Pisces New Moon 3/2/22-Stay Steady

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Sometimes we need to focus on the details, straightening the minutiae of our lives. And sometimes, we need to look at our lives from an expanded, more holistic perspective. Often hindsight and even foresight are 20/20.

Piscean intelligence allows us to see beyond the realm of logic or certainty by taking us out of the world we know, dissolving any illusions. The disorientation intends to summon our more mystical parts. The parts of us that know beyond simple logic. Call it intuition. Call it God. Or trust. Or synchronicity. We all have an inner sense that offers immense information if we are quiet enough to access it.

Mysticism, though, is often romanticized. In truth, it can be gritty, raw, and intense because it brings us face to face with what is- the shadow and the light. We cannot see one without the other. The call of the mystic is radically humble in a constant dance of egoic unblending. Not an easy task.

Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac often stirring our karmic closets. The Sun, Moon, Jupiter, and Neptune dance with this New Moon turning up the volume of Piscean themes. Like all New Moons, there is a chance to start again- a powerful beginning. That is the good news. There can be a promised lightness. Yet, the Pisces paradox also reminds us we cannot have beginnings without endings. There will be those too.

Pisces is that watery gap between the known and not yet known. How comfortable are you there?

Which brings us back to the mystic. Because it is the only part that can effectively navigate this challenging terrain. Piscean magic is found in living the definitions of trust, faith, hope, co-creation, surrender, and sacrifice. How do we navigate the gap of uncertainty without those forces? Shot answer- we can’t.

Of course, we can attempt another way. The shadow of the sign is bypassing in all its forms- denial, cognitive dissonance, conspirituality, or addiction- all the ways we try to micromanage uncertainty through forces of personal control. We tend to embrace the signs and synchronicities of Pisces when we like or agree with the messages offered and overlook the messages that aren’t as convenient. But the inconvenient messages might actually be the most important ones.

From a Piscean perspective, everything is spiritual, or nothing is. Pisces can rule any house in your chart. From money, health, politics, relationships, spirituality, and the values it offers mean nothing if it isn’t lived.

In true Piscean synchronicity, the Sabian symbol for this New Moon is “A sword in a museum,” inferring this tool was used previously and revered. As we find our world reexamining war and conflict, we are being asked to look back to look forward. To let our better angels prevail.

In truth, there is nothing wrong with the sword itself. The wielder determines the functionality of the tool. This degree is all about intent and how we direct our will, our god force of co-creation. It is the “sharpness of our intent”.

In the words of James Burgess, “There is no greater encouragement to rouse the spirit of a reluctant hero than to know that they serve a principle dignified by historical significance – and that it is for them to hold alive this tradition. When push comes to shove and our ideals are tested, we must choose to put aside personal issues and make certain that we do the right thing. We must avoid any temptation, rather preposterously, to show ourselves as having merit in epic proportions – and concentrate our will upon the nobler task of becoming an example for those who serve at a later time.”

The sword does not make the hero or the villain. Our character does.

Which is the point, of course. Pisces reminds us of our ability to utilize our potential power, our sword of will. Almost God-like is our power to create and, of course, also destroy. Pisces times do not tell us precisely what will happen because so much depends on our choices.

So what does astrology suggest?

Stay steady and steadfast as the waves crest and recede. Remember, the North Node is in Taurus opposite the SN in Scorpio. Thus, peace, community, and truth IS the antidote to the vindictive reactive nature of combat (shadow Scorpio). Of course, sometimes we must fight the good fight for those things.

Often, the most difficult things in life bring us back to the most basic and simple truths. Challenging times offer a renewed perspective revealing what is MOST important and what isn’t.

Because when we cannot look away, when truths rise squarely to meet us, and when we must leap into uncertainty, we find uncertainty itself is the birthplace of the Piscean forces of hope and faith. Hope is not the assurance that all will work out the way we want it to. Just the story is yet unwritten. It is the promise there will be more chances to get it right. More chances of redemption. More heroic opportunities to practice goodness, service, gratitude, and sacrifice. More moments that shatter our hearts so we can feel a renewed sense of rightness. It is a promise that grace is present even in our most challenging moments.

Piscean times ratchet up the sensitivity in all of us, so we pay attention to truths only found in the feeling arts. They are meant to rouse incredible compassion where love is a force, not a feeling. Because Piscean perspective shatters the convenient illusion, we are separate. There is no escaping that truth. We are interconnected in miraculous and indescribable ways, whether we like it or not. Most especially, we are connected in our hope. That is powerful medicine.

Because hope is how the impossible becomes possible.

“TO BE HOPEFUL in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness.
What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives. If we see only the worst, it destroys our capacity to do something. If we remember those times and places—and there are so many—where people have behaved magnificently, this gives us the energy to act, and at least the possibility of sending this spinning top of a world in a different direction.
And if we do act, in however small a way, we don’t have to wait for some grand utopian future. The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”
― Howard Zinn

Want to know what this time is revealing for you? Contact me, for more information.

This New Moon occurs at 12° Pisces.

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