactly can we find solutions? We first must gather and understand all facets of the problem with as little bias as possible (Gemini) and then use our power of deduction to decipher the truth (Sagittarius). Simple in theory. Perhaps, not so easy in practice.

Where this Full Moon falls in your chart will offer more personal insight, of course. In general, though, the solutions are all around us if we are willing to get really real about the problem. Thus, there is some promised hope as we stand at the doorway of opportunity and potential. But it is up to us to walk through it.

The Sabian symbol for this Full Moon is, A bluebird standing at the door of a house

A powerful omen at this important choice point. 

Through time and across the globe, the bluebird symbolizes optimism, vitality, and promise. Not sure about you, but I could use some hope right now. While things are definitely heavy out there in the apparent unveiling of just what needs fixing, there is evidence we can find solutions if we are willing. Because hope isn’t the assurance that all will work out the way we want it to or even in a time frame we want, just that the ending is unwritten. That there are new possibilities and solutions to explore. Hope is a reminder that some of our very best days haven’t happened yet. We are still going to meet interesting people. We can make amends. We can choose a new path no matter how wedded we are to the old one. Hope is the ability to lean into the potential of uncertainty and thereby open the door to the truly miraculous.

So, pay extra attention to the graces of hope that surround you. Maybe it is bluebirds at your door or the right person reaching out at the right time. Nudges of intuition. Moments of stillness and beauty. Hope is also found in reality checks and slaps of awareness that demand attention. I suspect with Neptune forming a T-square with the Full Moon, there will be some of both. Because clear intuition doesn’t tell us what we want to hear. It tells us what we need to hear. Empowered intuition is grounded in humble reckoning and radical accountability.

While hope is that almost mystical force of bettering, it is not meant to be a bypass. In truth, there is no bypassing any of the current lessons. Problems WILL repeat until they are solved. This Full Moon reminds us to keep that flame of hope alive, especially when it is challenging. Hope is a verb. It is a muscle that requires flexing. It means we need to show up again and again, holding steady to meaning. There are right actions to take. We can find solutions. Hope reminds us to keep some space in our hearts open to what is possible.

“Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all,

And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.

I’ve heard it in the chillest land,
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.”

~Emily Dickinson

*This Full Moon occurs at 23° Sagittarius.

*Want to know what this time is revealing for you? Contact me, for more information.

*Photo Aidan Thorvalson

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