New Moon in Sagittarius 12/7—Faith is a verb

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Faith is not given, it is earned. And typically it’s earned not by sailing smooth seas but venturing out in rough water. The eddies and turbulent currents of change and challenge. At those times, faith can be slippery, elusive, grasped with tired hands.

Faith becomes a practice.

A discipline.

A journey of discovery and not a destination.

This New Moon in Sagittarius sets the course for faith. With Neptune and Mars squaring it from Pisces, we are asked to study the subject matter rather intensely. We are being offered a higher learning of hope. A master’s class in principle.

Sagittarian faith is one of fire. It isn’t passively receiving. It is a brave action confronting trepidation. It means we harness it by facing the thing we fear itself. The birthplace of faith is fear transforming in the fire of courage.

We may very likely find ourselves at a crossroad of conviction, where the undercurrent of some shadow force has swept us off our feet. This has never been more evident in our current cultural patterns. I have read comments from people on social media, news stories and the like regarding devastating human events, and felt a piece of my heart shatter. My faith in humanity rocked.

Enter Sagittarius.

The archetypal archer that shoots an arrow at the bullseye. There is a natural and essential polarity to this force. A bullseye or a miss. A Right or a wrong. A choice point.

Sometimes cooperation and compromise are needed to move forward.

Other times polarity becomes the beacon of light that reveals the correct path at the crossroad.

On a more personal note, these situations look like lines in the sand. Feelings of “I’ve had it”. “I can’t do this anymore”. You may feel done. Spent. Exhausted. Over it. It all may feel like too much.

The arrow has flown, and it is showing the way forward by shutting down all other options. The dark night of the ego is a choice, an opening, a clear epiphone disguised as a very low moment in your life.

Make no mistake this is a calling for an ending. This is a deep knowing from within that something needs to end but hear me… it is not YOU. It is that thing disguised as you. That identity, pattern, habit, thought system, belief, or behavior, assumed and assigned, that have run their course.

The feeling of finality is accurate but not at all related to the worthiness of your presence here.

It as if you have been led to the bottom-line block. Pretense has been distilled away to reveal what is truly holding you back. Intense but certainly efficient, like pulling off a band-aid in one fast tear, the universe is revealing where the gold is buried.

The feeling of finality is the power of discernment gifting you with a clear vision to commit to a new road completely letting go of the old one. It is never your light that needs to be snuffed out, only a call to end whatever is blocking your radiance.

Once and for all.

Faith is the ability to move forward when you are not sure where the path will lead but with the full realization the path you were on is no longer an option. Faith is a muscle we have to consistently work, so it doesn’t atrophy. The more we do it, the stronger it gets.

It is leaping without truly knowing a hand will be there to catch you, but believing there will be.

It is doing the hard things.

It is aligning with the small, powerful voice inside you leading the way. Especially when the wounded parts say it’s too hard, or you’re not strong enough, or you have and it hasn’t worked. You forge ahead anyway.

It is no longer accepting the old stories. No matter how loud and convincing they are.

It is the line in the sand with fear. No more. Not here.

Faith is a verb, not a noun. And it’s forged in those moments you feel like you can’t do it anymore. In fact, that is exactly right. YOU can’t do it anymore. You were never meant to.

Sagittarius reminds us we have a whole guidance squad at our backs able to do the heavy lifting. Ready, willing and able. All we have to do is ask.
Especially when we least want to.

So ask. Turn what is spirit’s business over to spirit.

And simply get out of the way.

Then witness and allow grace to appear in all the way it is meant to.

To learn more about how this Moon and other transits are teaching you, contact me to schedule a reading.

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