New Moon in Aries 4/5—Begin again

We begin the astrological year in the spring when light breaks up the dormancy of winter and color begins to emerge.

Spring represents the rebirth available us to us with every new day, every new sunrise, every new minute, and every new breath. Aries embodies this energy. It begins the zodiac.

It enlivens. It focuses. It animates. It emerges. It ignites.

Certainly, we should be feeling this invigorating and activating shift.

Perhaps some needed change has arrived, some required fluctuation, some forward motion.


But don’t take that sigh of relief just yet.

Because Pluto, the South Node, and Saturn all in Capricorn join (crash?) the party, squaring off with this New Moon. Whew. For those of you new to astrology, these are not the planets one would invite to a spring gala.

Think limitation meeting activation. Think reality meeting vision. Think truth meeting enthusiasm.

Think setting out on a journey of discovery and a forced pause arises asking, “Wait, are you totally sure?”.

Those planets keep it real.

We are also still in the integration phase of the Mercury retrograde. So, there is that.

The themes at play are not really new. In fact, they have been emerging this whole year. In short, the shadow layers of Capricorn are being revealed both collectively and personally, so we can heal in Cancerian ways. More divine feminine, less shadow masculine, more altruism, less greed, more trust, less control, more empathy, less insensitivity.

No doubt the air is ripe with creation. Yet, birthing new truths, setting new paths, venturing into uncharted waters often means we have to face our most profound limitations. At least we do if we are truly serious about change.

As we become the pioneers on our expanded journeys, we must assess before we push forward so we can be sure we are not just reacting and then re-enacting old patterns.

Will is indeed the marriage of both intention and action after all.

“Energy goes where intention flows”.

We must ask what are we birthing? Is it in alignment with truth? Justice? Love? Empathy? Service? Trust?

Or it is more of the same old story.

This New Moon is about setting a clear and heart-based intention. This often requires we STOP, go deep, and do some shadowy soul work to find the just what that is.

Is our intent sourced in shame stories or spells of unworthiness?
Is it sourced in shoulds or needing validation?
Is it sourced in fear of rejection, abandonment, or needing control?

That is what is requiring change.

Our intent always defines the end result. The means determines the destination.

We will never find peace through war, and we will never find freedom through the limitation of our learned pain.

There is a saying that goes, “To the ego know pain is better than unknown joy”. Such is the nature of habit.

Aries offers the doorway, the courage, and the clarity of will to risk a new journey and take a chance on joy.

What have you got to lose?

1 thought on “New Moon in Aries 4/5—Begin again”

  1. Pingback: Libra Full Moon–4/19 —The price of pride | Aleka Thorvalson

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