New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer July 2, 2019- Rise

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It’s time for a reset.

Eclipses add emphasis to already activated themes. Think of them as a reboot to a system that needs updating. During a solar eclipse, the Moon briefly blocks the light of the Sun, and just for a moment, we find ourselves in darkness.

That will get your attention.

Which is the whole point.

Sometimes we need to be shocked into a correction.
Startled to awaken.

We need to experience a forced pause that brings us to the edge of who we think we are so we can expand ever further into who we meant to be.

Darkness to light.
That is always the path to growth.

Solar eclipses offer significant course corrections in the form of opportunities, beginnings, endings, crossroads, synchronicities, people, and life circumstances. Eclipses dance with the nodes of fate after all. They are glimpses in perspective where our most authentic paths are illuminated, the answers are more apparent, the blocks more evident, and the lessons more evident as we are placed exactly where we need to be.

Which isn’t always the same place our ego wants to be. Change, growth, and evolution, by definition, take us out of our comfort zone.

Even though we are offered a fast track to some fated direction, we also have the destiny to choose which path we take to get there.

We always have a choice.

The energy of eclipses last into the months that follow. So, what is started in this month will continue to grow and evolve into the next six months or so.

This eclipse highlights deep themes we have been experiencing all year. Most every blog I have written has mentioned the Cancerian remedy (north node) to the shadow Capricorn (south node) of late.

More heart. Less head.
More altruism. Less Greed.
More compassion. Less selfishness.
More feminine genius. Less toxic masculinity.
Less control. More cooperation.
More feeling. Less intellectualizing.
More connection, empathy, sensitivity.

More putting ourselves in the shoes of another…
before taking action.

Mercury goes retrograde in Leo and Cancer on July 7th, adding more emphasis to this charged month. For more on that, check out The heart of the matter. Saturn is conjunct the south node and opposing this New Moon eclipse reminding us of the need to fact check what we want with what is actually showing up in our lives.

This month certainly offers some required turbulence. Some shaking loose. Some forced pauses. Some shadow dancing. Some powerful opportunities to fast track needed change.

My suggestion? Lean in and USE it.

Some tips for this time:

Feel. Feelings are meant to awaken us, to inspire us, and to rouse us from our dormancy. Every feeling offers significant and wisdom. (For more check out, The Gift of Feelings blog post, or  Podcast) This is especially true with the gift of anger, a feeling that might be especially evident this month. Often we shame or demonize anger. It is undoubtedly true shadow anger can be both ugly and outright dangerous, the light of empowered anger though is brilliantly inspiring in its passion.
In addition, empaths and feelers out there remember that this time will likely ratchet up your feeling senses. So take loving steps to honor any needed space, boundaries, and feelings of overwhelm. (For added support, consider joining the Empowered Empaths Facebook page.)

Pay attention. Be curious. Signs, synchronicities, wisdom is everywhere during these times. New information is trying to update an old system. Get really honest about what that is.

Go back to go forward. History is essential in that it holds knowledge regarding why we are where we are. Changing our current story requires we highlight how it got there in the first place. Some shadow dancing is likely needed. Whether we are looking at our history as a nation or our personal history, it is critical to look back and evaluate if we are applying old solutions to new problems and then expecting different results.

Practice radical acts of love starting with the self. To understand what it means to really love the self, go here.

Connect. Reach out to like-minded souls and get any needed support. This is a time to gather your vulnerability partners around you.

Let go. Any new beginning requires some sort of ending. So, help that along by releasing what is no longer serving you so you can open the doors to what does.

Get an astrology reading. If you want to know exactly what this current astrology has in store for you (the eclipses, retrogrades and hefty transits) contact me for a mini (30 min) reading.

Finally, TRUST. Eclipses offer great potential for some needed change. And all significant change is proceeded by some element of chaos. We must disorganize a system before we can update it. This may seem like a messy or even turbulent time, but remember you have withstood storms before. And those times of darkness, as tricky as they may have been, have offered the light of grace. Even when the Sun goes dark, remember it is just a shadow, and the light will soon return.

The sun will rise again.

And so can you.

“Just like moons and like suns,

With the certainty of tides,

Just like hopes springing high,

Still I’ll rise.”

— Maya Angelou

This eclipse happens at 10 ° Cancer

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