Pisces New Moon —3/17–An ending precedes every beginning.

An ending precedes every beginning.

This may not be a convenient truth, but it is certainly a universal one.

As we set the stage with this New Moon in mystical Pisces, the question of release and rebirth rises to the surface. This New Moon we are offered the sacred act of letting go and in turn clear the path for new to emerge.

What are we letting go of?

No doubt there are opportunities and experiences in your life that are arising for release. With Pisces energy emerging we need but just look at our lives through soul eyes and every moment is a mystical encounter. With Chiron conjunct this New Moon though we get an added depth of release- one that is at our very core. A belief, a habit, a pattern, or a spell that has been cast upon us, perhaps lifetime’s ago, that has simply run its course. Perhaps, we are being asked to let go of something we are convinced we have already released. This upcoming New Moon is certainly stirring what is left of anything holding us back.

We are rearranging what we think we know to find what we REALLY know.

It is time to get real about what is and what is not working in our lives, and where we do and do not have control. That dynamic balance, that delicate dance between action and surrender, is the foundation of real change.

Yet, letting go isn’t always easy. Though we are spiritual beings our ego, in fact, feels very real. The most spiritual of all signs, Pisces reminds us when we make our pain sacred we welcome transformation in a powerful way. When we use the wisdom of our pain, when we lean into it, we allow it to flow through us and to change us, rather than keep us stuck. Thus, this New Moon is the perfect time to have a release ceremony. There are many ways to do this of course. We can use the purification of fire or powerful grounding of the earth. Yet, Pisces is a water sign, so I recommend using water as a way to embrace release and the freedom and creation it brings. Water has been said to be the most powerful of all elements. Stealthy or obvious, water can take any form. Its strength is perseverance and patience, the ability to etch whole mountains drip by drip. Water cleanses and purifies our outer world, and it can do the same to our inner world with the emotion of sadness. Sadness, letting go, baptizes us in the wisdom and energy of surrender and thus rebirth.

Release/Rebirth Ritual:
All release ceremonies start with naming what you are letting go of. Naming is a powerful act of intention. When we name it out loud, we link breath to intention and harness the energy of co-creation itself. When we say it, we also allow ourselves to feel it, which is an essential step to transformation. Often we have stored emotions in our bodies that offer wisdom and healing. We cannot heal what we cannot feel. Only then can we align with our willingness to let it go.

Name it
Say it
Feel it
and be willing to let it go.

There are a few ways to harness the power of water.
• Dissolving paper- This is one of my favorite ways to use water. Dissolving paper can be found at many craft and novelty stores (here and here). Simply write what you are letting go of on the paper and when ready, let the paper dissolve in the water.
• You could also take a swim, a salt bath, a shower or stand in the rain and allow the water to wash over you, releasing with intention all that needs to go.
• Having a good cry is another way to use water to release.
Release and rebirth. The time is now.

1 thought on “Pisces New Moon —3/17–An ending precedes every beginning.”

  1. Pingback: Libra Full Moon 3/31- The Release and The Reckoning | Aleka Thorvalson

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