Pisces Full Moon 9/10/22-Being grace

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The eclipses are coming making the last few months of the year look…well, interesting. In pure synchronistic fashion, the Taurus Full Moon Lunar eclipse in November occurs the same day as the midterm election in the US (more on that in the upcoming months, but it is sure to be revealing). 

Why are eclipses important? Because they highlight the Nodes of the Moon -aka fate and destiny. That means we can expect big moments that take time to integrate. Think of them like righting a massive ship. The turn happens, but it takes time to come around. Eclipses are the power pivots and choice points that evoke the change in direction.

This Full Moon in Pisces sets us up for the coming months reminding us of a few key themes we have been living.

  • Expect new data to emerge in the form of reality checks, forced stops, and secrets coming to light.
  • Expect inconvenient truths that challenge convenient or familiar beliefs. 
  • Expect tension between habit and innovation, growth, and familiarity. 
  • Expect revelations and examples regarding unhealthy versus healthy power dynamics, communication, and toxic polarity.

New information and truths can be overwhelming. The buzz of new data can be exciting, but it tests our nervous systems to adapt and absorb it. This is especially true if that new data challenges our sense of identity, esteem, or taps into ways we define our security. Our minds are complex, often vying for what truths feel good/safe/familiar, which may or may not be grounded in reality.  

Which brings us to this Full Moon in Pisces. 

From an astrological perspective, truth is defined differently via each sign exemplifying its complicated nature. For example, Gemini’s truth is sourced from critical thinking and logic. Capricorn truth is found in both reason and moral integrity. Aquarius is of the technical variety, think science, and forward-thinking vision. Pisces, though stands firmly in universal truth. As the last sign of the zodiac, it is said to encompass all our flavors of intelligence rising above egoic perceptions. Call it intuition, spirit, God, or the higher self. Pisces is the part of us left when we strip away all our identities, masks, habits, fears, stories, and spells. 

This is both the solution and the problem, though. Tapping into a form of divinity can be mighty intoxicating. Because this force can enlighten or condemn, inspire or punish, which is why we need to get this force right. Because the majority of wars have been fought over the ‘truths’ of religious or philosophical ideology and doctrine. They still are. 

Truth can easily become subjective if channeled through wounded, self-absorbed, or jaded filters. 

And this isn’t just an outer world phenomenon. Inner spellcasters can seem powerfully omnipotent in familiar echo chambers. Our beliefs, typically created long ago, are not always the most accurate to the present time. Limiting outdated stories and spells can certainly keep us stuck, and challenging, reframing, and undoing them is necessary to change. This is where things get sticky, though. While we do have the ability to remake our experience of reality to align with a more accurate presentation, shadowy Pisces parts tell us we can make it whatever we want trying to bypass the real.

Are we running from challenging situations, spiritually bypassing what makes us uncomfortable?

Are we denying the very lessons and experiences that are revealing exactly who we are?

Are we attempting to control our reality rather than looking deeper at it?

Are we denying rather than dealing?

Are we escaping rather than experiencing? 

Pisces terrain is the dance between what is and what could be. The surrender, compassion, and grace of this sign are not meant to give us control but the tools to navigate uncertainty and complexity well. It is not to transcend reality but to bring those spiritual principles to reality, transforming it. Because wisdom speaks in the facts of synchronicities, patterns, reality checks, grief moments, and forced stops as much as it speaks through mystical messages. Our goal is to become as clear a channel as possible. 

Masters of this type of truth knew this fragility. Their teachings, parallel in meaning, remind us to ground ourselves in humility, service, sacrifice, discipline, honesty, and forgiveness. To help those less fortunate. To turn the other cheek. To resist greed and selfishness. To treat others how they are meant to be treated. To get our egos out of the way as much as possible. To critically think and respond rather than react. In this way, every action, every thought, every breath, or every word spoken becomes a spiritual practice…or not.

From a Piscean perspective, everything is spiritual, or nothing is. Simple. Not always easy. 

I often wonder what those wise ones would say today regarding those that use their names, principles, and teachings to justify hateful rhetoric and division. 

It can be said that, inner and outer, there is no other sign with more potential for hypocrisy than Pisces. Because left unchallenged, our primitive minds think in binaries- good versus evil, right versus wrong, me versus you. But the world is anything but binary. It was never meant to be. Polarity may be familiar, even comfortable in its simplicity, but it is a mirage. It is also dangerous.

It can also be said that inner and outer, there is also no sign with more potential for mind-blowing and miraculous, almost magical potential than Pisces. It is amazing what can be accomplished when we cooperate, help, and give more than we get. But to harness that, we need to practice doing the hard things that dismantle our need for constant definitions and polar egoic tendencies. Instead, we need to work to be clear channels of grace. That is where Pisces’ truth is found.  It is in the being not the bypassing. Wisdom means nothing unless integrated into daily life.

So, at this Full Moon, let us celebrate the ways you find that place of the center without the trappings of extemporaneous psychology. For some, it is found in quiet, prayer, contemplation, and meditation. For others, it is found in the action of inspired works or service. For others, it is found in song, dreams, dance, or community. With seven planets including Mercury retrograde, there will be plenty of opportunities to practice. 

And maybe, we may never be able to reach that high level of enlightenment and goodness (whatever that even means). But Pisces reminds us we need to try. Because it is in the trying we become the very best versions of ourselves.

“Everything we say, do, and think, aligns us with darkness or light, love or grievance. Thus everything is a spiritual practice, whether we are aware of it or not. We are constantly, in every moment, aligning with one way of being or another. The choice is ours to make each moment of the day.”
― Ted Dekker

~This Full Moon occurs @ 17° Pisces.

~Want to know what this time is revealing for you? Contact me, for more information.

~Photo by zhang kaiyv on Unsplash


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