New Moon in Scorpio 10/27-28 — Seeing the Unseen

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New Moons open the door to new cycles. With the Sun and the Moon standing together, we are blind without the guiding light of the Sun. To that end, New Moons always ask us to utilize our instinct, our intuition, and our inner wisdom. This can be good news or bad news, depending on our level of conscious awareness. Bad news because instinct can imply habitual and not always helpful reactions. Good news because intuition often offers clearer sight.

It is imperative with a New Moon to LISTEN. To pay attention to what wants to emerge. To welcome the wisdom. To honor the unseen.  

This is a Scorpio New Moon, after all.

 Scorpio energy shouldn’t feel all that unfamiliar of late. Mercury entered the shadow phase of its retrograde cycle in Scorpio on October 11th, ushering in this Scorpio weather front. Mercury officially goes retrograde the 31st (For more on that, go to Beyond the Veil). 

Retrogrades are always a time of deep learning and reception. 

Of revelation and reassessment.

In Scorpio, we are looking at transformation of the most potent kind. Hidden layers rise for integration, and we deep dive into our most complex of psyches. 

Expect emerging truths. 

Especially the ones outside of our conscious awareness or the ones we have shamed distasteful. The haunts and ghosts from our past rise again, not to validate our story, but to offer us an opportunity to heal once and for all. In that instant, we take our power back. We become more whole.

 Our stories arise not to validate our myth, but to write a new one.

There will be no escaping Scorpio learning. No matter how we try and resist it. We can try to ignore it through denial or projection. We can try to suppress it or renounce it via spiritual bypassing. Make no mistake, though. It just comes back louder until we acknowledge the lessons it is meant to offer. Such is the nature of Scorpio.

We can expect some dark nights, some death, and rebirth. 

Some endings and beginnings. 

Some shadow walks. 

Our sense of security will likely be challenged. Scorpio deals with things that go bump in the midnight of our soul, after all.

Adding to this New Moon is the exact opposition with Uranus. So we have depth work mixed with the element of surprise. Uranus, the planet of revolution and freedom, deals in the spontaneously shocking. The intent, of course, is not to scare us into submission but shock us into liberation.

 The jolts of electrical insight awakening our own spark of authenticity. 

Uranus is the kind of truth that sets us free. By definition, though, it is unsettling. Uranus shakes foundations that need rebuilding. 

This New Moon, we can expect the unexpected. Welcome it even.

The veil to the underworld is thin. Go on and explore it. That is where the magic is.

Some tips for the journey

  • Get curious– Fear and curiosity cannot coexist. Rather than fall into a familiar story of resistance, allow your perception to widen and see from a soul perspective. 
  • Get humble- Scorpio is an energy of receptivity, which means we do not have all the answers. To receive, though, we must get low and anchor in grounded humility. We must escape the lofty egos and kneel in reverence to receiving new information.
  • Get real– Honesty is a Scorpio superpower. Scorpio is relentless in its ability to reveal the most challenging of truths, often in somewhat blunt and straightforward ways. I suggest just skipping any pretense of denial and going straight to truth. You are going to get there anyway. Take the shortest and least arduous path. (Because whatever truth that wants to arise will do so- with or without your permission).
  • Get help– There is a saying that we are not given more than we can handle. While this might be true at some times, this isn’t true during Scorpio ones. Scorpio learning means we will get MORE than we can handle because the very lesson IS asking for help. Divine or human. Reach out. Shadow work requires a guide.
  • Get funny- Humor is a vital tool on the journey through our own darkness. This is not to diminish the pain but to honor our humanness within it. The ability to see the cosmic jokes, paradoxes, and synchronicities offers some levity within the obscurity. 

 “The eye is always caught by light, but shadows have more to say.”

~Gregory Maguire

Want to know what this New Moon is asking of you?

Contact me for a reading.

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